Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3832: Hengdao grabs love and finally forgives

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Liu Jingxuan followed in a loud voice: "Yes, Murong Lan, in that battle, we each fought for our own country and country. As soldiers, we had to obey orders, go to the battlefield, and fight for life and death with people we didn't know or knew. Regret, this is the talent of a soldier. Whether it is these people who survived or the soldiers who died in battle, we will not blame you."

Xiang Mi also said loudly: "That's right, sister-in-law, in that battle, I also killed more than a dozen Murong Clan's enemy troops, some of them may still be your relatives and friends, one I know, come with you We taught us how to ride in the Beifu military camp, and I also drank with him, but I never regret it, I will grieve the passing of my friend, but again, I will kill him, because I am a soldier of the Great Jin, and I listen to the orders of the Great Jin, and destroy the enemy of the Great Jin, and he is the same."

Sun Chu laughed: "Alan, in a military camp, we are comrades in arms, but if we are in different countries and go to war, we are enemies who fight for life and death, whether it is to kill the enemy or die of the enemy. I have no regrets, Brother Ji Nu is right, you don’t have to suffer from conscience for this.”

Tears glistened in Murong Lan's eyes, and she kept nodding her head, but she was speechless.

Wang Miaoyin nodded and said: "General Liu is right, on the battlefield, each is his own master, and his life and death have his destiny. Even if you want to find the culprit and the evil, it is also to find the people who started the war and ruined life, and ordinary soldiers. It has nothing to do with the people."

"Like this time, the king of the Jin Dynasty went on an expedition to attack and destroy the fake Yan, and it was not aimed at the soldiers and people of Yan State, but just to get justice for the more than 2,000 officials and people who were kidnapped and killed! "

"Now, the culprit has been severely injured, and the country of Yan has also surrendered. This palace is here to announce on behalf of the emperor of Dajin that all the people and soldiers of the state of Yan, except for the black robe, have been pardoned and innocent, and they will be the people of Dajin from now on. Management, like the people of Dajin, enjoy all due rights. If someone dares to hurt you again in the future, then the master of Dajin will do his best as he treats the more than 2,000 people who were taken captive. Protect and rescue you!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Murong clan members cheered, and many people even knelt down and said loudly to Wang Miaoyin: "Long live the emperor of Jin, long live the queen, long live the emperor of Da Jin, long live the queen! "

Amid the cheers and the sound of long live, Wang Miaoyin smiled, looked directly at Murong Lan who was also kneeling and bowed down in front of him, and said, "Princess Murong, the previous kindness and grievance have all passed away, this palace thinks. What I want is that from you to every soldier and citizen of Yan country, you can get a new life and welcome a better life. This new life should start with you. What you did in the past was only under the instigation of your elder brother Heipao. It's not your original intention, now, your elder brother's control over you and the Murong Department has ended, he can no longer do evil, and you, as well as the Murong Department, everyone in the fake Yan, should find their own happiness."

Murong Lan stood up and shook her head: "No, it's not like this, I have sinned deeply in this life, I am ashamed of your friends and relatives, and I am also sorry for my family, my family, I want to save both sides, but both are I didn't do my best, my country was destroyed, my artifact was destroyed, my husband and daughters were abandoned, my friends were betrayed, every single thing made me deeply remorse!"

"What I'm most sorry for is you, Miao Yin, my best sister, you trust me so much and help me time and time again, but I fail you again and again, and I can't even control my feelings. , fell in love with Liu Yu, ruined your marriage, ruined your life, wonderful sound, don't you really understand why I don't want to go back to Dajin?"

Tears also glistened in Wang Miaoyin's eyes. The more than 100,000 people present were stunned. Except for a few senior generals of the Beifu Army, no one knew the relationship between these two immortal and peerless beauties and Liu Yu. In the dispute, many Xianbei people even began to whisper: "Ah, no wonder, no wonder Princess Lan mainly left Liu Yu and returned to our Dayan. It turned out that it was actually forced by this Queen Wang."

"What nonsense are you talking about? She's already become a queen, and it's impossible to be with General Liu again. What is Princess Nalan doing back here?"

"Hmph, you don't understand women, don't you? Even if you marry someone else's wife, you will definitely hate the woman you love, even if it's a sister, and try to get revenge. Yes, otherwise how can you say the most poisonous woman's heart?"

"Nonsense, Queen Wang is not such a person. If she really wanted to take revenge, she would have killed Princess Lan long ago. But she said that she would change her name to Princess Lan and give her a marriage."

"Well, you don't understand. Queen Wang wants to stabilize General Liu first, and then take revenge slowly later, just like the Queen Mother Kezuhun from the previous state of Yan, she took..."

"You stinky mother-in-law, you know it. Chew your tongue again, be careful I sew up your troublesome stinky mouth!" By the way, a loud slap and a woman's scream came.

These words came into Wang Miaoyin's ears, but her expression was the same as usual, and she put on Mili again, but a pair of eyes like autumn water still glittered across Mili, looking directly at Murong Lan: "Alan, what happened in the past, It's all over, the past is irreversible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's more just the arrangement of fate, not your and my intention. If it wasn't for you who saved Liu Yu, who was injured by the black fire, he would have died long ago. Now, I will also die in love with you. You and Liu Yu became husband and wife, not betraying me, but saving our lives, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Liu Yu's expression changed slightly, and he said in surprise, "Queen Wang, you..."

Wang Miaoyin raised her hand and didn't look at Liu Yu, but stopped him: "General Liu, needless to say, in this world, you and I can only obey the arrangement of fate. Our marriage contract was decided by our parents. Fate, matchmaker's words, but even if they get married, they may be separated due to the change of fate. In Dajin, this kind of marriage between women from aristocratic families, married because of family, separated because of family, does not mean Rarely, even if we become a relative together, there is still the possibility of being separated, as far as my mother, as close as you and Alan, isn't that the case?"

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin looked at Murong Lan: "Alan, I became Zhi Miaoyin, and you became Zang Aiqin, this is the arrangement of the first emperor of the Jin Dynasty, and it is also the destiny given to us by God, you don't need to blame yourself, and you don't need to feel sorry for me. If it weren't for you, how could I be the Queen of Jin in the mother world now?"

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