Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3818: Line up to lower the platform

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Tianming, Guanggu, Inner City.

The sun rises three poles, the sun is like fire, the morning of April is already very hot, the air is filled with a faint smell of blood and fireworks, that is the remnant of yesterday's great war, but the corpses in the city, after a day and a night of cleaning, It has disappeared, and the places where there are bloodstains are also covered with dust. It seems that the peace of the past has been restored in the huge city.

The city gates opened wide, and hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people scattered all the way from the inner city to the city gate of the outer city, scattered within the entire city's dome, and on both sides of the largest main road in the entire Guanggu city. , filled to the brim, and behind them, the Jin army soldiers with spears and shields, separated from them ten paces away, also guarded the entire avenue outside.

Outside the city gate on the east side, there is a hill like a pile of swords and spears. Teams of Xianbei sergeants lined up from the city gate and walked through this mountain of swords and spears, weapons in their hands. , Throwing it in the past, with the abandonment of each weapon, the mountain of knives is also getting higher and higher, almost catching up with the city head of the inner city.

There are only thousands of sergeants in armor and cavalry, still fully armed, their faces do not show joy, sorrow or joy, only a relief of relief, yes, no matter what, this hard battle that lasted for a year, The physical strength and enthusiasm of the soldiers have been exhausted, and now, it is finally coming to an end.

The position facing the inner city wall is a temporary handsome stand, which is taller than the one outside the city yesterday. Within a hundred paces, all the residential houses and curtains have been demolished, and it can even be clearly seen. It was found that many of the building materials on this high platform were the materials after the demolition of these dwellings.

The ground within a hundred paces was filled with Jin army sergeants holding spears. There are still too many variables in the city. Only by ensuring that every detail is correct can we ensure that everything is safe.

Liu Yu was dressed in armor and sat alone on the commanding post. Liu Muzhi and Wang Miaoyin sat on the two sides below, maintaining their positions since yesterday. After all, before the surrender ceremony was over, they were still in a state of war. Wang Miaoyin, who participated in the war as a sergeant, is now a soldier of the Jin army, not the empress of the Jin Dynasty, which is why she lives under Liu Yu.

At this moment, Wang Miaoyin is wearing Mili and military uniform, her beautiful face is concealed by perfect hair, the queen of the mother-in-law world, a noble and unparalleled daughter of a noble family, but at this moment, she can't see her happiness. Anger, sadness, and joy, sitting there almost motionless, like a clay sculpture.

Liu Muzhi, on the other hand, was nibbling on a piece of meat and bone like no one else, eating his mouth and hands full of oil. At first glance, it would be unbelievable that this is actually the current prime minister of Dajin, and he is also in the entire army. , Under one person, the military advisor and think tank above ten thousand people.

Below the two, there are generals and commanders on both sides. Many people are chatting and laughing, whispering, complimenting each other, but also bragging about their heroic performance in yesterday's battle, and some of them are crying. She burst into tears, lamenting her comrade who passed away yesterday.

Liu Jingxuan and Xiang Mi punched each other **** each other's breastplates, and then another big bear hug. After they separated, the two looked at each other and laughed. Standing at the front of the queue, Liu Jingxuan laughed. Said: "Brother Tie Niu, we survived again, mother, I asked you for a drink yesterday, where have you been? No one was seen all night!"

Xiang Mi smiled and pointed to the handsome platform under his feet: "Where else can I go? You, brother A Shou, can drink and be happy, but I, Tie Niu, was hired by Fat to join the army, so I came here to set up this platform, and I was busy all night without sleeping. Grandma's, if it wasn't for the big wedding of Brother Ji Nu and Sister-in-law, I would not have stood if I was asked to come and stand in line now."

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "It's not easy to set up this scene overnight, but are you really sure that today will be a big wedding?"

Xiang Mi was stunned for a moment: "What else could it be? Brother Ji Nu wants to make friends in the city, wouldn't he really want to kill them, and, and I heard..."

Having said that, he looked around and shouted at Sun Chu on the side: "Sandanzi, don't come here, you kid, this is a secret military situation."

With his ears pricked up, Sun Chu, who had unknowingly took a step here just now, blushed slightly, turned his head and said, "You still have to use your big mouth, all the brothers know it, isn't it Alan himself who is also in these two thousand Are there many people? Brother A Shou, don’t doubt it, this so-called surrender is just a ceremony, and Brother Ji Nu will definitely forgive them in the end.”

Liu Jingxuan's brows furrowed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at Murong Chao, who was sitting on the top of the inner city, sitting like a mountain, and there were more than ten Nanyan generals standing around him, and said, "Then why is Murong Chao? What’s the matter if you don’t get out of the wall, just let the common people in the city come out and let the ordinary soldiers disarm?”

Xiang Mi hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "I heard that the armored cavalry will also serve as the recruited Jin army soldiers to return to the south with us to participate in the suppression of the rebellion, so I will not disarm this time. Look, Murong Town is at the city gate. Command other troops to disarm."

Liu Jingxuan shook his head and looked at the other side of the city gate, where two or three thousand soldiers stood in line, also armed with weapons, and said, "What happened to the people from the Helan Division? Rebel?"

Sun Chu said disapprovingly: "That's not true, I heard from Big Stone that the Helan clan should stay in Qingzhou, and the main force of the Murong clan went to the south, only the old and weak women and children are left here, leaving the Helan clan to stay in Qingzhou. Guarding here is a kind of restraint."

Liu Jingxuan glanced at the line opposite, all the young generals chatting with each other, he sighed softly: "Now, I am the one who knows the latest news."

Xiang Mi's face changed slightly, and he turned to smile and said, "Then who called A Shou, you were so drunk last night that you drank so much with Mengzi, then these intelligence information will never come to you on your own initiative. what."

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "I wanted to find Ji Nu for a drink yesterday, but he was discussing military and political matters all night, with Fatty and Queen Wang. I was embarrassed to disturb him, so I had to drink with Mengzi. As soon as I woke up , that's how it came to be. By the way, Tie Niu, I don't think Queen Wang is very happy with the surrender this time. Nothing will happen, right?"

Xiang Mi sighed softly: "Brother Ji Nu wants to marry Sister Lan back home, can the queen be happy?"

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