Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3833: Forgiveness and marriage reunion

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The corners of Murong Lan's mouth twitched slightly, but she was speechless.

Wang Miaoyin took a deep breath, and through Mi Li, you could see the tears in her eyes, but her voice was still calm and with an affinity: "Since God has arranged such a fate, I have become Empress of the Jin Dynasty, and you have become Liu Yu's wife, time can't be turned back, so what we have to do is to look forward, for you and me, and for all the soldiers and civilians of the Yan Kingdom!"

"Princess Murong, think about how you became Zang Aiqin, I will never forget that you are the princess of Yan Kingdom in front of the emperor of Jin on the fighting arena on the stage, under the watchful eyes of thousands of people. , not afraid of life and death, jumped off the field alone, and faced the terrifying Dali King Kong controlled by Xi Chao together with Liu Yu."

"That monster, even the bravest warrior will be overwhelmed with fright when they see it for the first time. The first time I saw it, I was so scared that I even forgot to run away, but you jumped, Standing directly with Liu Yu, facing the enemy side by side, even at the risk of revealing your identity, even if you win, you will likely be executed."

"From that moment on, I knew that you really loved Liu Yu and would do anything for him. You became Liu Yu's wife, not because of military affairs, nor because of anyone's orders. The benefit is purely because you are willing to follow him with your life."

"I can see this, everyone present has seen it, and the late Emperor Jin has seen it even more, so he ordered on the spot to change your name, give you a marriage, and allow you to become Liu Yu in the identity of Zang Aiqin. His wife will stay in Dajin forever."

All the people present listened quietly and did not speak. Wang Miaoyin's voices of nature spoke in a eloquent manner, as if there was a magic power that brought people back to the circus fighting arena back then. Yes, those who have not experienced that time are immersed in the scene, seeing Liu Yu and Murong Lan standing side by side, looking at each other and communicating with each other, even if there is a terrifying iron-armored monster as high as the Guanggu city wall, it is also Fearless, tears welled up in everyone's eyes. At this moment, they finally understood how great the love between Liu Yu and Murong Lan was.

Murong Lan's voice was trembling: "I, I didn't think about it so much at the time, I only know that Liu Yu and I once swore together that no matter how big the difficulty, we will face it together."

Liu Yu said loudly: "Yes, even if it is the entrance of life and death, we will face it together, Alan, when you and I faced the mafia's Xi Chao and the terrifying iron-armored monster Dali King, today, we are together again In the face of darkness and evil, in the face of your eldest brother, now, we have finally won, you have fulfilled your wish for many years, let the Murong Ministry, let the people of Yan country finally stop giving their lives because of the desires of a few careerists, With a bright future, why at this time do you want to become a nun and leave me?"

Having said that, Liu Yu looked around the city and said loudly: "Queen Wang just said well, if you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world, if you don't protect your family, how can you protect your family and country? Murong Lan and I have been married for decades. The black robe, the demon head of the Dao League that day, was torn apart, and between our two countries, the Han and Hu clans have met with swords and soldiers for more than a year, or even decades, and the hatred and hatred are also because of these evil demons."

"Now, we have finally eliminated them, everyone can usher in a new life, I just want to welcome back my wife, Yan Guo is gone, Murong Lan is gone, now standing in front of me is my wife Zang Aiqin. "

A trace of affection flashed in Liu Yu's eyes, looked directly at Murong Lan, and said softly: "Go home, my wife, go home, my love, my mother is waiting for your daughter-in-law, Dao Lian and Dao Gui are here. I look forward to your sister-in-law, and my brother Xing is crying all day long and calling for your mother to come home. Today, the land of Qilu is back in the arms of our Dajin, and we will never be separated again. I also hope that my wife, My dear, can also return to our Liu family, and will never be separated again. Dear, are you willing to come back?"

Tears had already formed on Murong Lan's face. She nodded excitedly and cried, "I am willing, I am willing, how could I not be willing?"

Wang Miaoyin laughed and clapped her hands: "That's right, this is a day of great joy, but also a day of peace and reunion. From now on, we will no longer have wars or vendettas. All those in prison uniforms, Take off all these prison clothes, you don't need to bear any more guilt, and Dajin will not ask you to atone for your sins again."

Behind Murong Lan, the more than two thousand old and weak women and children in prison uniforms shouted in excitement, long live, and took off the prison uniforms on the outside. Thousands of Xianbei people also burst into cheers, squeezed past the cordon, and ran towards their wives, children, and children.

To be honest, before Wang Miaoyin personally gave the order, these people were all scared to death. After all, they were selected by lottery alone, and the prison uniforms went out of the city. Like the common people of the Han people, until now, they are completely relieved, how can they not be ecstatic.

Murong Lan also gently took off her prison uniform. Inside was a strong plain uniform, which highlighted her fit and graceful figure, enough to make thousands of men go crazy. She crossed her hands in front of her and took it seriously. Kneeling down, she said to Wang Miaoyin who was on the stage, "Thank you to the Queen of Dajin for giving me my old name~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for allowing me to remarry. Liu Yu and I will cherish your kindness for the rest of our lives."

Liu Yu whispered to Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, thank you, my dear and I thank you for your accomplishment."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "What I said just now is from the heart, the past cannot be remembered, and the future can be traced. After all, we have to look forward. Only when you and Muronglan truly get back together, Only then can the Xianbei people here really let their guard down, ordinary clansmen, even if they are fanned, will not go to rebellion, take her home, Liu Yu, and also bring these Xianbei clansmen home."

Liu Yu's face changed: "Miaoyin, what did you say? Bring people from Xianbei..."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, I have already thought about it. When the time comes, our Xie family will take out thirty manor lands in the eight counties of Wudi to house these Xianbei people. We don't want them to be the masters. Private guards, according to your plan, distribute these fields to them. I will also arrange some farmers who are familiar with farming to live with them and teach them farming. I promised you that I will do my best. Help you, so, are you satisfied?"

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