Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4143: What is Yu Yue's enemy in seizing power?

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The black robe smiled slightly: "Yes, on the issue of Hou Qin, Liu Yu can be regarded as repaying kindness and revenge. Although Hou Qin also helped Qiao Shu, it is the same as helping Liu Yu. It is a kindness without any return. After all Later Qin did not encroach on the territory of Qiaoshu, and when the Mao family was the governor of Yizhou, they sent troops to attack Houqin. Even in the founding of the country, it is not too much for Hou Qin to give support, not to mention that Liu Yu did not respond well to Hou Qin's land donation before, so it is no wonder that Yao Xing was angry."

"Later, Yao Xing took in Huan Qian, Sima Guofan, Sima Chuzhi and others, and gave them a lot of support in occupying the Qin-Jin border, but at this time, Yao Xing and Liu Yu were almost in trouble, since Liu Yu also said in a formal diplomatic occasion that after he wanted to destroy Nanyan, he would go to destroy Qin after three years of truce. But if it was the Heavenly Master's attack on Jin this time, and Sima Guofan was able to attract Qin soldiers to rescue him, it would be a great favor to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and it could also prove that the Eastern Jin Dynasty belonged to the Sima clan, not his Liu Yu. There is an excellent reason to exclude Liu Yu from the highest power system in the future. Since the country's disaster, as the country's highest military leader, he can't solve it by himself, but let him offend the enemy country and force him to defect. If the clan came to save the country, he would be like Xi Chao who was on the horse stage back then. He has changed from a pillar of the country to a national thief. The best result is that he can no longer lead his troops back to Jiankang to govern, and can only stay in Jiangbei and Nanyan It’s just a side general, how about it, Yugong, I’ve helped you to seize power in the court, how can you repay me?”

Yu Yue was elated for a while, with a smile all over her face, she kept nodding her head and said, "Okay, that's great, in this way, Liu Yu can't save the country, and I'm here alone... ·...」

Speaking of this, Yu Yue's complexion suddenly changed, she looked at the black robe vigilantly, and said in a deep voice: "No, Mr. Heipao, are you sure that this is good for me and will allow me to take power?"

The black robe seemed to have expected that Yu Yue would say this, and said with a smile: "Why, do you think that Sima Guofan's contribution will be greater than yours, and he will gain power?"

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "Isn't it? Meng Chang and Meng Huaiyu will guard Jiankang, and the post-Qin army attracted by Sima Guofan will come to help. Even if according to your plan, you can kick Liu Yi out of the underworld Let Sima Guofan join in, then Meng Chang and Sima Guofan will make great contributions in the end, I am fighting guerrillas in Jiangzhou, and the results cannot be compared with them, so why do you say that the power will be in my hands?"

Speaking of this, Yu Yue's voice became louder, and her speech speed also increased: "People in the world don't know what happened behind Hou Qin's dispatch of troops, and they don't even know that this is a deal between you, the big devil of the Heavenly Dao League, and me. How could I be allowed to take this great credit?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "What's so difficult about this? Sima Guofan himself has no strength. He just brought the Qin soldiers to fight this battle. If you want to say the credit, it must be Yao Xing, but Yao Xing himself will not receive the credit. , he will ask for rewards in other ways, isn’t it time for you, Yugong, to monopolize the power?”

Suddenly, Yu Yue's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and laughed loudly and said, "The great achievement you mentioned is that I presided over the court meeting to thank Yao Xing. His condition is to expel Liu Yu and prevent him from becoming an enemy of Hou Qin again. Second, this victory is said to be the manifestation of the Buddha, which is the will of Buddhism. He does not want an inch of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, as long as we sincerely worship the Buddha and let the disciples of Kumarajiva come to preach, right?"

The black robe laughed: "Yugong, you finally figured it out, yes, that's how it is, Yao Xing sent troops, he didn't say that he was fighting for Sima Guofan, and he didn't say that he was helping Sima's clan again. , Interfering in the internal affairs of the Jin Dynasty, if you really do this, you must ask for territory in return, and you will be morally disadvantaged.”

"Yao Xinghui said that he saw the tyranny and cruelty of the Heavenly Master, and the people were dying. In order to save the common people, the Buddha asked the Later Qin to send troops to rescue the suffering people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He sent Yegoulin to **** Huanqian to send troops to take back the Huan family in Jingzhou. To avoid falling into the hands of Tianshidao, people will suffer. Now Tianshidao's army can't capture Jingzhou, but it poses a threat to Jiankang. Therefore, the reinforcements of the later Qin Dynasty will not go to Jingzhou, but to Jiankang to fight against Tianshi. Master fights."

"Depend on

Later, the Qin army was a guest army, and they were of a different race from the Jin people. They were afraid that they would not be familiar with the terrain during the battle, and they might not even get the support of the people of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. As a guide, Meng Chang is not a fool. If someone comes to rescue him, he will not refuse. If Yao Xing makes a high profile first and declares that he will not seek the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and even the army does not cross the river, he will only attack the Tianshidao troops in the north of the river. It made it impossible to attack Jiankang, and even forced Tianshidao to fight with him in the Jiangbei area of ​​Yuzhou. Shidao couldn't last long that day. Once Liu Yu's army recovered from the epidemic~www.wuxiaspot.com~There will be a return According to the trend, Shidao will inevitably withdraw his troops on that day and withdraw in the direction of Jingzhou. "

"At this time, you in Jiangzhou can play a role. You can choose to join forces with Liu Daogui to block the retreat of Tianshidao, and destroy it with the Hou Qin army. You can also join the Hou Qin army. When the time comes I will find a way for you to take over the leadership of Sima Guofan, so that you can win the great achievement of defeating the Heavenly Master by yourself? As for Liu Yu, since he can't come back to save the country at the most critical time, he has no choice but to accept The conditions of the later Qin Dynasty were to stay in Jiangbei and not to act rashly, so he can only be a side general afterwards, let him go to confront the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the power in the court must belong to you."

Yu Yue nodded, but she was still not completely relieved: "Is it really good to let Sima Guofan enter the Tao of Heavenly Master and gain power? Our black hand Qiankun used to exist to prevent the emperors and princes of the Sima family from seizing power. He is a traitor, after he was attracted, Qin Bingma wanted to regain power. I don't want to have such a risk. Also, Meng Chang is not a vegetarian. He can also control power. He even has a famous general like Meng Huaiyu under him. , how can you say that the future power is mine?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "Whether it's Meng Chang or Sima Guofan, they have no foundation. Even if they gain power for a while, they are not a famous family of a century, but you are different, Yugong, behind you is a big family since the founding of the country. The Yu clan of the aristocratic family, what you really want to seize is not other people's power, but the Xie family's."

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