Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3845: 1 palm to wake up the dreamer

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Liu Yu gritted his teeth and hugged Murong Lan tightly, but he was speechless and could only keep nodding.

Murong Lan's left hand, trembling, took out a blood-stained red scarf, put it on her face, and murmured: "Brother Wolf, I, my face, rely on that, rely on the Dao League of the day. The evil law maintains, all of this will disappear, just like, just like our love, it is, in the end, illusory!"

Liu Yu raised his head sternly, lifted Murong Lan's face towel, a withered-yellow face with prominent cheekbones, showing in front of him, just in less than a moment, the stunning and stunning Princess Murong, unexpectedly Aging has become like this, but in Liu Yu's eyes, there is only love, he said softly: "No, all of this is real, what I see now is my previous life, and this life, the previous life. Unseen beauty, beauty from the soul."

A trace of relief flashed in Murong Lan's eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face, and her voice gradually lowered, turning into babbling: "I, how much I hope, we, we will never leave, never leave. The grassland, only, only the two of us, only, only you and me, only..."

Her hand slid from Liu Yu's wrist, and the last breath was interrupted. A thunderstorm exploded above her head, and the world became dark, and Liu Yu's world was silent.

Liu Yu knelt on the spot dumbfounded, holding Murong Lan's body, this beautiful body that made God jealous just now, has now become a corpse that is getting cold, her face She still wears a happy and satisfied smile. After all, it may be the best ending for her to die in the arms of her beloved and let go of all love and hatred.

The sound of wind whistling, flying lances across the sky, and the sound of hitting the great shield, one after another, the earth trembled slightly, that was the vibration of the iron cavalry charging, the screams and screams all around, and even joined now. The roar of the catapult, the flying stones soared into the air, and the sound of going straight to the top of the city also joined in, but Liu Yu was still heartbroken, holding Murong Lan's body like this, letting Yin Ren's blood stained All over the body.

Liu Yu murmured to himself: "Alan, we are together, we will not be separated, we will not be separated."

Xiang Mi's roar echoed in Liu Yu's ears: "Brother, hurry up, it's dangerous here, the enemy cavalry..."

As he said, there was a sound of a feathered arrow breaking through the air, accompanied by the sound of the arrow hitting the shield, and Xiang Mi followed him and cursed: "The old dog of Murong Town, donkey ball day, I will not kill you, I will not be a human being. !"

And after he finished scolding, he turned his head and shouted for Liu Yu to evacuate, but when he looked over, he only saw Murong Lan's smiling corpse. , his mouth was slightly half-open: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law she..."

A feather arrow flew over the shield he was holding, and one arrow knocked his helmet into the air. It fell to a distance of more than 20 feet, and hit the shield wall behind it before it hit the ground hard. , and Tie Niu's messy hair also fell down, his eyes were wide open, he stared at Murong Lan motionless, and this lasted for ten seconds, and suddenly roared like crazy: "Give me back. My sister-in-law's life is coming, and my sister-in-law's life is coming! Go to die, go to die!"

Xiang Mi threw away the big shield in his hand, pulled out the two big axes stuck behind his back, and rushed forward like a mad tiger. Soon, there were bursts of screams and horses neighing in front of him. ll.

And all the personal guards around Xiang Mi also shouted: "Protect Brother Tie Niu, protect Brother Tie Niu." Soon, the front of Liu Yu became empty.

Ding Wu's figure quickly stood in the position of Xiang Mi just now. The sky light that just lit up became dark again. He waved his big shield to resist the flying loss of the sky, and shouted: "Brother Ji Nu, people can't be resurrected from the dead, it's too dangerous here, you should evacuate first."

Liu Yu turned a deaf ear, just stared at the person in his arms affectionately, and said softly over and over again: "Alan, you are so beautiful, let's go home together, brother Xing, my mother is waiting for you."

He said this, but he didn't notice in the slightest that the arrows missed, flew over his head, and landed behind him or beside him. The distance was getting closer and closer, ten steps, five steps, three steps!

Suddenly, a loud

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Chapter 3845 Wake up the dreamer with one palm Free read: https://,!

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The slap was slapped on Liu Yu's face, accompanied by burning pain, which made Liu Yu suddenly pulled out of his own world. He raised his head and looked at the direction of the slap, only to see Wang Miaoyin's expression awe-inspiring , with a powdered face and a creamy face, standing beside him like this.

Liu Yu jumped up angrily, pulled out the Dragon Slaying Saber, held Murong Lan in one hand, pointed at Wang Miaoyin with the other hand, and shouted, "It's you, Alan you killed, right?!"

Wang Miaoyin's face was facing the blade like this, less than five inches, the tip of her nose could even feel the cold murderous aura on the blade, but she didn't dodge, her almond eyes widened, and she said loudly, "Wake up. Wake up, Liu Yu, is there any difference between what you look like when brother Xie Tingfeng died in your arms? Because of the death of your loved one, you will be depressed and lose your sense of proportion. How can you be worthy of the 100,000 people under your command? brother?"

Liu Yu's body was trembling slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tears streamed down his face: "But, but Alan she..."

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes: "The woman who woke you up back then was the woman in your arms, she is already dead, but the battle is not over yet, your enemies are still there, they are still fighting back, surrounded by Chaos, as the head coach, you don’t fight or stabilize the military, but you are crying with a corpse here, do you think Murong Lan wants to see you like this?!”

In Liu Yu's eyes, flames burned, and he gritted his teeth: "I want to avenge Alan, I want to take revenge!"

Wang Miaoyin pointed her hand in front of her. Several feather arrows flew over her head and beside her. Several guards wanted to step forward to block her. She suddenly pulled out the Mo Xie sword. The air inside froze, accompanied by her screaming voice: "All retreat, I can protect myself, Liu Yu, now I order you as the Queen of Dajin to go back to fight and avenge Muronglan, she is right. , Hei Pao did it, now he is in the city, don't let him run away! Your Dragon Slaying Sword should be aimed at your enemy, at the enemy who killed Alan, not at me! "

Provide you with the fastest update of "Eastern Jin Beifu One Hill and Eight" of the Great God's Guide to Yunxiao Tiandao 1!

Chapter 3845 Wake up the dreamer with one palm Free read: https://,!


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