Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3819: Women and children line up in prison clothes

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Sun Chu's expression changed slightly, and he whispered: "Tie Niu, don't talk nonsense, be careful to cause trouble for yourself."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "That's the truth, don't we Jingba old brothers dare not even say a word in private? And I heard that the queen was going to drive back to Jiankang last night. Even this I didn’t even attend the ceremony, and all the soldiers and horses in the imperial camp got up all night to prepare for the journey, so you don’t know it.”

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "I heard about this early in the morning, and I was also shocked. I heard that it was the fat man who came over later that he was persuaded?"

Sun Chu sighed: "After all, state affairs are the most important thing. However, if you want Queen Wang to have a good mood, you don't have to expect it. We all have to cheer up. It is said that after today's ceremony, Murong Zhen will be the general and will lead five thousand people. Armored cavalry marched south with the army, all of Murong's clan aristocrats over the age of thirteen and under the age of 60, and the leaders of various ministries, each with three personal guards. Murong Chao, his harem concubines, and the families of these clan aristocrats , it was led by Queen Wang and returned to Jiankang to live, and the mansions for them are already being arranged."

Liu Jingxuan frowned: "That means these Xianbei nobles went to war with us, and their family members, as well as Murong Chao, returned to Beijing and became hostages?"

Sun Chu nodded: "That's pretty much what it means. I heard that it was Sister Lan who led these people with the army, but now it's Murong Town, I'm afraid..."

Xiang Mi said solemnly, "I'm afraid my sister-in-law will stay here in Guanggu to take care of and lead the members of the Murong clan, so she won't go back with Brother Ji Nu."

Liu Jingxuan sighed: "I now understand why Empress Wang wanted to go back to Jiankang and stayed overnight. It seems that Ji Nu made a concession, and Fatty conveyed this meaning, and it was an agreement. Originally, I thought I would stay in Qingzhou, but now it seems that I will not stay here either."

Sun Chu was slightly taken aback: "This Qingzhou prefect, who else can be without you, Brother A Shou? Whether it is your familiarity with this place or the great achievements you have made this time, you are the well-deserved first Qingzhou prefect."

Having said that, his eyes turned to Yang Muzhi in the middle of the queue on the other side, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Although Yang Muzhi is also a good candidate, after all, he is still a lot worse than you, so I want to be this big one. The prefect of the state, I am afraid, is a little bit less interesting."

Xiang Mi shook his head: "These things, Brother Ji Nu and Fatty should have discussed it over and over again, we just need to abide by the implementation, everyone don't think too much about it today, just drink the wedding wine of Brother Ji Nu and Sister-in-law, and then , prepare to return to the teacher to quell the rebellion."

Sun Chu followed up with a smile and said, "That's true, we are all warriors and soldiers. These political affairs don't need to be too much trouble. After a year of hard work, today the enemy finally surrendered and won. Using the pretext of Ji Nuge's wedding, We can also have a good meal and get drunk, and then go back to fight the demon thieves and avenge Brother Wuji and the others!"

Having said this, the smile on his face gradually dissipated, and his face was full of murderous intent.

Xiang Mi patted Liu Jingxuan on the shoulder: "That is, Brother A Shou, your best position should be on the battlefield. There are still many places for you to charge. Today I will accompany you for a drink."

An unspeakable look flashed on Liu Jingxuan's face, and he said, "Along the way, we have the opportunity to drink, don't hurry today, let's wait for the wedding to be successfully completed, I don't know why, I always feel my heart skipping a beat today. It's normal, the last time it was like this, it was..."

Having said that, he closed his mouth and did not speak further.

Sun Chu was stunned for a moment: "Is there any other accident that could happen today? It's all surrendered. And even the weapons have been handed over. Could it be that these Xianbei people can go back? Even if they want to go back, with Sister Lan there, they can't help it. Let them mess up."

Liu Jingxuan sighed: "I can't tell you either, but I always feel that something is not right. It stands to reason that hundreds of thousands of people from the two countries and two armies can put down their hatred, end the war, and have a big wedding. This should be a happy thing, but I just can't be happy, even the slave is not wearing a wedding dress now, do you think he looks like a groom?"

Xiang Mi laughed: "This is what you don't understand, Brother A Shou, you are surrendered first, and then get married. Fatty told me about the process, and the more than 2,000 people who originally wanted them to hand over will also be completed. After the ceremony, the pardon was announced to celebrate the big wedding, to show that the grievances were put down and resolved peacefully. I think, after that, the wedding will go smoothly."

Liu Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief: "I hope I've been worrying too much, but no matter what, now that you and I are in armor, you can't relax, the armored cavalry and the Helan clan on the opposite side will also attack at any time. Our possibility, we still have to relax on the outside and tighten on the inside, be ready for battle at any time, don't just eat in your mind, just like the dead fat man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiang Mi laughed: "The fat man is only eating on the surface. , In fact, his brain is turning faster than anyone else. You can see that his small eyes are narrowed into lines, but he is observing each of us. Don't worry, everything is under his control and calculations. "

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "Then now, let's see when Murong Lan will lead more than 2,000 people out to accept the surrender, and the black robe..."

Sun Chu said bitterly: "This old thief who killed a thousand knives cannot let him die so easily. After he is brought back to Jiankang, he must be slashed with a thousand knives, so as to be worthy of the person who caused him harm."

Xiang Mi suddenly shouted: "Look, come out, they come out!"

Everyone looked at the sound and saw that the sergeants who had just come out to surrender and disarm like a long dragon have not walked out of the city gate for a long time. There was a commotion in the inner city and the city. The voice has disappeared, and the softly chanted song resounded inside and outside the city gate. At this moment, almost 100,000 Xianbei people sang the song of Agan, and in the singing, Women and children dressed in white prison uniforms walked slowly out of the city gate in groups.

Sun Chu shouted: "Come out, they all came out, this dress is a sinner's attire, it must be the more than 2,000 Xianbei people who Ji Nu asked to hand over to us to deal with, eh, why are they all old men? Weak women and children, don't have a Ding man?"

Liu Jingxuan said indifferently: "This corresponds to the 2,000 people we kidnapped, most of them women and children. In this war, Nanyan's strong men also suffered heavy casualties. It's not easy to get another 5,000 troops to go south with us. , I'm afraid I won't be able to get any men out of this prisoner offering ceremony. If you use women and children to go out of the city, you can probably pretend to be pitiful and try to get our forgiveness. Look, Murong Lan has come out!"

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