Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3834: Quit the anger after retreating

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A warm feeling floated in Liu Yu's heart. He did not expect that Wang Miaoyin would accept Muronglan and her clansmen so happily, and even set out a manor to house these Xianbei clansmen in the fundamental Wu County. It also means that Wang Miaoyin has truly let go of the grievances and grievances she has had with Murong Lan over the years, and she is completely relieved. Unexpectedly, just because of that demonic wind, the estrangement and misunderstanding between the two that have been drifting away, actually dissipated like this. .

Murong Lan bowed to Wang Miaoyin: "Thank you for being perfect, Queen Wang, since this is the case, you need to change your clothes, and thank you in person. Later, we will also arrange a ceremony for Murong Chaocheng to present the seal. I will go back to the city. Prepare."

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "Go, Alan, oh, no, Mrs. Liu, remember to bring Linglang with you. General Liu must really want to see his child."

Murong Lan smiled slightly, saluted again, and turned to retreat.

Liu Yu looked at Murong Lan's disappearing figure, and amid the cheers of the people in Xianbei, he returned to the city all the way, and finally disappeared in the city gate, he sighed softly: "Thank you, Miao Yin, I am on behalf of Murong. Lan thank you too."

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "Liu Yu, don't think that I'm just here to help you, I'm more for the Great Jin, just like the Great Jin in the past, to the people from the north, even unwilling to let them cross the river. Only the warriors of war will be allowed to settle in Jingkou, so they will let the people of the six northern counties of the Jiangbei, the strong men of the Lianghuai land and the imperial court be separated from the court, and they will not form a joint force. If Nanyan is destroyed this time, if they still regard their clansmen as thieves If you take precautions, you will still be distracted, and your victory will sooner or later be wiped out."

"Murong Lan followed you back to Jingkou and became your wife from now on, and can no longer manage and restrain these clansmen who stayed in Qilu Land. If someone's life changes, it will cause a catastrophe, rather than leaving uncontrollable people behind. Xianbei people, it is better to move them back to the south of the Yangtze River and separate the manor for them to live in, so that some of our descendants can go to the land of Qilu to settle down according to your ideas."

Liu Yu frowned slightly: "You take back the estate of the distant relative's manor and settle the Xianbei people, but let them go to the land of Qilu, are they willing?"

Wang Miaoyin said quietly: "When my mother and I can still be the masters, words still count, but Liu Yu, you have to understand that there are not a few people staring at our position. If you don't cooperate with me, it will make it difficult for me to do it, then when our mother and daughter leave the position of the head of the Xie family, it is the time when your orders are difficult to follow. You must remember this. "

Liu Yu took a deep breath: "I understand this truth, I will let Mu Zhi here, come up with a plan, and give enough benefits to settle the children of aristocratic families who have come to the land of Qilu, and I will never let them suffer. You will get your due reward for this kind deed. Noble titles, land, just speak up."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Actually, the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, their ancestral tombs and prefectures are all in the north. If you have the ability and means to fight back to your hometown, you will be happy to devote yourself to it. If you destroy Nanyan this time, you will deal with it later. Well, it will also get the support of the aristocratic family. However, your plan to cultivate low-level scholars and replace the children of the aristocratic family, it is best to take it slow, the Xianbei people are here, and there will be another group of scholars who are fighting for jobs, I am afraid it is Many people will have resentment in their hearts. I can understand that you want to create a world where everyone is equal, but most people in this world cannot understand it. You must also remember this.”

Liu Yu said sternly: "Understood, I will try my best to arrange for these newly cultivated scholars to serve as officials in remote prefectures and counties. For the time being, the existing official positions in Wudi and Jingzhou, which are important places, will not be moved, and I will make plans for them later."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Also, that is the throne of the emperor, you must obtain it. If the name is not right, then the words will not go well. I can't always give orders to you as a queen. Moreover, the relationship between the three of us today. It is publicly announced here, I am afraid that after I return to Jiankang, whether I can continue to stay on the throne of this queen, it is unknown."

Liu Yu's face changed: "How could this happen??"

Wang Miaoyin smiled sadly: "You must know that my identity is Wang Shenai, the daughter of Wang Xianzhi, not the daughter of the Xie family, the former queen Wang Miaoyin, although this matter is known to everyone in the upper classes of the family, but everyone tacitly concealed it. Well, firstly, I'm afraid of offending you, and secondly, I cooperate with my mother's head of the Xie family in this capacity, and can speak for the noble family."

"But this time, according to your wishes, I have forgiven all the Xianbei people, and even seized the manor of the children of the noble family to house these Xianbei people. In their opinion, although the Murong family has ceased to be a tribe, it has changed. I have become a new big family, threatening their interests, and I will definitely take anger on me, and I will investigate how I concealed my identity and entered the palace again for the crime of deceiving the king."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I think who would dare to attack like this, Zhi Miaoyin became the king's love, it was originally the result of Huan Xuan's usurpation and persecution, why don't you explain this? Your mother is the head of the aristocratic family. , Leader, can't you still hold back those who want to force the palace to seize power?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly: "Brother Yu, the matter between the family is about checks and balances, not something that you can solve by force on the battlefield. My mother has been in the head of the family for so many years because she can Take care of the interests of all parties and not be too biased, and now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ her position is the same as that of my queen, and it has been strongly impacted. To put it bluntly, your rise has made many aristocratic families I'm afraid, even my position with my mother is at risk. This time, I have defended you and Murong Lan, and added a big family opponent to them. Naturally, I will be held accountable. I'm afraid, after my abdication, I will It's the only solution."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice, "If it really doesn't work, then it's the same way as before. Let Murong Lan take the Xianbei people to stay in Qingzhou first, and then come step by step."

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "Jun Wujian, I am an order announced on behalf of the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, how can I take it back? Besides, I have already thought about it. If I leave the post, Sima Dewen can justifiably take care of the emperor's brother in the name of , and return to Sima Dezong's side, so that he will not draw Liu Yi and Xie Hun together and form an alliance, which will help ease the subsequent conflicts and disputes."

Liu Yu's heart was sour for a while, and he said secretly: "But isn't it too wrong to you? If you are not the queen, where else can you go?"

Wang Miaoyin said calmly, "Go back to Jianjing Temple, the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng, and pray for you."

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