Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3811: The arrogant soldier casts Xile

Liu Yu's face changed greatly, and he turned angry, and said sharply: "Liu Muzhi, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you want me to treachery and slaughter the leaders and clan of the Murong clan? Then you might as well refuse them to surrender and directly After the storm, massacre the city. This kind of killing and betrayal of trust is the worst behavior, and it has been shamed by people in all dynasties. You have read so many books, have you read them all in the belly of a dog?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Of course I know, but the two evils are the lesser of two evils. Since you are reluctant to bear Muronglan and ordinary people, there is no way you can refuse to surrender and forcibly attack the city. But this time if you let Murong Lan The leaders and clans of the clan survived, and these people will be more dangerous than Liu Yi and Xie Hun in the future, and it is certain that they will take the opportunity to cause chaos and make Qingzhou never peaceful."

Speaking of which, on Liu Muzhi's fat face, his eyes were wide open and gleaming: "Think about demon thieves, you are soft-hearted towards them for a while, let them go into the sea, and hope that they can sail away and go to foreign countries. If they don’t come back, what will happen? They went to sea from Wudi, traveled thousands of miles by sea, ran to Guangzhou, and took advantage of the Huanxuan Rebellion to capture Lingnan as a base.”

"Later, we just returned to the country and were unable to go on an expedition. You did this again, pardoning Lu Xun and Xu Daofu, as well as tens of thousands of old thieves, and allowing them to govern themselves in Guangzhou. Ji killed them all, and now the demon thieves are still in Yuzhou, directly targeting Jiankang, and they have become the number one threat to our Dajin. "

Liu Yu let out a long sigh, and his momentum also weakened: "I didn't know that there was a Tiandao League behind the control of the demon thief, I knew this, and Lu Xun and Xu Daofu would never be spared when Wudi suppressed the rebellion! "

Speaking of which, he stomped his feet ruthlessly, causing the handsome stage to shake violently, almost stepping on a big hole for him on the ground.

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "Regardless of whether there is a Tiandao Alliance behind them or not, you shouldn't let these demon thieves have a chance to breathe. You Gu Nian had a little old friendship with Lu Xun and Xu Daofu back then, and fantasized about them. They killed Sun En because they wanted to change their evil ways, but in fact, they did not kill Sun En to change their evil ways, but to take the opportunity to stand up for themselves, because it had been proved at the time that Sun En could not lead them to continue the chaos, so they needed a new leader, really. If you want to change the evil, the way is to put down your weapons, scatter your soldiers home, and surrender yourself to the court. If I were by your side, I would never agree with your actions!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "But when they were in Lingnan, you didn't want me to kill them right away."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "At that time, they were already separated in Guangzhou, and the foundation was deep. Even if we sent troops to attack, they could go into the sea by boat and sail away. We can't destroy them, and I don't want to. The reason why you sent troops is that Jingzhou was recaptured by Liu Yixin at that time."

"If you take advantage of the victory to send troops, then if Liu Yi wins, then the power and prestige may be higher than you. If Liu Yi loses, Jingzhou and Jiangzhou are in danger of losing again, so I can only suggest that you let Liu Jingxuan send troops to Qiao Shu first. I want him to make meritorious deeds first, stand in the land of Shu, and then find an opportunity to enter Yunnan from Shu, enter Guizhou, and enter Guangzhou from the flank. At that time, Liu Daogui can also take over as the governor of Jingzhou, so the overall situation can be determined.”

Liu Yu sighed: "You have been defending Liu Xile, and you have even outperformed foreign enemies. What does he have to offend you and make you hate it so much?"

Liu Muzhi gritted his teeth: "It's because you don't distinguish right from wrong, it's hard to tell the difference between the enemy and me, and you always treat Liu Yi as a brother, so I have to do these things, Liu Yi is the only opponent who can surpass you in the army by military merit, including Ah Shou, Wuji and the others have neither the ability nor the desire. Over the years, you have been popular in Beifu, but only Liu Yi refused to accept you. I have said so much, and I have already explained it to you. , this is not only a problem of one person, but also a problem of governing the army and the concept of joining the army."

"Liu Yi's trick is to use looting and robbery to stimulate the desires of the soldiers. In this chaotic world, there are stragglers everywhere, and his method of governing the army is the most suitable for the tastes of these bandits, horses and thieves, the more strict you are. Military discipline, the more elite soldiers and generals he can recruit there. Brother Jingkou, in the future, with the stability of the world and the severance of the refugees in the north, the combat effectiveness will continue to decline, and his strength will become stronger and stronger. Because , your way of establishing an army is to rely on self-cultivation and tax-exempt farmers, while he directly recruits tough sergeants."

Liu Yu said loudly: "I believe that the good people and strong men who join the army for the purpose of defending the family, defending the country and making contributions will be stronger than those stragglers who only kill and set fire and aim at looting, just like we have encountered so many. Bandits and bandits, haven't they all been wiped out?"

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "Then let the old brothers who have already made meritorious deeds go home, and the old brothers over the age of 30 will re-enter the battle, independently form an army, and go to pacify the horse bandits and bandits in all parts of Qingzhou, and have a look. Are they doing well?"

Liu Yu was at a loss for words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He wanted to refute, but when he thought that even Sima Chuzhi's den of thieves in northern Henan could not be pacified, he suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly: "Everyone is about the same, how much combat power they can exert, in addition to their basic qualities, depends on the motivation to fight, the bandits will starve to death if they don't grab it, they are fighting for survival, and officers and soldiers, Especially the veterans who have returned home from the army, who have fields and land, marry a wife and have children, will naturally find it difficult to be interested in fighting the enemy, so this time we send troops, although the veterans are the core to become officers, but the soldiers have to recruit new ones who are not. Those who have fought, have not made merit, and have no titles, otherwise, we will not be able to win this battle."

"Liu Yi ruled the army, relying on high military salaries to stimulate and allow post-war looting. This is also a rule that has existed since the establishment of the Beifu Army in the era of Liu Lao. Brother Yu, you are well aware of this. Although you yourself I hate this kind of thing very much. When I was in charge of the army, it was strictly forbidden to loot, but in this way, those desperadoes who licked their blood with their knife heads would turn to Liu Yi."

"Especially after the war, people with strong military capabilities themselves, if they join the army again, there will be a lot of Liu Yi's subordinates. If his subordinates are all such elite soldiers, he has ambitions. , it will become a huge threat to you."

"Because, they will have a strong enterprising spirit for the slaughter after the city is destroyed. Just like this time in Guanggu, if Liu Yi is replaced, then by now, they must be walking on the corpses of the whole city. , divide the money and the women in the inner city of Guanggu."

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