Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4067: self-mutilation blood sacrifice

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On the Tianshi, Xia Yiqi tightly controlled the rudder, and while vigorously turning left and right, he shouted commands quickly. Following these orders, the hundreds of oars on the left and right sides of the giant ship are also constantly changing the frequency and speed of the oars to maintain the stability of the hull.

Even so, under the rushing river current and tide, even the four connected giant ships swayed from side to side, and many of the people on board were the same as the Huanglong warship on the opposite side. You have to rely on holding on to the fixed objects around you to keep your body balanced.

However, there are more than 300 strong swordsmen, dressed in tight-fitting clothes or leaning on the water, holding swords and barefoot, barely supporting anything on their bare legs, and their bare feet seem to have taken root on the deck. As if firmly stuck on the slippery deck, no matter how the giant ship shakes, they are still motionless, cold killing intent flashed in their eyes, looking straight ahead, less than two hundred steps away, taking advantage of the waves The warships of the Jin army came.

Ying Mingzhi was dressed in the same attire as these people. He also held a long sword and stood beside Xia Yiqi. These people were those senior old thieves who had rebelled against the Heavenly Master since the beginning of the army in Wu, let alone above Jiang Tao. , Even on the sea on a stormy night, they can still walk on the ground. If these senior sailors fought against Tan Daoji's fleet just now, the result of the battle may be different.

Ying Mingzhi looked at Xia Yiqi and said with a sneer: "The Jin dog is so courageous, they don't really think that some of our temporary recruits, the Navy Mengchong warships converted from fishing boats, and the above Those fishermen will be able to confront our old brothers who have been fighting for many years."

Xia Yiqi smiled slightly: "It seems that they want to fight hand-to-hand, but this time the Jin army has also made progress. Those Yellow Dragon warships are now releasing the boats behind and the guys on board. I'm afraid, They want to use this kind of multi-layer, high and low simultaneous attack against our giant ship."

Ying Mingzhi laughed: "They thought they could cut through the lower deck, enter the cabin and even sink our big ship. Hmph, it's just a daydream!"

Xia Yiqi nodded: "That's right, the side of our bottom ship and the area around the cabin are specially reinforced and treated, and the outer deck is also coated with thick mud to prevent it from being attacked by fire. We want to sink it by chiseling the bottom Huge ships, that's really whimsical, not to mention, we still have watertight cabins, and when these thirty Huanglong warships throw themselves into the net, we can directly sink their ships from a high place, and we can turn the tide of the battle, even Attack the water village directly."

Speaking of this, Xia Yiqi stroked his chin, and said with a sneer: "So, we can't stop the ship now, we must continue to move forward, Junior Brother Ying, when the time comes, you and your commando team will attack the enemy's Huanglong warship and try to capture these ships as much as possible." boat, okay?"

Ying Mingzhi frowned: "Why, don't sink, just capture it?"

Xia Yiqi nodded: "Yes, in the previous battles, our ships lost a lot, and the Mengchong warships were almost destroyed. If we can get these Jin army's Huanglong warships, it will greatly restore our combat effectiveness. , we can’t just rely on these four giant ships to fight.”

A look of excitement flashed across Ying Mingzhi's face: "Okay, leave it to me, I've already prepared it, and they want to fight hand-to-hand on board, so I'll let them see what a real water battle is." King. But what about the boats?"

Xia Yiqi waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as you capture the Yellow Dragon warship, these small boats can directly fire crossbow guns from our oars to sink them. No need to drag it to the deck, just put it in the oar position in the cabin to fight."

Ying Mingzhi said with a smile: "In my opinion, it's easier for me to attack these small boats from the Huanglong warship after I capture them, and sink them directly."

Xia Yiqi nodded: "When the time comes, play by ear and resolve the battle as soon as possible. I also hope that after you capture these Yellow Dragon warships, you can control them as soon as possible and help in the follow-up battle."

Ying Mingzhi's eyes flashed coldly: "Wait for me to let go and kill."

Having said that, he pulled out the long sword in his hand, jumped off the general platform, landed on the deck in front, and shouted: "Children, are you ready?"

On the front deck, those fierce sailors who had been ready to go all raised their weapons high. (This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

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There were bursts of ferocious howls, and some violent people even cut small cuts on their bodies with weapons, stained their fingers with blood, and wiped it on their faces and noses. This **** smell , Let them all fall into a state of madness.

Ying Mingzhi gritted his teeth, stared straight ahead about fifty steps ahead, and stared at those Huanglong warships rushing towards him, "Listen up, don't shoot arrows, pure hand-to-hand combat, what I want is the feeling of assassination at close range , let Jingou’s blood be splashed on our bodies, don’t take prisoners, let all Jingou’s lives come to pay homage to our dead brothers!”

The Jin army's assault fleet, on the right, Liu Daogui's ship Xiangyang.

Liu Daogui's expression was calm. With a distance of fifty steps, everyone could clearly see the fog and night in the river. Suddenly, the huge enemy ship in front of him was only a brightly lit ship from a distance because of the fog on the river. It feels like the river is burning. Until this distance, everything on these giant ships can be seen, especially those swordsmen who stand on the front deck, fierce and **** tattoo paint all over their bodies. They ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not say a word.

Dao Yanzhi hooked the corners of his mouth disdainfully: "How many years have we been fighting, and it's still the same way. Before killing people, we hurt ourselves first, thinking that it can scare people. Hmph, don't even think about it. Who on our ships is not experienced in hundreds of battles?" The old soldier, will he be scared by this set?"

Liu Daogui nodded: "However, this set is still very intimidating to recruits. It seems that the evil thief wants to fight to seize the ship."

Dao Yanzhi frowned slightly: "Then do you want to change the tactics? How about the Huanglong warship detour around and let the boat rush to attack? It should not be easy for them to jump on the boat."

Liu Daogui's eyes flashed coldly: "No, if only the small boat hits, it's easy to be hit by the ballista protruding from their cabin, and the Huanglong warship will charge directly, shoot me on the flank, and close the enemy's oar hatches. Cover the boat near the side, and tell the brothers to prepare for hand-to-hand combat, but you don't have to jump on the enemy ship. On our warship, let's go and kill."

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