Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3816: The King's Road Needs Concessions

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Liu Yu stared straight at Liu Muzhi's face without moving, and said solemnly: "Fatty, what do you mean by that? You said just now that you want to build that ideal country with me, and you will regret it?"

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "It is precisely because I want to build this ideal country with you that I tell you this. If you want to build the world you want, you can't go against the will of the majority of people in the world. God's gift, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness are the foundation of one's life, and now they are the current rules that everyone recognizes. If you want to change, you must first gain power, and then change customs, otherwise you will be seen as a chaotic minister and thief in everyone's eyes. ."

"It's just like the Han and Hu who you have been shouting for your whole life are at odds with each other, and countless soldiers and soldiers have died fighting against the Hu people, but in the end you are the Ming medium who is marrying the princess of the state of Yan, then others will not appreciate the earth-shattering love between you and Murong Lan, only I feel that you are a hypocritical person, and even suspect that you want to use the power of the Hu people to usurp power and seize the throne!"

Liu Yu was trembling with anger, and shouted: "Fart, bastard, who dares to say that I killed someone!"

Liu Muzhi sneered and said, "Can you kill people and stop people's mouths? Ji Nu, don't put yourself in the opposite direction of the world, your great ideals and noble sentiments, those of us around us know, but People in the world may not know that even those ordinary civilians you want to save and liberate will become your most staunch opponents. As long as someone tells them that Liu Yu is a big traitor and married a Hu wife, After giving birth to a mixed-race hybrid, in the future, it is to rule you like the northern Hulu and Shihu Murong Chui, what do you think they will think?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "They will be allocated real land, and they will have the opportunity to let their children go to school to read and write. Facts will educate them. Who is really for their good!"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Fu Jian also did what you said. In addition to going to school, he also allocated land to the Han people. During the stable period of the former Qin Dynasty, the Han people in the north lived better than those in the Jin Dynasty. But so what, do they take Fu Jian as their own?"

This sentence was like a thunderbolt that struck Liu Yu's body, causing his ears to roar, but he was speechless.

Liu Muzhi sighed and paced: "Ji slave, the reason why you shouted the slogan that the Han and Hu are incompatible, and countless elite soldiers came to vote, is because this is another perception of the world. Jin established the state because of the rebellion of the northern barbarians and the destruction of the Western Dynasty, and the Han people who were unwilling to be slaves came to the south to establish the state. Although there are also barbarians like Fu Jian, who are the masters of benevolence and righteousness, but no matter how wise and righteous he is, he is also a barbarian. , Not my race, as the ruler and general of the Jin Dynasty, you can recover the north, expel the Hu prisoners, and restore the Central Plains. , the Han people will oppose you."

"In the past, Ran Min was incapable of doing bad things and was incompetent in governing the country, but even with one move to kill the six barbarians inside and outside the country, he could attract all the Han people in the north to join him for a period of time. What does this mean? Racial conflicts cannot be resolved overnight."

"The demise of the Western Dynasty, those of us who read history, know that it was because of the rebellion of the Eight Kings and the civil war of the Sima clan, but in the end it was the barbarians who started from Liu Yuan who gained the northern world. I know that the barbarians have conquered the north, causing them to suffer for hundreds of years. If you want to take revenge, you are looking for barbarians, not the princes of the Sima clan!"

Liu Yu said solemnly, "That's right, so you actually think that my policy of merging Hu into Han in the future is problematic? Should I follow Ran Min's example and destroy the body of all Hu people?"

Liu Muzhi waved his hand: "This is impossible, the northern Hu people have been in chaos for a hundred years, plus the waves of foreign Hu people entering, the number has long been in the millions, plus the intermarriage and fusion between Hu and Han people for a hundred years, this is Whether it is Hu or Han, is it still clear in the north? Relying on killing to stop killing, it is impossible to solve this kind of racial conflict. Since ancient times, Yanhuang and Huaxia have also conquered the four barbarians and become their own people. If it is a foreign race, a different race We have to kill them, then our current Eastern Jin and Jiangnan regions have been barbarians from all walks of life since the Spring and Autumn Period, and we have to kill ourselves first to be pure, right?"

Liu Yu laughed: "So, after defeating and conquering, cultural integration is the way to long-term stability, right?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "That's right, but that's the management method after defeat, and, even if defeated, it has to be dealt with as the loser, not to hold them higher."

Liu Yu put away his smile and said sternly: "I didn't hold the Murong tribe higher than the Han people. They even deprived me of all the land and pastures, but only saved their lives. If troops are drawn into the war, casualties will also be inevitable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think this disposal is fair and reasonable, and even if someone doubts, I can confidently refute it."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "The commoners won't see how you treat the Murong clan, but only how you treat Murong Lan! It's useless if you talk too much, people with ulterior motives will say, you married Princess Xianbei Wife, I have pardoned these Xianbei people who killed tens of thousands of our Dajin soldiers, and gave them the opportunity to make meritorious deeds to buy land, which is better than ordinary Han people. I just saw the fighting ability of these alien barbarians. For what it already has. Conspiracy is not good."

Liu Yu said coldly: "I act like Liu Yu, I don't need to explain it to others, I just need to be worthy of my conscience. As for what others think, I can't control it. Even now, there are still people making up all kinds of rumors. To slander me?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "If you just want to lead troops to fight, then you don't need to care about other people's thoughts, but now you want to realize your ideal, and ascending the throne is the first step, so you can't help but let the world go to your heart. Otherwise, you will not be able to successfully ascend to the throne, or cause a full-scale civil war, is this the result you want?"

Liu Yu was silent for a while, then sighed: "Because I want to bring Murong Lan and Liu Yizhen back, I will make the noble family think that I am setting up a new noble family, and even Miao Yin can accept Murong Lan, but absolutely If they don't accept Yizhen, they think that I will pass the throne to Yizhen and completely end the current family world, right?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Yes, if Murong Lan and Liu Yizhen never go back to Jiangnan and go to Jiankang, then together with the Murong Ministry, they are just a local noble family in Qingzhou, similar to the Pilu clan and the Gao clan, for the time being. There is no threat to Jiankang's aristocratic family, send slaves, compromise, this is the only way and way to realize your ambition, it must be so!"

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