Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3795: Righteousness is hard to kill

Liu Yu's eyes were bright and his voice was loud, and he continued: "If things go on like this, you can only protect yourself or go to the army here. It should be a rich land, a land of fish and rice. It is even more impossible for us to use this place as a base for the Northern Expedition!"

"Miaoyin, this kind of act of making the country poor and weak for the sake of her own family's self-interest cannot continue. Otherwise, when our generation grows old and is no longer there, then there will be demons and thieves, and then the strong will come out. Hu invaded the outside world, what can our descendants use to resist?"

Wang Miaoyin was silent for a long time, and after a long time, he sighed: "What you said has some truth, and we have been reflecting on it, but don't think that if you overthrew the noble family, then everyone in the world will really be equal, those commoner children. The most probable result is that after one or two generations of descendants, they will become corrupt and degenerate, and even my own generation will be arrogant and lustful after gaining wealth and honor, and will not think about making progress. Now many old brothers in the Beifu army have appeared in this way. Situation. Do you want to deny it too?"

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin's pink face was frosted, and continued: "Anyway, it is a little bit of accumulation to be able to get into the current family. Ability, reading and literacy, in the future, you should also learn more about the art of warfare and tactics, and the art of governing the country. Just like you, if you are fighting, you prefer to use the old brothers you are familiar with and grew up with, or you want to use the ones who just joined the army. What about the recruits who don't even know themselves?"

Liu Yu laughed: "Speaking of this, Miaoyin, you're arrogant. The army and soldiers are heavily dependent on physical strength. If you can beat a strong man at the age of twenty, you will be over forty or fifty. After that, it was difficult to beat a young man in his twenties. Sitting on this handsome stage to command."

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Wang Miaoyin frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Liu Yu put away his smile and continued: "So we old brothers, made merit and promotion, killed one by one from the soldiers to the position of generals, and began to change the task from personally rushing to commanding operations, because we have a lot of experience and rich experience. , know the tactics and military affairs, so they are competent in command. We take our apprentices, our nephews and nephews with us, let them also experience the war, and also have the commanding ability, and pass on the ability to fight. This is your family's high Men often say, soldiers will grow."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, a soldier will be a general seed, and a family will be a tiger, but it is the same as us. After a few generations, there is no guarantee that future generations will still have this ability and ability. Isn't the most typical one is Huan Xuan? In two generations, only ambition and no general talent are left."

"Even Huan Xuan is considered to be the best of the general's disciples, and most of the others are not as good as him. Brother Yu, even your future children and grandchildren will face the same problem. Because of culture, you can read and write, but you have to go to war in person. The battlefield is too dangerous."

Liu Yu nodded: "So, whether it is civil or military, whether it is a general or an aristocratic family, you can't only consider the interests of your own small family, because our number is too small and too limited!"

"You can't expect the talents of the country, whether they are civil servants who govern the country or generals who fight wars, to always come out of these families."

"Only by further expanding this scope, so that more and more people can learn martial arts and literature, and master the talents of literature and martial arts, can there be a minimum number of talents. Only by selecting a large number of people can real heroes be produced."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "A real hero like you, isn't it also for the Lord Xianggong? Liu Laozhi and the others were not buried. If you knocked down all the elites in the aristocratic family, overnight It's all replaced, and no one is in charge of the overall situation."

"Those who are a little talented but have no background and family background, and those who don't have accumulated background, once they ascend to the top, what they have to do is not to recommend and discover talents, but to seek personal benefits for their own family. Brother Yu, selfishness and harmony in human nature. You can’t change your greed, don’t always think that this is the case with noble families, ordinary people are also like this, and they are likely to be more greedy, because they have never tasted wealth and honor before, and once they taste it, they are even more reluctant to lose it.”

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Why do I feel that Miaoyin is talking about me?"

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "I didn't target you Mu Zhi, but this kind of situation is very common now, even Brother Yu's younger brother Liu Daolian has done a lot of greedy and perverting the law in recent years, right? Many Beifu soldiers who started their careers with military exploits, they are domineering in the local area, they are not inferior to the brothers from the Diao family. They are still like this when you are in power, Brother Yu. If you are gone, it is even more unimaginable. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com”

Liu Yu nodded: "I admit that what you said makes sense. People have selfish intentions. Whenever they have power in their hands, they always want to make wealth for themselves and their families. Therefore, to control such a situation, it is necessary to Formulate strict and reasonable regulations and policies, starting from the superiors themselves, restraining their family members, restraining their own children and nephews, such as Liu Daolian, I also learned today that he has done so many evil things over the years, after the fight , his positions in the history of Pengcheng can't be kept, and I even need to hand him over to Youji for trial and national law."

Wang Miaoyin's face changed: "It's absolutely impossible, Brother Yu, anyone can handle this kind of close relatives, but you can't, if you really do this, first of all, it's a violation of filial piety and human relations. A cold-blooded person who doesn't even care about his relatives, everyone will not think you are noble, they will only think you are terrible."

Liu Muzhi also sighed: "Yes, loyalty and filial piety is the foundation of a person's life. If a person is not filial to his family, then everyone will think that he can't be loyal to the country. The state law executed his son who killed his slaves and servants, which seemed to be upright and selfless, but in the end it was proved that he was just killing his son to seek fame, to gain a higher official position and reputation for himself, so that he could usurp the throne and establish himself as a monarch."

"Slave, if you don't like Liu Daolian again, don't deal with him publicly. This will not have a good effect. It will only weaken your status and make people afraid to approach, no matter how lofty and lofty your ideals are Power is difficult to achieve.”

Liu Yu sighed softly: "What he violated is the law of the country, and it is the people who harm the people. If I don't deal with it, no one will dare to bring him to justice. Many brothers from Beifu that Miaoyin said just now began to corrupt and degenerate and harm the country. , isn't it just because you look at Liu Daolian as a model?"

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