Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3817: A Shou can make up the 3 giants

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Liu Yu closed his eyes, his chest was rising and falling sharply, showing the struggle and struggle in his heart at the moment, no matter how much reason Liu Muzhi said, he also knew that by doing so, although he could win the political power for a while. Victory, but in the end, it violated his conscience. In this life, this kind of violation has only happened once, that is, when Huan Xuan was in power, he was forced to surrender to him for a time. When I think about it now, I still remember it. I can't sleep at night, my heart is like a knife, is this time, for my own cause and ideals, do I have to do it all over again?

The memories of the past came to my mind, those living and dead enemies, friends, face after face reappeared in front of him, and in his ears, there was the sound of the sky-shattering killing, the cries of women and children, and some smug laughter. Sound, just like the main theme of this world, everything is a chaotic world, the world is like a long night, and I came back to this world and went through untold hardships, isn't it just to advance the great cause created by the great man of the future generations by more than a thousand years. Realize it? Compared with this lofty goal, what are some of the actions in front of you that go against your heart? If he is stubborn, not only Wang Miaoyin, but also Liu Muzhi will turn away from him.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu opened his eyes, looked at Liu Muzhi, and said calmly: "Fatty, I have to thank you, thank you for your kind words, and analyzed the pros and cons for me. You give up the aspect and go to the land of Qingzhou. , but also to make sacrifices and compromises for me."

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "This is also a helpless move. Here in Qingzhou, we need competent people to sit in the town. Murong Lan can control their Xianbei people, but she can't control the Han people, and she can't let Yang Muzhi and stay behind the garrison. Obey, if one is not handled well, for example, someone deliberately makes trouble, provoked revenge between Han and Hu, vendetta, then there is a possibility of chaos here, only I am here to be able to control the situation."

Liu Yu's brows furrowed: "Why don't you go back with me, with Alan here, and let A Shou be the prefect here, there is no problem."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "After you go back, you won't be able to rest, but you will continue to fight against demon thieves. If you fight within Jin, it's not a big problem without me, but A Shou is so loyal and reliable, and he The talent of a general is something that can be met but not sought after. Moreover, the meaning of Miaoyin’s words just now is very obvious. Now the Beijing Eighth Party has one less giant, you need to have another qualification, with enough prestige, and on top of He Wuji Location."

Liu Yu's eyes lit up: "What do you mean, she and the noble family are willing to support Ah Shou to become the third giant of the Beijing Eighth Party?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "As long as you are here in Nanyan, and you can give the noble family enough benefits, they have no reason to offend you. Wuji was on your side before, and his qualifications and prestige are even higher than him. I am afraid that no one will object except Liu Yi. In the past, Liu Yi's reason for objecting was that A Shou had betrayed the country and fled to Nanyan, and he did not make any contributions in the Battle of Jianyi in Jingkou, but now, Nanyan has been destroyed. Ah Shou made great achievements in this battle. The stains in the past have been cleaned up, and the great merits of destroying the country are no less than the battle of Jianyi that year. Take the obvious excuse."

"As for the noble family, because Liu Laozhi surrendered to Huanxuan in the past, it was like betraying the noble family of Jiankang once, so he held a grudge. Even if he didn't know how to help Liu Yi, at least he wouldn't speak for Liu Jingxuan. But this time , if you can satisfy the aristocrats in Nanyan and eliminate the demon thieves in the future, Qingzhou will become an important border town. The important major states of the Jin Dynasty are Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Yuzhou, and Qingzhou. The three giants will definitely start from these four. Selected among the state guards."

"Liu Jingxuan will be able to serve as the governor of Qingzhou in the future, and become one of the three giants of the outside world. If you continue to sit in Yangzhou and Jingzhou, you can give Liu Yi together with Yuzhou to appease his heart, so that Liu Yi can neither enter the dynasty. In power and governance, you can’t use the power of the two states to expedite the Northern Expedition alone. In the future, when the new generation of Beifu Major Generals grow up, they are the four successors you are looking for this time. Continue to expand the Big Three, or even dethrone Liu Yi at that time and deprive him of his military power. At this time, it is unlikely to encounter resistance and cause a civil war."

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "That is to say, this time Ah Shou and I will go back to pacify the demon thief. You can use this time to rectify Qingzhou together with Murong Lan, and then give Ah Shou a ready-made important town and give him the opportunity to play. room, isn't it?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Yes, actually Ah Shou is not stupid, he also made friends this time on purpose, and recruited people like Pilu Daoxiu to become his right and left hand, and he also used the Han people in Qingzhou to develop here after he was good. The idea of ​​power is just ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this way, it may conflict with the Xianbei people of the Murong clan. After all, for many years before, the hatred between the Han and Hu in Qingzhou was not small. After Nanyan destroyed the country, the Han people The revenge of the clan to the Xianbei people is also predictable, if it is not for me to handle it, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Liu Yu nodded: "Then it's hard for you, Fatty. I hope that after tomorrow, you and Murong Lan can unite here sincerely, and the hatred between Mi and Han Hu will make Qingzhou stable from now on, and there will be no more Hatred and war."

A look of joy flashed across Liu Muzhi's face: "You agreed to this proposal?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Although this will make Muronglan very wronged, I am afraid it is the only way to break the situation. The demon thief in the rear must be pacified as soon as possible, and the matter between me and Xile will eventually be resolved. At this time, I do not I hope that Qingzhou will become troublesome. Even, I also hope that this place can quickly provide enough troops and food to quell the rebellion."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Why, after besieging Guanggu for a year, and receiving the support of Qingzhou's local manpower, food, grass and ordnance for a year, now that I have tasted the sweetness, I can't live without it?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "It's different to fight Guanggu and pacify the demon thieves. Fighting in Qingzhou, these wealthy clans are willing to give food and people, but if they transport food thousands of miles to Jiangnan to fight, they should not be willing. Thinking of this, Jiankang The noble family in the city can provide military supplies for the army to fight for a year. It is really a lot of money. If all parts of the Jin Dynasty can support each other like this, why not worry! After the ceremony of leaving the city tomorrow, I will personally Convince Murong Lan, Fatty, you have to help me then."

The corner of Liu Muzhi's mouth evoked a smile: "Then you have to prepare a good wedding ceremony to make up for Murong Lan. I will do this, I promise, tomorrow will be your most unforgettable day. ."

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