Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4142: ungrateful

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Yu Yue laughed: "Yes, if you want to talk about treason, Liu Yu himself committed it before. He said that he was framed by Xi Chao and other mafia back then, and he had to live in a foreign country. Isn’t it the same nature that Chu Zhi forced him to return to the country? In the eyes of ordinary people, there is no difference. Therefore, if Sima Guofan invited the Qin army to rescue Dajin, that would be meritorious service and atonement. Liu Yu has no reason to object? "The black robe nodded: "Yes, and this involves Liu Yu's other major crime, that is, repaying kindness and revenge, setting up an enemy that is completely unnecessary. Necessary trouble!"

Yu Yue frowned: "You mean, the relationship with Later Qin Yaoxing?"

The black robe said coldly: "Exactly, I think back then, when Liu Yu had just defeated Huan Xuan and took the position of a powerful minister and general, he asked Hou Qin for the land of the twelve counties of Nanyang. At that time, Liu Yu , the foundation is very shallow, and the Beijing Eighth Party of the Beifu Army was also the first time a warrior seized power in the Jin Dynasty, and was not recognized by the nobles in the world. It’s just a tough attitude, in order to divert the messy situation in the country, after all, if you add a Northern Expedition to the Central Plains to regain the righteous name of the homeland, it is the greatest political correctness in the Eastern Jin Dynasty!”

"But I'm afraid even Liu Yu himself didn't expect that Yao Xing agreed to Liu Yu so readily, and said that Liu Yu started from the grassroots, but he is a hero in the world. He returned the twelve counties of Nanyang that he had seized since Huanxuan's usurpation. It is the name of a hero who has accomplished him, and he also hopes to make Qin and Jin good, and ease the relationship between the two countries." "This is an act of good deeds that will form a good relationship according to Buddhism, stop the swords and soldiers of the two countries, and save the lives of the people. Back then, Qin internally strongly opposed this. After all, the country was obtained by bloodshed and sacrifice. How could it be given away casually? Some radical generals even said that not only should they not return the twelve counties of Nanyang, but they should also take advantage of Huan Chu being overthrown just now. , Liu Yu has not had time to consolidate the political power, and then sent troops to seize more territory." "But Yao Xing suppressed these people, he said it was the will of the Buddha, his father Yao Chang did too much evil back then He avenged Fu Jianen, who had great kindness, and perfidiously murdered many former Qin soldiers and civilians who surrendered to him. Therefore, he not only suffered retribution, died in a nightmare, and was killed by Fu Jian's soul, but also let him die. He Lianbo, the evil wolf, established Hu Xia and became the confidant of the Later Qin Dynasty."

Yu Yue laughed: "So, Yao Xing wants to say that Hu Xia's appearance is the sin that his father did back then, and if he wants to pay back at this time, this is karma, and it will make Liu Yu a hero and help him recover. The success of the Jin Kingdom, the right to be the beauty of a human being, is also to form a good relationship and accumulate merit for oneself, right?"

The black robe nodded: "Yes, no matter what Yao Xing thinks, he has always said in public that this is the will of the Buddha, that is, the Buddha hopes that through this act of returning the occupied territory, the two countries will have a truce, and the people of the two countries will No need to suffer from the war, but how did Liu Yu repay Yao Xing's kindness? After he took back the twelve counties, he let Lu Zongzhi continue to use it as a base, and kept recruiting and accepting rebels, seducing the refugees from Guanzhong in the later Qin Dynasty to enter the south. , and plotted to spy on the Central Plains of the Later Qin Dynasty.”

"Yao Xing saw that his goodwill was not rewarded as it should be, but gave Liu Yu the opportunity to continue threatening him, so he got angry and took in some nobles who escaped from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is a common practice of all countries since the confrontation between the North and the South. For example, when Huan Chu usurped the throne, many former generals of the Northern Army fled to the Later Qin Dynasty. Liu Jingxuan and others also fled to Nanyan to seek asylum. The fugitives from the north are for their own use. Among other things, Liu Yu’s generals, Wang Zhongde and Wang Yuande brothers, aren’t they the ones who escaped from the north? Liu Yu didn’t hand them over either.”

Yu Yue nodded: "This kind of gentry fled their country because of political struggles, and was sheltered and reused by other countries. This is the rule since the Spring and Autumn Period, not just now. After all, talents are rare. Liu Yu has also been accepting, attracting the gentry from the enemy country The people came to vote, and even the Beifu army group was first established on the basis of the northern refugee group. In this regard, he could not say that the later Qin's acceptance of Diao Yong, Wang Huilong, Sima Guofan, Sima Chuzhi and others was against the Eastern Jin Dynasty At the time of the court meeting, I did not say a word to echo his accusation, because it was an intentional crime, so there is nothing wrong with it.”

Speaking of this, Yu Yue's words changed: "But after all, Qin occupied the Central Plains and Guanzhong, and the two old capitals of the Great Jin, Luoyang and Chang'an, were both in the hands of the Later Qin. Jin and Later Qin are insoluble contradictions, and sooner or later there will be a war, so although we know that Liu Yu is making use of the problem, we still do not dismantle him in the name of righteousness."

The black robe hooked the corners of his mouth: "If he is really so righteous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he wants to regain the two capitals, he should use swords to swords and guns to conquer the enemy's country with a majestic army. Engage in this kind of blackmail and blackmail. You asked for this territory from others, and if they gave it to you, it was good intentions. At least in your life, you should not talk about the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and the recovery of the two capitals. Are you right, Yu male?"

Yu Yue laughed: "That's true, but everyone in the world admits that Yao Xing was kind to Liu Yu in this matter. The so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting the smiling face gave half of the Nanyang Basin, but in exchange for Liu Yu Hostility towards oneself, no matter what, is an act that the world cannot approve.

The black robe said in a deep voice: "Yes, although there are small frictions between the two countries in the back, they still maintain peace in face, and there are no major confrontations. If there is any major conflict, that is, the independence of Qiao and Shu, Leaving from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and after Liu Yu destroyed Huanxuan, in order to make Liu Jingxuan meritorious service, he once let him lead the army to attack Qiaoshu, but he sent troops to rescue Yao Xing. It's an enemy country." Yu Yue nodded: "It is true that the Later Qin Dynasty sent troops to fight the Jin Dynasty, but it was also revenge for Liu Yu's lack of gratitude for returning the Twelve Counties of Nanyang. A sign of severance of diplomatic relations and hostility. Later, when Liu Yu sent troops to plunder our Jiangbei people in Nanyan, he included the Later Qin as well, saying that this was done by Nanyan, a vassal state, under the instigation of Later Qin Yao Xing , almost a declaration of war. Is this also a big evil?"

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