Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4882: Huaiyu splits the family to seek independence

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Luo Longsheng smiled slightly: "These things that should have been discussed and decided by Liu Yu or Liu Muzhi have now become the general trend of the world decided by you, Lord God, here. It's really interesting."

Heipao said calmly: "To defeat the enemy, you have to understand their thoughts, sit in their position and plan their possible future actions, so that you can respond preemptively. In addition to the governor of Jiangzhou, Meng Longfu There will be another place to go, and that is the governor of Guangzhou. It was originally thought that Guangzhou was a vast area with a sparse population and numerous barbarians, and that it would serve no purpose other than to allow some corrupt officials to go there to make money and engage in overseas trade."

"But this time in the Tianshi Dao Rebellion, a Lingnan barbarian who killed Qianmo, and a Dongman troop led by Captain Axiba from Wuling performed very well, even compared to those of the Beifu Army and Tianshi Dao. Elite troops are no less generous. I think that after the war, the barbarians in these places will be very popular, because Xu Daofu and Tan Zhi proved that these people are very capable of fighting. If they are well trained, they can be organized and disciplined. , will become a strong army.”

"In the previous battle of Jingzhou, Gou Lin's troops sent by the Later Qin Dynasty were just Qiang Di tribes in the Ganliang area of ​​Hexi Province. For the dynasty of the Later Qin Dynasty that entered Guanzhong, they were also transformed into barbarians, but they have been used properly. , can also form a certain fighting capacity. These barbarians are brave and fierce, eager to fight and plunder, and are happy to be recruited. They do not need to be given a lot of money, food and land like the Han military households and civilian households after being recruited into the army. After the war, they will return He must be provoked and rewarded, and he must be rewarded with a title."

"These barbarians let them fight and kill people, and then give them some financial rewards afterwards. At the worst, they can move them from their original places to live in the city, and allocate land for them to make a living by farming. Then they will be grateful and very satisfied. It can be said that they were expropriated. The cost is very low, and the return is very high. The reason why He Wuji underestimated the enemy and misjudged the strength of Tianshi Dao is, to put it bluntly, because he did not take the strength of these barbarians into account, and he suffered a huge loss. I paid the price with my life."

Luo Longsheng nodded: "Yes, there are a large number of mountain barbarians in the territory of Dajin. In fact, there are our Xi people here in Jingzhou, as well as Wuxi barbarians, Bandun barbarians, etc., and Jiangzhou, Wudi, Minyue area There will also be a large number of Shanyue people. Han officials are afraid of trouble and often do not provoke these people. However, they themselves live in mountainous areas and rarely come out to interact with Han people. They occasionally attack Han prefectures and counties. Instead, the court wants to spend money. A lot of military and material resources were used to suppress them, but the gains outweighed the losses in attacking them."

"If the strong men of these tribes can be recruited into an army and let them go out to fight, while the old and weak women and children of these tribes can be moved to the wastelands on the plains, new fertile fields can be developed and these instabilities can be eliminated. Factors can be said to achieve multiple goals with one stone. In this way, Guangzhou will be greatly developed after the war, and it will not be a place that no one wants to go to like before."

The black robe nodded: "In the past, Guangzhou was just a place where the officials' children from aristocratic families used to make money. The local miasma was severe, and the outsiders were not accustomed to the local environment, so they became dissatisfied when they heard about it. However, because of the rare treasures from overseas trade, Treasures obtained from Jiankang can be sold at high prices, so some middle-class families, such as Diao Kui and others, will attach great importance to these places. The place is too far away from Jiankang, and the governor of Guangzhou is like a local emperor, who can desperately **** up the wealth of the people, so Guangzhou has always been , It is of little use to the country, but it is very useful to these aristocratic families. It has become a land of alienation and a paradise for making money."

"However, I'm afraid Liu Yu will not allow such a thing to happen again. This Tianshi Dao rebellion will teach him a big lesson. In a mere place like Guangzhou, there are only tens of thousands of official households. It is not as good as a big County, but Lu Xun and Xu Daofu could raise more than 100,000 troops, and almost wiped out the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty with just one Guangzhou. This force must be guarded against and must not be used. Sending a trustworthy general can Sir, if you go to Guangzhou and serve as the governor for a few years, you can at least provide a legion of more than 30,000 people for the Northern Expedition. If not, you can also provide security forces to guard these empty places after sending troops to other places for the Northern Expedition."

Luo Longsheng laughed: "Then the candidate for the governor of Guangzhou must be very careful. If he is entrusted by an unjust person, and this guy takes the opportunity to cause chaos and seize power in the country, it will be the second Tianshi Tao Rebellion. What do you think? If Meng Huaiyu goes over, is he such a trustworthy person?"

The black robe frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "Brothers Meng Longfu and Meng Huaiyu are very loyal to Liu Yu and the Beifu Army. They are pure soldiers and generals and are not involved in politics. , The desire for power is not even as good as that of several other commanders. Meng Huaiyu himself has been guarding border counties in Yuzhou for many years, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is treated as a second-tier cold palace, but he has no complaints. "

"I think the Meng family brothers are the ones Liu Yu would value more. It's a pity that Meng Longfu died in the battle with Nanyan, and Meng Huaiyu became the only child of the Meng family. Liu Yu will not turn a blind eye to them. If there is a chance to make Meng Huaiyu If you break away from Liu Yi, he will not let you go."

Luo Longsheng said in a deep voice: "Meng Huaiyu's two brothers are dead, but Meng Chang still died because he opposed Liu Yu. Can he really be loyal to Liu Yu?"

The black robe said calmly: "He has been following Liu Yu since he joined the army. However, he could only serve under Liu Yi because of Meng Chang. Now that Meng Chang is dead, Liu Yi has also lost Yuzhou. , he can finally leave Liu Yi legitimately. If there is an opportunity to be the governor of Guangzhou or the governor of Guangzhou, he will not give up. Only in Guangzhou can he truly establish and strengthen his own army. During the Northern Expedition, personally lead the army and achieve great achievements, so that you can have the opportunity to become a prince in the newly conquered Central Plains and North."

"And the only one who can help him do this is Liu Yu. If a lonely outsider like Wang Zhen'e can be reused, why should Liu Yu not use him?"

Luo Longsheng curled up his lips: "But if he really lets himself go and leaves Liu Yi, can Liu Yi agree? He has been following Liu Yi for more than ten years."

The black robe said coldly: "He followed Liu Yi because of Meng Chang. Meng Chang also needed a younger brother to serve Liu Yi with the army. In other words, it was like a hostage, because Meng Longfu was under Liu Yu. Liu Yi cannot let Meng Huaiyu escape from his control anymore, otherwise Meng Chang may turn to Liu Yu. However, now that Meng Chang is dead, the relationship between Meng Huaiyu and Liu Yi has also come to an end!" (End of Chapter)

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