Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4881: Young marshals of any rank

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Luo Longsheng sighed: "How can this king suppress evil? Liu Yu values ​​​​it so much? Don't even his own disciples, the Zhu brothers, receive the same treatment as him?"

Heipao said calmly: "The situation of the Zhu brothers is different from him. After all, the two of them came from the Chu army system in Jingzhou. Although they had some master-disciple relationships with Liu Yu when they were young, they only had one or two. Yue was together, but later they were completely separated. The title of master and apprentice is just what the Zhu brothers called themselves in order to get closer to Liu Yu in the future. "

"It's just that the hatred between the Huan Chu Army and the Beifu Army was very deep in the past. Many senior generals of the Beifu Army were killed by Huan Xuan. Although the Zhu brothers did not personally take action, many generals of the Beifu Army would transfer their hatred to their origins. Liu Yu could not completely quell this resentment among the generals of the Chu army, so he had to keep the Zhu brothers and Hu Fan with him, and he could not let them reuse them. He had to keep them with him to show that he valued them, but he could not let them go. They stand alone and are superior to other Beifu generals."

"Just like the three brothers of the Tan family, two can be said to be sent out to become the governor of a small state and the chief general of a secondary army. One is a deputy general beside the governor of a large state, and actually manages a large state army in peacetime. Another example is Shen Of the five tigers in the family, two are doing well now. One is a senior soldier beside Liu Yu, who is directly responsible for various decisions and military deliberation, and the other is leading the Yangzhou Legion from Wu. Therefore, it is said that the Shen family He and Tan are both qualified to compete to be the next commander-in-chief of Beifu, and at worst, they will also be giants in the future."

"But the Zhu family brothers can be said to have similar treatment. Zhu Lingshi is Liu Yu's side soldier, but he does not have a legion of his own, or there is no actual fiefdom to supply this legion. This is the difference between him and the Tan brothers. Liu Yu asked him to command the Beifu Army Corps, but this army obviously did not belong to Zhu Lingshi. After the war, Liu Yu might give Zhu Lingshi a chance to go out to conquer a piece of territory and establish his own army force. "

"As for Zhu Chaoshi, he used to follow He Wuji as the deputy general of the Jiangzhou Army. This is similar to the situation when Tan Daoji followed Liu Daogui. Under normal development, they will take over after Liu Daogui and He Wuji retire or are transferred to other positions. Jiangzhou and Jingzhou are two large states, but now, I am afraid things have changed and may not develop like this. I have analyzed before that Tan Daoji may be sent to the south to delimit the part of Jingzhou south of the Yangtze River. For example, Wuling, Changsha, and Baling counties are called Xiangzhou and are under his command. Jingzhou will be given up to other aristocratic families or other forces who want to come to Jingzhou to compete for it."

"Zhu Chaoshi's situation is more complicated. When he seized Yu Yue's army, he actually openly offended the noble family. Although it was said that this was an act of urgency in the defense of Jingzhou, it still greatly humiliated Yu Yue. The head of this family will also cause dissatisfaction with other families. Therefore, it seems that Zhu Chaoshi should, but in fact it is absolutely impossible to control Jiangzhou after the war. I think the most likely result is that Liu Yu transfers him back to him. , directly let him command a unit of the Beifu Army, or be stationed at Jingkou, or be the commander of the Forbidden Army to protect the palace. Take over the position of his eldest brother. "

Luo Longsheng smiled and said: "However, Zhu Chaoshi is still a fierce general. It may be better to let him lead his own legion and charge into battle. Governance of the state is probably not his strength."

The black robe shook his head: "Don't look at people with old eyes. The major generals and marshals of the Beifu Army are all highly skilled in martial arts. They are all soldiers at the bottom. Everyone can charge into battle, but the most capable among them are By fighting with Liu Yu, I learned more about the art of war, and then practiced it in actual combat, and gradually gained the ability to command thousands of troops!"

"The people I just mentioned are just the best among them. They are also candidates who have the opportunity to become the new Beifu commander-in-chief or the new giant in the future. Now they have to slowly be promoted in the war. They have their own territory and army to replace Liu Yi and He Wuji, the senior generals of the past."

Luo Longsheng nodded: "There is also Meng Huaiyu. As the only remaining general of the Meng family, he should be one of these young marshals. Although his relationship with Liu Yu has never been too close, it can be said that He is Liu Yi's half-deputy general. Apart from Liu Yi's two younger brothers Liu Fan and Liu Cui, he should be the candidate for the future young commander."

The black robe laughed: "Liu Fan has always been the governor of Yanzhou. He has won another big state for Liu Yi, while Liu Cui has been following Liu Yu to join the army and make plans. He has no legion or territory of his own. , but this time when he went to Guanggu, Liu Cui also brought a part of Yanzhou soldiers and horses to fight, and he made a lot of achievements. After the war, he might be assigned a county guard. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Liu Yi's power, In fact, it won’t decrease much, but it’s no longer possible to replace Liu Yu and take over Jiankang to take over the power.”

"As for Meng Huaiyu, the biggest blow to the Meng family should be Meng Chang's death. Moreover, Meng Chang's collusion with Liu Tingyun has been found out before his death. This is a huge blow to the reputation of the Meng family. In addition, Meng Chang once publicly opposed Liu Yu stuck to Jiankang's decision and announced to the outside world that he had committed suicide by taking poison again. This was to claim that he would rather die than bow to Liu Yu. In fact, this move was very powerful, and it was equivalent to completely cutting off Liu Yi's powerful allies in the capital. It will eliminate the possibility of Liu Yi entering the government in the future."

Luo Longsheng laughed: "Yes, if you don't convince me to die by poisoning, you will expose the relationship with the Tiandao Alliance. That will become a crime of rebellion, and the family will be implicated. Now it is just a person who committed suicide by poisoning and opposed Liu Yu. , however, Meng Huaiyu performed very well in the Jiankang Defense War, and even became the most feared general in Tianshi Dao. He did not dare to break through his defense zone. This will probably give him a big reward after the war. Well, could it be that Yuzhou is given to Meng Huaiyu?"

The black robe pondered for a moment and shook his head: "Although Meng Huaiyu was originally the deputy general of Yuzhou, assisting Liu Yi, he was only stationed in the Dabie Mountains in northern Henan to guard against Sima Guofan and the Later Qin Dynasty. His legion was very small, no more than three Five thousand people are not considered generals, and after all, Yuzhou is Liu Yi’s hometown. If he is asked to serve as governor, Liu Yi will definitely not be happy, and may even feel it is a betrayal, and Meng Huaiyu himself will refuse."

"However, Jiangzhou next door is now ownerless. It is very likely that it will be given to Meng Huaiyu to guard it. In addition to being a good fighter, Meng Huaiyu is also good at politics. He was quite famous when he took office in Yuzhou. He Wuji has no heirs. Meng Huaiyu He should be the most suitable candidate." (End of Chapter)

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