Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4902: An army of 30,000 can conquer Shu

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The black robe laughed: "Yes, that's it. Relatively speaking, Qiao Shu is also easier to deal with. After destroying Sun Enlu Xun, the Jin Dynasty's vitality was seriously damaged. Even if Liu Yu wanted to go to the Northern Expedition, the national strength would be reduced." It’s not allowed. We have just analyzed that the post-war recovery and the re-division of spheres of influence all need to be digested and adjusted. In three to five years, Liu Yu will not be able to concentrate the power of the whole country and move northward in a big way. , not to mention, we will continue to increase the difficulty for him secretly, causing internal friction in the Eastern Jin Dynasty."

Luo Longsheng followed up and said: "So, Liu Yu's only feasible option is to find a soft persimmon to pinch. Hou Qin is now beaten by Hu Xia and has no time to take care of himself. It is unlikely that he will try his best to protect Qiao Zong like before, and Qiao Shu The army is very weak, with only tens of thousands of troops, and its combat effectiveness is poor. Last time, Hou Qin did not expect to send troops, so Liu Yu even sent only 3,000 men to the west to destroy Shu."

Heipao said coldly: "It's not entirely because Liu Yu underestimated the enemy, but because he had just succeeded in establishing righteousness at that time and didn't have many troops at hand. When he sent Liu Yi to send troops to Jingzhou, he only had less than 10,000 troops. After capturing Jingzhou, he had to divide his troops to guard Jingzhou and guard against the Tianshi Dao army in Guangzhou. The limit was to be able to dedicate 3,000 men to march westward. His original intention was to allow Liu Jingxuan and Liu Daogui to guard Western Shu after they performed meritorious services, and use the people of Shu. He used supplies to do a big thing, but was driven back by the reinforcements of Later Qin, which was regarded as Liu Yu's first military defeat."

"It's just that the strength of the Shu army is not really strong. This time Qiao Zong has been operating in Shu for several years. It's a bit too much to ask for 3,000 more people to destroy them. However, we have to send troops. To destroy Shu, you don’t need more than 30,000 troops. Liu Yu can still produce this amount of troops.”

Luo Longsheng shook his head in confusion: "Thirty thousand soldiers and horses to destroy Shu? Isn't it enough? This time even Qiao Daofu's troops when he left Shu to attack Baidi City exceeded 50,000. Although the Shu soldiers are not strong in combat effectiveness, If we want to control Shu after destroying Shu and suppress all rebellions, we must have 50,000 to 60,000 troops."

The black robe smiled slightly: "If fifty or sixty thousand troops are dispatched, it will be almost the scale of the Great Northern Expedition. This is something the Eastern Jin Dynasty cannot afford now. If Liu Yu really dares to raise such a large army to destroy Shu, then those of my Propaganda that the people were in dire straits was enough to make him delegate power and step down. Therefore, Liu Yu dispatched at most 20,000 to 30,000 people to first eliminate Qiao Zong, and then achieve a certain degree of compromise with the local powerful families, so that they would give up rebellion and resistance. , they can continue to retain their rights and interests for a period of time, just like in Nanyan."

Luo Shenglong sneered and said: "As for Nanyan, the powerful landlords like the Han family and the Feng family in Nanyan have all been uprooted. Even if the news in Shu is blocked, these upper-class families will not know anything about it. We can definitely cause some trouble in Shu. Liu Yu may only need 20,000 to 30,000 troops to destroy Shu, but if he wants to pacify this place, huh, I don’t think he can even think about it if he doesn’t have an army of 100,000."

A cold light flashed in the black robe's eyes: "This is what we will do in the future, but there is no rush now. We just analyze that if Liu Yu goes back to Liu Bang's old path, he will definitely take Shu, and then go to Guanzhong on the Northern Expedition, or Like Zhuge Liang, he first pacified Ganliang in Longyou, obtained the Qiang and Di cavalry horses, and formed his own cavalry unit, so that he could confront the Hu cavalry head-on in the northern plains and Guanzhong."

Luo Longsheng shook his head: "Is it necessary to have cavalry? I see that the Beifu Army does not have many cavalry, and they also swept away the Qiang and Di who had cavalry. In the battle just a few days ago, didn't thousands of Qiang and Di cavalry have no effect? "

The black robe said solemnly: "If we look at one or two battles, or even a battle-level decisive battle, Liu Yu and his Beifu army are now powerful in combat and have proficient tactics. They can win even if they face all armored cavalry. opportunity, but don’t forget that these victories were based on the enemy, whether it was Murong Chui or Xu Daofu, taking the initiative to fight Liu Yu and Liu Daogui. They thought that with cavalry, especially heavy cavalry, they would be able to They will fail if they can defeat the Beifu Army's infantry head-on, but what if, on the other hand, they have cavalry, but they don't fight a decisive battle or a front-on battle, but instead take advantage of the mobility of the cavalry to fight guerrillas with Liu Yu?"

Luo Longsheng frowned: "That means giving up your city, people, food and grass. Fighting like this in Guanzhong is equivalent to giving up Chang'an. Who dares to take such a risk? Just like Murong Chui, who also fought in Linqu Because half of Nan Yan's army and supplies are concentrated here, if we retreat without a fight, all the supplies will be obtained by Liu Yu, and there will be no way to fight later."

Heipao shook his head: "Later Qin will not be the end of Liu Yu's Northern Expedition. He will also collect Ganliang and restore the Hetao, because if the Hu Xia on the Hetao grassland is not destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will always be huge There is also the threat of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the east. They can retreat to Pingcheng or even the Monan grassland at any time, and then fight the Beifu Army decisively. With such a powerful cavalry group, they are willing to abandon the city and give up land, and they can appear and disappear on the grassland. To fight the enemy, it is impossible to rely only on infantry and chariots, but must have a strong cavalry that fights independently."

Luo Longsheng nodded: "I understand. If you want to defend the Great Wall, you must suppress Monan and Hetao. This is indeed a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Therefore, in the future, should we help these northern Hulu and let them Do you have the ability to stop Liu Yu and prevent him from easily taking over the world in Guan?"

The black robe said in a deep voice: "Take one thing at a time, don't think too much, the top priority is that you and I have to realize the current plan. You go to Yu Yue's side to command the army, and then find a way to stimulate the relationship between him and Liu Yi. Contradictory, I will unite with some high-ranking families and let Yu Yue have Dangdang, the governor of Dazhou, to further stimulate Liu Yi to attack him. Only if they fight first can the Beifu Army Group and the high-ranking families be completely broken. Only when alliance relations deteriorate and break down can our previous plans be realized step by step."

Luo Longsheng nodded thoughtfully: "Let's get back to this matter. I have one last question. I am still a cavalry commander in Yongzhou, a subordinate of Lu Zongzhi, and also a deputy general of Lu Gui. How can I be Yu Yue took a fancy to him and asked him to transfer me to Yu Yue's side. Even if he is willing to take me, what if Lu Zongzhi refuses to let me go at this time?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry about this. Yu Yue is now a bare-bones general. As long as I use some force on him, he will not hesitate to use the Yu family's capital in Jiangnan to recruit troops. As long as he gives enough With all the benefits of Lu Zong, are you still afraid that Lu Zong will not let people go?" (End of this chapter)


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