Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3972: Taking retreat as advance and long-term plan

Xuanwu smiled slightly, took out the letter, unfolded it in front of his eyes, and read: "Brother Xile, the country is in misfortune, the demons and thieves are rampant for a while, Wuji died in battle, Jiangzhou fell, Jingzhou is in danger, this is a life and death crisis. Qiu Ye, younger brother Yi, disregarded dissuasion, and insisted on cutting down the fault of Yan. Fortunately, brother Lai is the pillar of the country, insisting on Yuzhou, supporting the overall situation alone, and my brother can't do it!"

After reading this, Xuanwu frowned: "Liu Yu's posture is low enough this time, to be so polite to Liu Yi." He paused, and continued to read, "I'm going to learn how to fight demons and thieves, Aware of his abnormality, the thief has just gained the advantage of a female cadre, his sharpness should not be underestimated, brother's steady defense, the thief's spirit has faded, the younger brother should clean up the army of Yan Yan and listen to the elder brother's dispatch, only hate the new epidemic in the army, it will take time Rehabilitation."

"Brother Lai will stick to it for another month or so. When my brother is finished repairing, we will hold a joint appointment to wipe out the demons and thieves and avenge Wuji. On the day of Keping, the position of Zaifu in the court and the army in Beifu , are all entrusted to my brother. My younger brother should invite himself out of the domain and guard the gate of the country, so as to bear the responsibility of the demons and thieves for causing chaos."

Suzaku's face also changed, and he said in surprise: "What?! Liu Yu actually gave up the position of Prime Minister and General of the Beifu Army to Liu Yi? So generous?"

Bai Hu said coldly: "This is exactly Liu Yu's mind and bearing, and it is also a manifestation of his general knowledge. Now to put down the demons and thieves, Liu Yi's cooperation is needed. If Liu Yi sends troops without authorization, in case of defeat, the whole army will be wiped out. Jin is in danger of perishing, and at that time, what is the point of being a general of the Beifu?"

Qinglong nodded: "I think even Liu Yu has made concessions like this, do you have to reconsider, are you going to slow down and provoke Meng Chang to send troops, in case..."

Bai Hu sighed: "Little Qinglong, you did not analyze enough just now. Liu Yi didn't care how to make concessions that time. Before the rebellion is put down in the future, I still can't rely on the support of Xie's family and Wang Miaoyin. I haven't made the Northern Expedition. , once again holding the small power, that time when Liu Muzhi left the town of Qingzhou, Ben and it gave up the Beifu military position and left it to Liu Yu, and Liu Yu is also a person with no ambitions, and he will attach himself to Meng Chang in the future It’s because as a literati, I can command and make meritorious deeds.”

"But don't forget, now Liu Yu doesn't have a nephew who has made great military achievements and is good at military affairs. Although the Raptor died in the battle, Meng Huaiyu is in Meng Chang's hands, and he has become the number one young general and deputy commander. , I will definitely lose Liu Yu's position as the prime minister and act as the vanguard of the whole army. This credit will be added. Maybe before the battle to put down the demons and thieves is over, I will replace He Youji and become one of the new giants Well. The only ones who are powerful young people are Ran Ying, Meng Huaiyu, Zhu Chaoshi, and Tan Daoji are also very powerful."

Suzaku laughed hotly and said, "Why do you think Liu Yi suddenly became so petty? It turned out that there was no way forward. That was a plan that killed seven birds with one stone. Let Liu Muzhi go to Qingzhou to consolidate the newly occupied place. The vacant aspect becomes unity. The weapons of Meng Chang and Liu Yu, that plan is really low."

Baihu nodded: "I haven't had the post of general of Zaifu's town army yet. It seems that I have become a young general of the Beifu, but now Xiaojin is not the same as Xiaojin back then. Back then, only one of Zaifu's troops could Fight, at least count the Jingzhou Legion, but now, there are no elite soldiers and weak generals in all states. In those years, the newly occupied territories, border counties near the north, and even Jiangzhou in the interior have no legions stationed. , with the original old Zaifu’s officers and men as the core, soldiers and horses were recruited for training in various places, and what it foresaw was that before the demons were suppressed, all the prefectures and counties of Xiaojin would have no troops.”

"In order to conquer Qiaoshu, I will definitely sit in Jingzhou and control southern Hunan. At that time, I can attack the Central Plains in the north to recover Luoyang, and retreat to Yizhou in the west to attack Qiaoshu. By the way, I can't take the opportunity to control the hometown of the demons in the south of the Five Ridges, and add Qingzhou All the prefectures and counties that Xiaojin can't attack inwards will be under my command at that time, and he can't go north anytime and anywhere, and even if he needs to mobilize supplies from Wudi and Yangzhou, he will be under the control of the aristocratic and small clans."

Baihu nodded, and said: "Yes, Zaifuzhi, it was just an army formed temporarily to resist the invasion of Hou Qin. Now the latter Qin has died for seventy years, and yours before Xiao Jin The goal is not only to resist the Hulu in the north to protect themselves, but to fight out, regain the lost ground, and restore China. Only one prime minister is obviously not far enough. Meng Chang and it seem to understand that. It is destined to be played by Liu Yi in the palm of your hand. That was the small battle that you had to let Meng Chang command to put down the evil thief. It was to let me be restrained

Because of Liu Yi. "

Xuanwu opened his mouth and said, "With the support of the aristocratic family in Wudi and the materials from Yangzhou, I really can't go north alone?"

Suzaku frowned: "In other words, Liu Yi is playing tricks again. UUReading Book www.uukanshu.com will be the lowest rank of Xiaojin himself. The general, the chief junior, and the current position of the head coach of the Beifu, Throwing it to Ran Ying, Meng Chang was depressed for a long time, and found that at first it was just the governor of Yangzhou and the military forces in Xuzhou. When the time comes, the North Mansion, the West Mansion, the Central Mansion, the South Mansion, and the East Mansion will all be established one by one, and I can only do nothing. Wouldn't it be a bright rise and a dark fall if you fight with it?"

"And those armies were also commanded by generals who performed well in those wars. In the future, when the aristocratic family is in the sky, Xiaojin only has a large number of troops. It seems that Zaifuzhi and it can fight, but it is the same now, whether it is because Ran Ying's ambition is still to go south and north in those years, and the number of Xiaojin's army is not far less than that of the past, so that all places need generals to sit in command, and the position of the chief general of the North Mansion has long been as important as it was back then."

Baihu shook his head: "Did you say that, but even if Liu Yi leads troops out of the town, it will be of the nature of making a difference, and he must want to continue the Northern Expedition. Before the demons are suppressed, I will definitely Attacking again very slowly, probably Qiao Shu and its first target."

Qinglong suddenly said: "Little Baihu, does he think too much of Liu Yi? I mean, will he lead troops out of the town and give up his post as the commander of the Beifu before? Could it be that he wants to say that Liu Yi Do you want to go back on your word?"

Baihu sighed: "Qingzhou, Yuzhou, and Guangzhou are all small states, and Yizhou is a land of abundance, rich in products. Jingzhou alone, when the Huan family was entrenched, could not supply nearly 700,000 small troops alone. It is only Yangzhou that can support a small army. At that time, Liu Yi will completely control those territories in the name of the Northern Expedition to leave the town, and intercept the confiscated taxes and manpower. Of course, I will launch the Northern Expedition more smoothly with it, and Ran Ying, without Yangzhou and Beifu in name, is surrounded by the interior, so it is not difficult to launch the Northern Expedition."

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