Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4310: Seeing the situation is not good, find another way

Meng Huaiyu murmured: "But I can't remember what kind of benefits or preferential treatment my uncle gave the soldiers at that time. Instead, it was my uncle who went to recruit officials from the Huanxuan court and humiliated him with the topic of the sun, the moon, and the stars." It's over."

Zhou said calmly: "These are private transactions, not public ones, and as I said, this is my cooperation with Liu Tingyun, and your uncle was not involved at the beginning. I also have my own considerations on this matter , not entirely for the Meng family."

Liu Yu laughed: "I understand now, you also have to think about the Zhou family. If you offend Liu Tingyun too hard, then your natal family will also be unlucky. On the contrary, if you have a happy cooperation with Liu Tingyun, if you don't say it here in Jingkou, it is Wudi. , your family can also get a share of the pie."

Mrs. Zhou also smiled slightly: "Yes, my natal family didn't take care of me for many years, and they didn't get any benefits because of Yan Da's promotion to the governor of the state, but after cooperating with Liu Tingyun, they have also become a lot. Liu Tingyun, the intermediary between Wu Di's family and Huan Xuan, has some concerns about doing these things, because after all, helping Huan Xuan from a foreign country to rob the local family's family business will make the Liu family hateful in the future, but if we are around If you come forward, you can kill two birds with one stone."

Meng Huaiyu frowned: "However, would your Zhou family be willing to do such an insulting thing?"

Mrs. Zhou sighed: "Huaiyu, do you remember how our Zhou family fell in the first place? The ancestor Zhou Gong taboo? How did these Nandu aristocratic families beat them to death?"

Meng Huaiyu and Liu Yu looked at each other. As the son of the famous general Zhou Chu, Zhou? The land regards itself as the leader and welcomes Sima Rui who has been to Nandu, but he is full of ambition and thinks he is the number one hero. He doesn't pay attention to Wang Dao and other Nandu families. Many aboriginal wealthy families in the area attacked them. When Zhou Yu found out that he had betrayed his relatives, he once lamented, "The one who kills me is my son, and the one who restores my family business is my son!"

It can be said that the feats and wealth of the aristocratic families in Nandu are based on the ruins of local tyrants like the Zhou family. Not only the Zhou family, but also the subsequent Qian family, Shen family, Zhang family, etc., also successively founded the country in the Eastern Jin Dynasty During the various civil wars at that time, these northern families who crossed to the south used various means to disintegrate and disintegrate. In the end, they all died together and became second- and third-rate little local tyrants. .

Meng Huaiyu looked at the Zhou family, and said in a deep voice: "I understand, the Zhou family was originally destroyed by the aristocratic families in Nandu, and I hated these aristocratic families, so I took this opportunity to use Huan Xuan as a backing to counterattack them. , They also dare not speak out. But if you do this, are you not afraid that once Huan Chu loses power, or is abandoned by Huan Xuan, and you are used as a scapegoat, you will harm yourself?"

Mrs. Zhou smiled slightly: "Everyone knows the relationship between our Zhou family and the Liu family. In fact, as long as the Liu family is here, our Zhou family doesn't have to worry too much. On the other hand, if the Liu family collapses, even if we don't help Huanxuan, we won't be too worried." I will be implicated. What's more, I have my husband Meng Yanda here. He is a member of the Beifu Army. If there is anyone who can overthrow Huan Xuan, it will definitely not be those corrupt and depraved families, but the heroes of the Beifu Army. , with you Huaiyu and Menglong here, we have hope."

Liu Yu sighed: "Sister and sister, you are really betting on the long side. There is always a way out. I just found out that the land and shops that Huanxuan distributed to the generals of Jingzhou and the Huan clan were actually your Zhou family who came forward to buy them from various places. The big family wants to go back, why didn't these families settle accounts with you later?"

The Zhou family said calmly: "Because Meng Chang followed you to build righteousness and overthrow Huan Chu, and it turned out that the Zhou family did not confiscate these land deeds, but the two families operated together in name and shared the profits. After all, the Huan Chu clan and Jingzhou The soldiers have just arrived in Wu, and they don’t know how to manage it themselves, so they are happy to cooperate with others in this way and reap the benefits for themselves.”

Liu Yu nodded: "I'm afraid, the more important reason is Meng Yanda's identity. After he established righteousness, he became Danyang Yin, the highest official in the capital. , it’s not like you should turn against Meng Yanda because of these old things.”

Mrs. Zhou sighed: "Exactly. It's just that after working with Liu Tingyun for a long time, I discovered that she is not loyal to Huanxuan. She has more plans, and there are other forces behind her. Of course, I can't ask more about this. It's just that one day, she suddenly asked me, what would my family Yanda do if you raise your army, brother Jinu?"

"I was taken aback at the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At first, I was afraid that General Sun Wuzhong and the others would suffer disaster, so I had been cautious, but when she asked her directly, I didn't know if she was testing me or if she had If you have other ideas, you can only kneel down and swear that our family is absolutely loyal to Huan Chu and has no second thoughts, and brother Jinu, you are also utterly loyal and serve Great Chu, and you will never betray Huan Xuan."

Meng Huaiyu sneered and said: "She was testing you. This woman later persuaded Huan Xuan to attack Brother Jinu. If you answered half a word wrong at that time, you might die."

Mrs. Zhou shook her head: "I thought so too at first, but later, Liu Tingyun repelled the left and right, and held a secret conversation with me. She said that Huan Xuan was perverse, unpopular, and definitely not the lord of heroes. Raise troops to overthrow him, this person may be Liu Yu, or it may be another hero, but no matter who it is, Huan Xuan's world will not last long, we need to plan early."

Liu Yu frowned: "Liu Tingyun actually has such insight? I'm afraid I'm still testing you."

Zhou sighed: "I also thought so at first, but later, Liu Tingyun said that Huan Xuan only cared about the interests of Jingzhou people, and connived at them to rob the family's property everywhere in Yangzhou and Wu. Abandoning Liu Yu and taking over the Beifu army with the general of Jingzhou, the scholars of Yangzhou originally thought that Huan Xuan would have a new look in place of the Sima family, but he has no heart for a hero. Within a year, he lost all hearts. Liu Tingyun thinks , we must make new plans next time, she will not be buried for Huan Xuan."

Liu Yu said calmly: "I finally understand that Liu Tingyun was actually preparing to change her family at that time. The purpose of her looking for you was to take advantage of your relationship with Yanda to get on the line of Xile, thinking that Be your future backer."

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