Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4311: Jianyi Night Life and Death Calamity

Mrs. Zhou nodded: "Yes, that's it. Xi Le was recognized at that time as the No. 2 figure in the younger generation of the Beifu Army, second only to you, or even on par with you. In Liu Laozhi, Sun Wuzhong and other veteran generals After being executed, you will be the ones who will be in charge of the Beifu army in the future. Liu Tingyun saw that Huanxuan's situation was unstable, and began to find a way out for herself, and this way out, relying on Meng Chang, a literati, is not enough. Only with someone like Liu Xile can she feel at ease."

Meng Huaiyu suddenly said: "I remembered, my aunt, when we were in Jingkou Jianyi, Brother Xi Le sent a letter to his brother in the city to inform Brother Zhou Anmu who caused the incident, he must be from your Zhou family."

Mrs. Zhou nodded and said, "Yes, An Mu is my brother's cousin and the younger generation of our Zhou family. He joined the Beifu army later than you, not during the Battle of Feishui, but Later, when the Xie family continued the Northern Expedition, they were encouraged by you to join the army, so you may not be too familiar with him. Later, he followed Brother Xile together, became his trusted bodyguard, and made a lot of contributions .”

Meng Huaiyu nodded: "Yes, Brother An Mu is the lieutenant of the Chinese Army next to Brother Xi Le. He charged into the battle and suffered many injuries. On the day of Jianyi, he went to the city to inform his companions in the city to rebel, but he actually betrayed him. It almost broke the big event, and later in the battle against Jiankang, he was seriously injured and could no longer continue to fight, I remember he was given a baron title, and he retired and left Jingkou."

Zhou said seriously: "Yes, he blamed himself for Liu Xile's brother's rebellion for a long time, and attributed it to his own reasons. He didn't kill that guy decisively, which caused the rest of the rioting brothers in the city, except for Wang Zhongde, to almost All sacrificed. He said that he had no face to face the families of these brothers, so after the war, he left the army and returned to his hometown."

Meng Huaiyu frowned: "It's not his fault. That guy Liu Mai was greedy for the wealth Huanxuan gave him, and betrayed us. It's not easy for An Mu to quit in time and tell us. It's not easy for him to kill Xi Le directly. Brother's biological brother, this is too difficult for An Mu."

Mrs. Zhou shook her head: "That being said, after all, it was because of An Mu's hesitation that he didn't attack Liu Mai, which resulted in the sacrifice of almost all the brothers in the city, and almost ruined the entire Jianyi. If he really I believe Xile will not blame him for killing Liu Mai, even if he feels uncomfortable, it is only Liu Xile who is uncomfortable, not so many people will feel bad."

Liu Yu said: "Then where did An Mu go? I remember that he returned his title, resigned from the military, and disappeared from then on."

Mrs. Zhou sighed: "An Mu has been hiding his name since then, and he took the reward money and went to other places. I don't know where he went. From the moment he made up his mind to leave, he didn't want to have anything to do with us. contacted."

Meng Huaiyu murmured: "Liu Mai really deserves to die for causing us to lose such a good brother. However, what is the connection between An Mu and Liu Tingyun about what happened that night?"

Tong Kong slightly shrank in Zhou's eyes, and wanted to turn her head to dodge, but she still couldn't dodge. She sighed faintly: "I still can't avoid this matter. Well, I'll say it straight, that day An Mu only told Liu Mai about the establishment of righteousness, and I informed Linger and Liu Tingyun overnight!"

Meng Huaiyu immediately jumped up, stared wide-eyed, and looked directly at Mrs. Zhou: "What? Aunt, you, you actually told Liu Tingyun such a big event? Are you trying to betray us?"

Ling'er yelled: "Second young master, how could the mistress betray you? At that time, Liu Tingyun knew about your connection and meeting. When General Liu Daogui got married, Liu Tingyun came to Jingkou in person and called the master Mother must cooperate with you in the uprising, if she really intended to attack you, you would have failed long ago."

Liu Yu frowned: "There is such a thing? We acted very carefully back then, and even the final secret meeting was conducted in the way of Taoist marriage. How did Liu Tingyun know that we were going to make trouble? I remember Yanda came to you after the meeting that night, he didn't even know he was going to raise troops before."

Mrs. Zhou said calmly: "Don't forget, Liu Tingyun left me in Jingkou, why did you cooperate deeply with me later? During that time, you frequently visited old comrades in arms, contacted old friends, or visited local celebrities who didn't have much contact with each other. Don't think that you can deceive others by using hunting and fishing as an excuse. Huan Xuan may be able to deceive you, but Liu Tingyun, an intelligence queen who doesn't need to worry about national affairs, only needs to keep an eye on your every move, She has a heart like a mirror. Let's put it this way, although she doesn't know the exact time and arrangement of your uprising, she knows that you will definitely rebel."

Meng Huaiyu sneered and said: "Absurd~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Didn't Liu Tingyun suggest to Huan Xuan to kill brother Jinu? Why didn't he do it now?"

Mrs. Zhou shook her head: "It's different, Huaiyu, last time she suggested to attack Jinu brother, there was no real evidence, she just said that Jinu brother is walking like a tiger, and he will never be under others, so Huanxuan should go public in a preventive way." Get rid of it by hand. Coupled with her relationship with Wang Miaoyin, it is hard for Huan Xuan to think that Liu Tingyun is thinking for himself after hearing it, and it is more likely that he is just taking the opportunity to take revenge, of course he will not listen to her."

"But this time it's different. She has a lot of evidence that Brother Jinu visited the old army in the local area and actively connected with each other. Especially if he can see three subordinates in one day, even if he likes to make friends, it's not like this. .If you follow the clues and immediately capture some people and torture them to extract confessions, I think there will always be clues. Huan Xuan is also a cold-blooded and ruthless person. For his own throne, he would not take such a risk."

Meng Huaiyu gritted her teeth: "Our Jianyi brothers are all heroes, and no one will betray them."

Zhou sighed: "I believe you are a tough guy, Huaiyu, but there are thousands of people, and it is impossible for everyone to be like you. Just like Liu Mai, he is also Liu Xile's elder brother. He has been tough before, but who knows , At this desperate time, did he become a traitor in the end? Even if you are tough, but if your family’s wife and children put a knife on their necks in front of someone, you can be sure that they will be tough? "

Liu Yu nodded: "My brother and sister are right. Facing life and death, especially with family members, wives and children as hostages, it is too difficult to keep silent. Huaiyu, when you were young, I was in Diao Kui's house. When there was trouble in the Silver Hook Casino, tough guys like Bottle and Rabbit could only kneel down when they saw their family members as hostages? Even if it was me, if my mother was captured, I wouldn’t be sure if I was I can hold on."

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