Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4880: Provoke civil strife and break limbs

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The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, that's it. Since Liu Yu succeeded in establishing Yi and took over the power, he relied on the three giants model to suppress Liu Yi within the Beifu Army. He Wuji and other veterans of the same generation, and with the family members Jian relied on the coordination between Wang Miaoyin, Mrs. Xie, Liu Muzhi and others, coupled with the reputation of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, he had a reputation of righteousness under the banner of the Northern Expedition, and he could make the Sima family's royal family his front-stage puppets. , in this way you can cleverly coerce the emperor to command the world, and no one can conflict with him head-on."

"Old comrades like Liu Yi and He Wuji cannot compete with him in the Beifu Army, but he has given them the reward of dominating several large states, which can satisfy them for the time being and pin their hopes on the subsequent battles. Great contribution, overshadowing Liu Yu. The reason why Liu Yi and He Wuji agreed to Liu Yu's Northern Expedition was because they felt that facing the powerful Southern Yan, it was unlikely to win or even destroy the country. Even if they achieved some small victories, such as If we seize the land south of Shannan, we will suffer heavy losses and the gains will not be worth the losses.”

"In turn, they believe that the Tianshi Dao in Lingnan and the Qiao Shu regime in Western Shu are easier to deal with. Taking advantage of Liu Yu's Northern Expedition, they can make great achievements by conquering the south or west, and even take advantage of this Gong replaced Liu Yu and became the leader of Beifu. Not only Liu Yu, but also He Wuji thought so, so he rushed to attack Lingnan and fell into Xu Daofu's plan."

Luo Longsheng laughed: "But now, the balance of power within the Beifu Army has been broken. He Wuji is dead. If we want to choose a new Big Three, it must be Liu Daogui or Liu Jingxuan. No matter which one replaces He Wuji is Liu Yu's best friend, and he is more obedient to Liu Yuyan than He Wuji, so Liu Yi has no chance of turning over."

The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "That's it. If He Wuji is still there, then Liu Yi will drag He Wuji to conquer the south and west to make contributions, and then use the credit together to change the structure of the three giants. Liu Yi may He will not directly take the position, but let He Wuji replace Liu Yu as the giant for two years, and then look for the next opportunity. After all, it is easier to take over the power from He Wuji than from Liu Yu. Many. If He Wuji really destroys the Tianshi Dao in Lingnan, he will definitely have this chance."

Luo Longsheng sighed: "It's a pity that He Wuji was defeated and died. Liu Yi himself also suffered heavy losses and almost died. Now he no longer has the strength to fight against Liu Yu, so he will settle for the second best and take the Jingzhou governor as his second best." One goal, and then find a way to annex the territory and army of the descendants of aristocratic families like Yu Yue. If you can't enter the capital to govern, you can follow the example of the Huan family to separate Jingzhou and become a big Lu Zongzhi."

The black robe nodded: "That's right, and this is what I want to try my best to promote. I want you to defect to Yu Yue first. I want to use your ability to help Yu Yue quickly recruit troops, form an army, and achieve expansion. This is the only way. , will stimulate Liu Yi. Yu Yue's men have territory, money and food. As long as they have the title of governor of a large state, they will definitely be able to recruit many people. Of course, this will require your help. Yu Yue himself is a capable man for his men. You have **** an incompetent general who is dedicated to outsiders. He has no idea about the morale of the army. He doesn't know how to comfort the soldiers, and he doesn't even know how to eat, live, and train with them. And this kind of thing is exactly what you are good at."

Luo Longsheng smiled and waved his arms: "I have been in the army for almost thirty years, and I have not even married and had children. In my opinion, the soldiers are my family, and my subordinates are my children. Of course, this It’s also because I joined the Divine Alliance early on, and I knew early on that I wanted to practice immortality. I abandoned the boring mortal ideas of marrying a wife, having children, and continuing the bloodline early on. Therefore, my subordinates all regard me as their father and brother. , will never betray me and turn to outsiders."

The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "Your prestige in the army, your appeal and affinity to the soldiers, coupled with the Yu family's financial and material resources, can quickly expand into an army. As long as Liu Yi is jealous, he will definitely be jealous of Yu Yue." To start here, no matter what reason he uses, whether it is to prepare for the Northern Expedition or to find out that there are some remnants of thieves in these troops, it is an excuse for him to annex these troops. You must not resist, but sit back and watch Liu Yi take away Do you understand that these troops are going to take away the civil servants under Yu Yue?"

Luo Longsheng nodded: "I understand what you mean. What Liu Yi did, seizing the army and recruiting officials, was tantamount to rebellion. At the same time, he offended Liu Yu and the noble family. And if he wanted to use this army to occupy Jingzhou, that would be Thinking of becoming the second Huan family also breaks Liu Yu's bottom line. No matter how good-tempered Liu Yu is, it is impossible to tolerate him. If he does not want his generals to follow Liu Yi's example of separatist rule and betray the country, UUReading www.uukanshu.net must personally eliminate Liu Yi. In this case, the interior of Beifu will be divided. In order to protect themselves, those young marshals and generals will only support themselves more and use the Northern Expedition as an excuse to increase their strength. "

The black robe smiled and said: "Very good, that's it. Beifu is divided first. Brothers are not brothers, masters and apprentices are not masters and apprentices. Only when we are no longer so monolithic can we have a chance. Tianshi Dao fell short due to civil strife, because of disharmony The loss of a good situation is their lesson. Now I want the Beifu Army to take this road again. If Liu Yu wants to go to the Northern Expedition in the future, he will also reuse Wang Zhene because he is the grandson of Wang Meng. In Guanzhong, the Wang family He has great appeal, and Wang Zhongde, as a native of Qixian County, Bingzhou, and after the Wang family of Taiyuan, will also play a great role in attacking Bingzhou. However, there are many people in the Beifu Army who dislike Wang Zhen's evil. This is us again. Opportunities available.”

Luo Longsheng nodded: "I heard that it's because Wang Zhen'e's martial arts skills are poor, he is not a pure soldier, and he joined the Beifu Army halfway. He is not like the three Tan brothers and the Wei brothers who joined the Beifu Army twenty years ago. He joined the army, so he didn't have a good relationship with almost everyone, especially the major generals and marshals of the Shen family."

Heipao smiled and said: "Because the five tigers of the Shen family participated in the Tianshi Dao Rebellion before, and were later pardoned for surrendering to Liu Yu. They thought they had the closest relationship with Liu Yu, and that Liu Yu could be used. Shen Tianzi and Shen Linzi, the trusted generals who controlled Wu, were extremely talented generals. Even the Zhu brothers felt they were no better than themselves. However, Wang Zhene, a foreign scribe, because of his repeated ingenuity, How could the Shen brothers be convinced to become the number one soldier beside Liu Yu? What they want to compete for is Liu Yu's successor as the commander-in-chief of Beifu, and Wang Zhene is their biggest opponent." (This chapter) over)

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