Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3971: Decentralized young marshal stay behind recruit

Suzaku's expression changed, and the smug smile just now was fixed on his face, while Qinglong also frowned, and murmured: "Yes, if Liu Yi is defeated, Yuzhou falls, and the thieves attack Jiankang directly, then But it will be a big trouble. In this way, this plan is not feasible, at least, not feasible now."

Bai Hu suddenly said: "Now is the only chance to implement this plan, because if Liu Yi is to move, unless Liu Yu and his army have not returned, once Liu Yu returns to the army, then Liu Yi just wants to do things on his own, and will not It's possible, if he is disobedient, Liu Yu can directly move forward and occupy Yuzhou in the name of supporting him. At that time, Liu Yi will not even have his own foundation, and will completely become Liu Yu's vanguard. He can only listen His orders were followed."

Suzaku said bitterly: "Yes, this is absolutely impossible, we can only let Liu Yi send troops earlier, if Liu Yu was not held back by the epidemic this time, his soldiers and horses have already arrived in the six counties of Jiangbei. We don't have to discuss these things anymore."

Qinglong frowned: "Then what should we do now? Should we give up this plan and let Liu Yi bear it again? Or use Liu Yu as the commander in chief to defeat the war against demons and thieves? Let the young generals who have made great achievements in this battle Like Liu Yi, he will hold the state and become the new head of the army. How do you feel about Liu Yu being checked and balanced?"

Bai Hu sighed: "These young people who Liu Yu single-handedly promoted will not be able to achieve the effect of checks and balances. Now they are still in the rising stage of their careers. Even fighting is under Liu Yu's command, and they will regard meritorious service as Liu Yu's work." The opportunity given by Yu is not like Liu Yi and He Wuji, who joined the army at the same time as Liu Yu. He sees himself as Liu Yu's brother, an ally, not a subordinate. If you want the young marshals to have other thoughts, then It must be in the name of the imperial court to order them to guard various places, not Liu Yu's decision. This involves a question of kindness. In the army, this kind of loyalty is the most important. , will be cast aside by everyone.”

Qinglong shook his head: "Then what should we do? Otherwise, this time we will set up a plan, let a few young commanders leave Liu Yu, and go to various places to take charge of several counties in various states. In the future, there will be a big war, such as during the Northern Expedition, and then we will find a way to do it." Hands and feet?"

Bai Hu said in a deep voice: "That's even more impossible. After Liu Yu has passed this crisis, he will definitely control the military power more tightly. If he wants to take the road of emperor, his first task is to completely control the army. Even Liu Yi This kind of thing that has been entrenched in a certain big state for a long time will not be allowed to happen again. Those young commanders are his subordinates. As long as they are promoted to the military rank and given the title of general, they can lead the army and station in one place. They'll appreciate it."

"However, Liu Yu will never give them the taxation, manpower, finance, including the right to appoint and dismiss in the army. In other words, if it is normal development, Liu Yu will only let a few young commanders have command of the army I will definitely not give them the power to integrate the military and the government and control a state, not only for them, but also for Liu Yi. If Liu Yi can't make a difference this time, he will follow Xiang Mi in the future. Like the veterans like Sun Chu, he slowly stepped aside, and even gave him an honorary job, letting him leave the army."

Speaking of this, Bai Hu said: "When Huanxuan kicked Liu Laozhi out of the army, he was given the post of internal history of Pengcheng, not a military post. If Liu Yu took the road of emperor, he would definitely use this kind of post in the future. means to remove the military power of the old brothers.”

"And those young generals in the army who are ambitious and want to make progress, from Wang Zhen'e to Meng Huaiyu, will also focus on these positions. At this time, even Liu Yi wants to resist, and there is nothing he can do. Let me give you the simplest example. , if Liu Yu wanted Meng Huaiyu to take Liu Yi's place, would he still be able to use the strength of the Yuzhou Army to resist?"

Xuan Wu looked at Bai Hu, and said in a deep voice: "So, Master Bai Hu thinks that no matter what the consequences of this battle are, Liu Yi must go to fight, even if he loses, even if he risks destroying the country, he will not hesitate? "

Baihu nodded: "Yes, I don't think Liu Yi is a fool either. He is a veteran general for many years and knows that before thinking about victory, he will think about defeat first. If there is no chance, he will only attack tentatively. If you are mature, you will withdraw too quickly, at least, you can still protect your own Yuzhou, and try to move forward."

"It was like this during the Western Expedition. After Huan Xuan was eliminated, Huan Zhen proclaimed himself emperor, summoned the old Huan clan, and counterattacked and captured Jiangling. Under such circumstances, Liu Yi did not lose

Rational, he rashly fought a decisive battle with Huan Zhen, but withdrew his troops and stood firm with Huan Zhen. He contacted Lu Zongzhi's Yongzhou soldiers and horses, and took turns to attack. . com dragged down, at this time, Liu Yi sent troops to a decisive battle, and joined forces with Lu Zongzhi to defeat Huan Zhen. In my opinion, this was Liu Yi's best performance in the Western Expedition, even surpassing the previous time when he eliminated Huan Xuan head-on several battles. "

Xuanwu nodded: "Yes, after all, Liu Yi is a veteran and famous general of the Beifu, and he still has some abilities, but the demons are no better than Huan Xuan, and their strength is much stronger than that of Huan Zhen back then. If Liu Yi I have the intention to compete with Liu Yu, I am afraid that he will follow in Wuji's footsteps, and if he fails to attract the demons for a day, he may not be able to withdraw."

Speaking of this, Xuanwu paused: "More than half a year ago, Liu Yi insisted on defending Yuzhou and not fighting, just like what he did before the battle with Huan Zhen. Zhen is so isolated and helpless, with no food and few soldiers. Their strength is very strong now. Even if Liu Yu comes, they may not be sure to win a battle. What a blessing."

Baihu shook his head: "So, we need to get Liu Daogui to move first, or to create the illusion that Liu Yu is going to open up Liangjun and open up the rendezvous channel with Jingzhou, so as to force the demons to turn around and divide their troops to attack Jingzhou first. If Liu Yi is under positive pressure If you are young, you will be sure to attack naturally.”

"At that time, we will transfer Liu Jingxuan's troops, as well as the soldiers and horses newly recruited by the Three Wus, including the soldiers and horses of the old guards, to the front line to strengthen Liu Yi, as Lord Miss Missing Bird said earlier, and then Liu Yi will win in one battle. Even if you fail, you won’t be injured, at least if you have an army of more than 50,000, you can retreat to Yuzhou if you lose a battle, and wait for Liu Yu’s army to come back.”

Qinglong nodded: "This is very good, then, let's discuss how to use this letter as a fuss to motivate Liu Yi to fight."

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