Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3810: The Law of Liwei Peace of the World

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Liu Yu was speechless for a while, and after a long time, he sighed: "No wonder the brothers of the Shen family turn pale when they talk about Liu Yi, but Liu Laozhi and Xile have such a good relationship? Because of Ah Shou, they It should be incompatible.”

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "This is the strength of Liu Yi, in order to achieve his own goals, the former enemy can shake hands and make peace, at least not openly offend, such as Yu Yue, the former benefactor only needs to block If you want to go your own way, you will still be killed, and you will never hesitate. After all, Liu Yi has been under Liu Laozhi's hands for many years, and he has become Liu Laozhi's best tool to suppress you."

"But because it also threatened Liu Jingxuan at the same time, especially those hornet's nest incidents that almost killed Liu Jingxuan, the relationship between the two has always been very delicate. The basis of cooperation lies in common interests, and this interest , most of the time is because I want to deal with you, send slaves, don't think that Liu Yi is simply acting on orders, saying that military orders are like mountains. In fact, Liu Yi wants to get rid of your heart, even more than Liu Jiaozhi! "

Liu Yu frowned: "What clear evidence do you have to prove your claim? I think it's not false that Liu Yi wants to compete with me, but it doesn't mean that he really wants to kill me."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I don't have any other evidence, because Liu Yi has always been careful to express his attitude with you, it's just a competition with the Beifu eldest brother, and no one can pick out any faults. Because everyone knows him I've been fighting with you since the beginning."

"You are too principled in your actions. For example, the kind of robbery is strictly forbidden here, but Liu Yi always enforces it. He also said that this is the rule of the Beifu Army, and even He Wuji followed him. study."

"Actually, there are two points behind this. One is that Liu Yi deliberately wants to show that he is different from you in order to win over people who don't like you. The second is that Liu Yi also knows the heart of the military. The immediate interests outweigh the later powers.”

"So indulging in looting has always been the best way to stimulate the morale of the army. Since ancient times, it has been tried and tested. Send slaves, if you want to conquer the world in the future, you must consider this aspect, otherwise, if you lose a large number of people, you can easily recruit Na's elite soldiers are your loss."

Liu Yu shook his head: "We are fighting for the long-term happiness of the people of the world. How can we loot those who should be protected? Mu Zhi, if we do the same, what is the difference with Hulu?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "It's not so absolute, you don't even think about it, why Nanyan came to the land of Qilu, plundered and plundered, and quickly pacified this place. After a lot of hard work, it took a year to win Guanggu, and you still have to worry about the handling here in the future?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Is it possible, do you think that the kind of burning, killing and looting scared the local Han people to dare not resist, what is the correct method?"

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "To conquer an area, especially a foreign country with no human affection, the best way to rule is to quickly and thoroughly establish prestige at the beginning of the attack, and let the people here know how powerful the conqueror is. From the bottom of my heart, I dare not resist. Since ancient times, the war to destroy a country has often been accompanied by a large number of sins, but this way, it is easy to follow-up stability, but it is easy to surrender and surrender, and the pardoned enemy will rebel. Constantly, let's not talk about the distance, just talk about the near, Jingzhou has been the best proof in the past few years, but it was the land of Wu that was recovered by Liu Laozhi's iron and blood, but there has been no trouble, Ji slave, don't you understand? ?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Using violence and slaughtering can only make people afraid for a while, not really convincing. I believe that only by treating people with heart and benevolence and righteousness like Daogui, can Jingzhou be completely governed and completely Settle the century-old Jingyang dispute."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "But when Yin Zhongkan went there in the past, he was very benevolent and righteous. He even took military rations to help the victims and bought people's hearts. What was the result? He didn't die in the hands of Huan Xuan. , is to follow the more powerful Huan Xuan, not the good Yin Zhongkan."

"Going forward, Fu Jian is also an example. In the end, the people of Guanzhong were forced to follow the cruel Murong Chong, and the treacherous Yao Chang did not support Fu Jian anymore. Therefore, the reputation of benevolence and righteousness cannot be guaranteed in this troubled world. , What is decisive is still strength, not morality. If we hadn't defeated the Yan army in Linqu, how could the local Han people have come to defect to us?"

Liu Yu waved his hand resolutely: "Mu Zhi, there is no need to argue with me about this matter. As long as I am here, I will never allow my subordinates to plunder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and harm the people."

Wang Miaoyin suddenly said: "Then if these are not loyal to you and the people of Dajin, but are capricious villains, such as expressing submission to you in person, but behind a conspiracy and rebellion, they will become independent as soon as you walk away. Do you still want to protect such a person?"

Liu Yu pondered for a while, and said: "If such a person is capricious, I will personally lead the troops to pacify them, but I will not be like those tyrants and rebels, just like those tyrants and rebels, because of their betrayal. Killing and robbing ordinary people indiscriminately. The chief villain and henchmen need to be killed, but the common people are still innocent and can still be forgiven. Of course, some necessary punishments, such as relocation and exile, are still required, so that they will not continue to be in the same place next time. chaos."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "This method is okay, but if the first method is not violent and too easy to talk, then prestige will not be established, and people's ambitions should never be underestimated. If you are incited to rebel again, then more people will die, and the country will have to spend more resources."

Liu Yu asked back: "What do you mean by Liwei, how do you Liwei? Is it murder or robbery?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Thundering means must be used, otherwise it will not be enough to deter the world. Some people can be pardoned by surrendering, such as ordinary Xianbei people and common people, but some people are not allowed. If you come down, you may not like to hear it, but I have to say it. After Murong Lan surrendered, you can't forgive all the Murong nobles except the black robe as agreed with her. Murong Chao, the pseudo-emperor of Nanyan, Murong Zhen, the king of Beihai, There are also Han Fans, Han Chuo brothers, and other Han people, and the leaders of the pseudo-Yan must all be killed, otherwise, you must not stand up here, and if you do not, you must not pacify the world!”

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