Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3846: Reply to Zhanyishuai 0 Army

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Liu Yumeng woke up and turned around, he gritted his teeth, gently wrapped his left arm, put down Murong Lan who was in the ring, lightly brushed her face with his hand, and said softly, "Alan, Wait for me, I'll go and avenge you right now, with my own hands."

When he stood up again, he had regained his usual composure and strength. He took off the big red flower on his chest with one hand and put it on Murong Lan's chest. The red wedding dress he was wearing was also broken into pieces, revealing the fine steel armor inside. Ding Wu, who was on the side, presented his helmet. Liu Yu grabbed it and put it on his head. , he changed back to the terrifying killing **** on the battlefield, the Great Jin coach Liu Yu who commanded thousands of troops like a swarm.

Wang Miaoyin nodded slightly and said, "That's just like you, Commander Liu, whether it's to avenge Alan or to serve the country of Dajin, you should do what you should do. Alan's misfortune proves the wolfish ambitions of these Xianbei people. , all our benevolence, righteousness and appeasement to them have gone to waste. Now that Alan is gone, no one can hold them back. As the Queen of Jin Dynasty, I grant you the right to act cheaply. How to deal with it is up to you. ."

Liu Yu's hands were full of blood, and even his face was flushed red, like a ghost, he gritted his teeth, and his face was full of murderous intent: "I follow the Queen's will, Xianbei surrenders to people and causes chaos, it is the last thing to do. If you are weak, the last will go to quell the rebellion now. Please also ask the queen to step back."

Wang Miaoyin nodded, and went up to pick up Murong Lan's body with her own hands. The maids behind her quickly wanted to step forward to do it for her, but she heard Wang Miaoyin sternly: "Everyone step back, Madam Zang is the best in this palace. Sister, Ben Gong will take her back in person. General Liu, you can fight with confidence, and I will take care of everything that follows."

As she said that, she hugged Murong Lan's body like this, and ran back quickly. After a few ups and downs, she flew to the direction of the handsome platform. The sergeants behind her were stunned, and they never dreamed that the queen of Da Jin would have Such skill.

Liu Yu turned around and said solemnly, "Where is the herald?"

Holding the command flag in Liu Zhong's arms, he ran to Liu Yu's side and said solemnly: "Commander, the herald Liu Zhong is here, waiting for your command!"

Having said this, he paused: "It's too dangerous here, the bed crossbow at the front of the enemy city and the bow and arrow of the iron cavalry can be..."

Before he could finish his words, he only heard a "boom". Just five steps in front of Liu Yu, a sergeant with a large shield gave a flying crossbow gun, and the wooden shield in front of him was in the middle. , the big shield directly penetrated the crossbow, and before he could finish his momentum, his whole body was also penetrated by a shot, and he fell to the sky, and the body fell less than two steps behind Liu Yu.

The two shield soldiers in the back row hurried forward with their shields up and withstood the dead sergeant's neutral position, while the three civilian men rushed over quickly, carrying the dead soldier's body on the ground and running back, blood spilled. All over the place.

Liu Zhong's expression changed, and he knelt down on one knee: "I also ask the commander to quickly return to the commanding station and let you come here to welcome your relatives. It is obviously a thief's trick, you can't..."

Liu Yu didn't turn his head back, and said solemnly: "I Liu Yu is on the battlefield, there is no retreat, and I want to save my life and return to the commanding stage, so how can I command the soldiers to attack and charge? Let the brothers take risks. To die, but to a safe place myself, Liu Yu, I am not such a person, and I will never do such a thing."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu said loudly: "Leave the shield in front of me, put your feet on me, I want to check the situation on the battlefield."

Liu Zhong jumped up suddenly, and instructed the dozen or so sergeants behind him who were holding wooden boxes: "Hurry up and let the commander go up and look far."

Soon, Liu Yu stood on the place where more than ten boxes were spread out and stacked. He was holding an iron shield in his left hand and a dragon sword in his right. The less, from his side, it can be seen that the raindrops of stones smashed continuously towards the city head of Guanggu, and some of the crossbow machines were hit by these flying stones, together with the sergeants behind them. , into pieces and mashed together.

Murong Chao's hair was already disheveled, and he was still controlling the crossbow machine in the center, just like a specter. It didn't fly towards him, and only his crossbow machine could send out three-foot-long crossbows from time to time.

And under the city,

Provide you with the fastest update of "Eastern Jin Beifu One Hill and Eight" of the Great God's Guide to Yunxiao Tiandao 1!

Chapter 3846: Reply to War Intent Shuai Qianjun Free read: https://,!

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The more than 100,000 people of the Yan Kingdom, who were still beaming just now, lined up outside the city, are now like cows and sheep that have exploded their nests, crying and grabbing the ground, running around, more than a hundred riding blue armored horses, now Under the leadership of Murong Zhen, he charged towards the formation of the Jin army. However, because there are too many Xianbei people in front of them, their war horses can't rush at all. Even if someone gritted their teeth and knocked down a few people blocking the road, they would soon be blocked by more and more crowded people in front of them. It was difficult to move forward, so he could only shoot at Liu Yu's direction from a distance of dozens of steps.

However, in front of Liu Yu, there were at least three or four thousand Jin soldiers lining up to defend. Liu Jingxuan commanded them, holding a large shield in a three-line array. Ahead, a murderous lance forest was formed, preventing the onslaught of both civilians and the army ahead.

And behind the shield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thousands of crossbowmen and archers are holding bows and crossbows. Under the command of the commander, they move 50 to 150 paces forward. Shooting under the rain of arrows, whether they are rushing towards this shield formation or not, whether soldiers or civilians, under such a rain of arrows, they all hit the ground with arrows, and in this large area in front, countless bodies have fallen. , The blood flowed into a river, at least 5,000 people had been shot into hedgehogs, the wounded were still moaning and screaming, while the more dead were buried under the corpse pile, silent.

Xiang Mi waited for two or three hundred heavy armored warriors who were clinging to swords and axes, holding weapons and slashing forward all the way, really calling for a **** road. The Yan State sergeant on the ground, wearing armor and holding soldiers in his hands, no matter what. Whether they are still alive or not, they will give them knives and axe flying, chopped into several pieces, especially Xiang Mi, the blades of the two axe are almost cut and rolled, and the body is full of flesh and blood and internal organs. While hacking, he roared: "Return my sister-in-law's life, return my sister-in-law! Donkey ball day, die, die!"

Liu Yu slowly pulled down his face and said solemnly, "Send an order, all Xianbei people, throw away the weapons in their hands, those who don't move on their knees will be spared death, and those who block our army or don't kneel down will be killed without mercy. Army, advance!"

Provide you with the fastest update of "Eastern Jin Beifu One Hill and Eight" of the Great God's Guide to Yunxiao Tiandao 1!

Chapter 3846: Reply to War Intent Shuai Qianjun Free read: https://,!


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