Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4140: A detailed count of Liu Yu's evil deeds

Latest website: Yu Yue's brows stretched: "It's amazing that you can call this a reward for the present world. However, according to Confucianism, this is called the interaction between heaven and man. If the great evil happens, disasters will come from heaven, although this is not a Buddhist saying, but it is what we Chinese people in the Central Plains believe more.”

Speaking of this, Yu Yue paused: "Do you still remember what happened before and after Huanxuan usurped the throne? Before he usurped the throne, the sycophants everywhere would do all kinds of auspicious and beautiful things, saying that this was the work of a sage, and He Yanqing What, but everyone knows that this is a lie, it is just an act of persuasion to please Huan Xuan, so that he can get promoted and make a fortune. If Liu Yu wants to stand on his own today, it will have the same result, maybe Even I have to find some auspiciousness."

Speaking of this, Yu Yue sneered and said: "It's just that Huanxuan did the wrong thing, massacred and purged the former generals of the Beifu army, stole the property of the big families, made the people pay heavy taxes, and even made the soldiers of Jingzhou work in Wudi and Yangzhou. Doing evil everywhere, arousing people's resentment, and finally, the Yangtze River flooded Jiankang, and tens of thousands of people died. Isn't this a disaster from heaven, and a warning from heaven and man to punish these tyrants in the world? If there is no such flood, I'm afraid If Liu Yu raised his troops, there would not be so many people responding quickly."

The black robe nodded: "There is some truth to what you say. The theory of the induction between heaven and man is used to restrain the kings of the world from doing anything wrong. It is the same as the theory of the replacement of the five elements. It is a theory invented for the replacement of dynasties and the establishment of a new regime. After all, , Confucianism pays attention to strict hierarchy and does not allow self-reliance beyond one's own class. However, if God is angry and wants to change the emperor and the ruler of the world, that is to be ordered by heaven, not to be unfaithful as a minister. It’s just that Buddhism seems to be superior in this regard.”

Yu Yue had been stroking her long beard proudly, but when she heard this, her expression changed slightly: "Why is it better? You originally said that Buddhism talks about the retribution of the afterlife, but this time the retribution of the present world is originally It’s not in line with their own propaganda. Could it be that Liu Yu’s crimes are too serious, so he just let the present world get retribution?”

The black robe smiled slightly: "Yes, the people of the Jin Dynasty, if they knew that Liu Yi was defeated and the army of the Heavenly Master and Dao was going to go straight to Jiankang, they would be very scared, especially the people of Wu, who have experienced heaven and earth. The suffering of Shidao's last rebellion has become even more frightening. The only thing they can think of and count on is the return of Liu Yu's army conquering Yan. But because Liu Yu committed too many evils, the army was infected with the plague. "

Yu Yue frowned: "Liu Yu attacked Nanyan and avenged the Hulu for occupying our land and killing our Han people, but he only killed the Murong clan and did not harm innocent people. How is this so? What about doing evil? If you don’t even believe me, how can you convince the people of the world that Liu Yu is doing evil?”

The black robe said seriously: "Liu Yu has done too many evil things, Yu Gong, have you been following him for a long time, and you didn't regard him as an enemy, and didn't think about ruining his reputation or making trouble for him?" Woolen cloth?"

Yu Yue's face flushed slightly: "Maybe there is such a situation as you said, but I followed the army all the way this Northern Expedition, and I did not commit any crimes in the past. Although the siege of Guanggu took a little longer, the final attack The destruction of the city was enormous, but this was a righteous battle to fight against injustice and save the people of the Han family under the rule of the Hulu under the order of the emperor, so it must not be related to the great evil."

The black robe said coldly: "The biggest evil of Liu Yu is to start a war indiscriminately, causing the lives of the two countries to suffer. Have you forgotten? Because of Nanyan's small-scale plunder to the south, he robbed two Thousands of people went away, and Liu Yu forcibly dispatched a large army to carry out conquests when almost all the civil and military officials opposed it. This is a great evil, is it enough?"

Not to be outdone, Yu Yue replied: "What's so bad about this? It was Nan Yan who broke the peace agreement between the two countries first, sent troops to kill my soldiers, and captured my people. Could it be that Liu Yu, as a general, would do nothing if he was beaten like this? ?At that time, the opposition of the court council was mainly because they were afraid that the army of Yan State would be strong and strong, and that our Northern Expedition would not be able to fight, rather than saying that this battle should not be fought.”

The black robe smiled slightly: "Can the war of destroying the country be the same as sending troops to take revenge? Nanyan sent troops to kidnap two thousand people, then you should take revenge too, and take away the people from Shannanzhou County, and get back a thousand or eight hundred. Is it all right? As for a war of annihilation like this, which will attract millions of people from the two countries

Is the life overwhelmed and caught in the flames of war? and,

Have the last two thousand people been rescued? "

Yu Yue sighed: "No, these two thousand people were killed by the Hulu of Nanyan to vent their anger. If you say it this way, Liu Yu did use the blood and lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians from the two countries to accomplish this. His merits. If you want to say that this is a great evil, it can barely be regarded as it."

Hei Pao nodded: "This is just the first one. In fact, Liu Yu's wife, Murong Lan, has devoted herself to him for many years and experienced many storms with him. She should cherish this relationship. In the end, Murong Lan wanted to stop the war. , was forced to leave Liu Yu and return to Nanyan, even before sending troops ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he should find a way to negotiate with Nanyan through Murong Lan and force them to return the kidnapped Dajin people, even if Murong Chao and Nanyan Hei Pao is unwilling, at least he should give it a try, this is called courtesy before soldiers, and it has always been a rule in the Central Plains."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "That's true. No one mentioned this at the time. Liu Yu said that Nan Yan took the initiative to tear up the peace agreement, and there is no need to deal with it. He just sent troops. In fact, at first we thought he was just holding Beifu in his hands. The soldiers and horses of the army in Yangzhou will attack the border of Nanyan in retaliation, and at most they will take down the territory south of Daxian Mountain."

"But we didn't expect that he actually mobilized almost all the mobile forces of the Jin Dynasty, and even asked the Wu family to provide food and food. He even used the guards and horses. It was a war to destroy the country. No wonder even Murong In the end, Landu turned against him and met with swords. Hehe, this kind of selfishness, abandoning the family and the country, is really a big evil."

The black robe laughed: "Yes, so Murong Lan's death in the end is also a retribution for Liu Yu. In order to covet his own fame, he set up all his wives. Le Yangzi in the Warring States Period was also attacking Liu Yu. During the Zhongshan Kingdom, his son, who was an official in the Zhongshan Kingdom, was directly made into meat soup for others, so although Le Yangzi made great contributions, he was also criticized by the world. What Liu Yu did was to destroy the enemy country and force his wife to death. Isn't it the same reason!"


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