Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4068: The aftermath of the war

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Outside Jiangling Water City, four miles to the south, there is a not-so-big south bank reef hidden in the reeds. This is a not-so-remarkable wild ferry. The ferry, which was not considered popular in the previous prosperous period, was even more neglected.

Outside a dilapidated ferry bridge, there was a small boat parked, with more than a dozen pairs of piercing eyes staring fixedly at the two flames that were about to meet three miles to the north. One will care about the man who has just escaped from the battle in this small boat.

Zhu Chaoshi had already sat on the bridge on the shore, and several sergeants were bandaging the wounds on his back and arms. Jin Fu took out a cloth bag from his arms, opened it, and there was a strong smell of sweat on his body. , mixed with the smell of Guokui cake, which made Zhu Chaoshi's nose twitch, Jin Fu smiled and handed it to Zhu Chaoshi: "Brother Shitou, don't think this cake tastes bad, just eat some first."

Zhu Chaoshi glanced at the people around him and said, "My brothers didn't eat it, how can I eat it alone?"

Mrs. Jin shook his head: "You are a wounded soldier. I gave you this pot helmet not because you are a general, but because you were injured. Do you still remember the last time in the Battle of Eagle Tan? I was also injured, and you also I was injured, you fed me a patty with your blood on it, you said that the wounded should eat first, I can remember this sentence until now.”

Zhu Chaoshi's eyes were moist, he nodded, took a bite of the cake, and murmured: "Everything is back to the past, just like a dream."

Mrs. Jin nodded excitedly: "Yes, you're back, you're all back, brother Shitou, you made a great contribution this time, directly killing the enemy's Qianlong fleet and **** fleet, leaving only four giant ships. Tell me, if Brother Daogui is in our fleet, can we win?"

A small soldier muttered: "This is four giant ships with eight scorpions. Doesn't it mean that one can beat twenty Huanglong warships? We only have thirty ships, and it feels like we still can't beat them."

Jin Fu's face changed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "Don't say such dejected words, today we have wiped out many warships of demons and thieves, Mei Huizhou...

Having said that, he paused, and pointed to the Jiangxin Continent to the west. From this angle, he could also see the battlefield more than six miles away. The warship with the banner of Tianshidao was sinking, and the disciples of Tianshidao who were like ants were swimming and boarded the sandbar in the river. On the sandbar, you can see more than 20 catapults and crossbows, which are non-stop Shoot arrows at the warships of the Jin army on the river, and hundreds of archers are also bending their bows and setting arrows to cover their own warships to evacuate to the sandbar. can escape.

But all of this can't prevent the Jin army's warship fleet from gaining an advantage. Thirty or forty Huanglong warships, braving these arrows and stones, have broken through the interception of the Tianshi Dao warship fleet, and they are no longer very strong. Going to entangle with these small and medium warships, as well as the Tianshidao landing troops on Jiangxinzhou, and marching directly to the northeast, it is obvious that they want to join the central battlefield as soon as possible and participate in the siege of the giant ships.

Zhu Chaoshi nodded with satisfaction: "The fleet to the west is under the command of General Tan Daoji. When I heard the battle report just now, I applauded in my heart. This battle was fought so beautifully and relieved my anger. , and it has achieved the ultimate, I am afraid that even if my master comes to command, it is nothing more than this."

Jin Fu smiled and clapped his hands: "Yes, it's so beautiful, almost completely wiped out the enemy's pursuit fleet with no loss, and there are five Qianlong warships and hundreds of swordsmen in the main altar. Jin's army has never won such a big victory in a water battle since the demons rebelled."

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "Now, he is not interested in fighting. The demons landed temporarily on Meihuizhou. They knew that there were not enough warships to block Daoji's fleet, so they simply abandoned the ship and landed, and took the long-range weapons. Putting it up, I want to rely on the attack on the shore to delay our fleet, and even anger Daoji, let our Huanglong warship also attack Meihuizhou."

Another sergeant shook his head and said: "There is no place for a boat on this island. If the boat gets close, it will touch the reef. Even if it doesn't sink, it will still run aground. Even if the monsters on this island are wiped out, there will be no way for them to come back." I got on the boat and went back to join the battle. The evil thief's abacus is very good. (This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

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Mrs. Jin laughed: "No matter how smart he is, is he as smart as Brother Daoji? You see, Brother Daoji is ignoring them at all now, turning his head to the north and then east, away from the attack distance of the monsters on the island, and even ignoring them." The dozen or so warships they have left just don't want to waste time and delay their warships."

"At the current speed of Brother Daoji, the distance of six miles can be killed in at most half an hour. In fact, Brother Stone, I feel a bit at a loss. The 30 yellow dragon warships in the center, are they waiting for Brother Daoji and the others?" Kill it, and then attack, the effect will be better?"

The one who shook his head just now, the sergeant named Zhu Xiaofan also said: "Yes, with thirty or forty more yellow dragon warships, our combat power will at least double, and we will be more confident in fighting these giant ships, Brother Daogui Don’t you know what’s going on in the west?”

Zhu Chaoshi said calmly: "How many warships do you think we need to use the Huanglong warships to attack the giant ships and attack these four connected giant ships?"

Everyone's high mood just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly fell down. During the period of being captives in the demon camp, at least these Beifu veterans also clearly understood the demon's water combat strength, especially his own strength. Having personally been on the giant ship for the past few months, I have understood the terrifying power of these moving castles on the sea. Regardless of whether they are willing or not, they can only admit that these giant ships of the demon bandit are invincible existences on the great river under the current situation.

Mrs. Jin sighed, and a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes: "To besiege these four giant ships, I am afraid that more than 150 yellow dragon warships and tens of thousands of elite soldiers are needed. It is indeed too difficult. Brother Shitou, even with Brother Daoji's fleet, there are only sixty or seventy yellow dragon warships, which is quite a bit short."

Zhu Xiaofan's eyes lit up suddenly: "However, the big wave just now washed away most of the monster's long-range weapons on the deck. Now our Yellow Dragon warship has long-range catapults and crossbows, and the monster's giant There aren’t many ships left, could it be that we can sink these huge ships by using arrows and stones from a distance?”

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