Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4903: There is a hidden thread around Yu Gong

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Luo Longsheng laughed: "But with your current status, you have no official position, how can you get along with Yu Yue? You know, in our place, you are a god, but in the eyes of Yu Yue, a goose-burning young man, , you are just a well-known scholar without an official position. Thinking about how he treated Liu Yi back then, I am afraid it will not be easy for you, Lord God, to meet him."

The black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "If in normal times, Yu Yue had soldiers, power, and a high position, it would be rare for me to see him. But what is Yu Yue like now? He has captured the army and is under house arrest. The guards in Jingzhou Governor's Mansion are like prisoners. At this time, even if Wu Di Jiankang's family can rescue him, he will just go back to his hometown alone, and it will be difficult to raise his head. Now more than ever, he needs someone to help him regain the army. He regains his official position, and I am the person who can help him."

Luo Longsheng frowned: "How can you see him? This is the first priority."

The black robe smiled slightly: "Don't worry, thanks to Liu Tingyun, I used to keep an eye on Yu Yue's side. Now it's time to make this chess piece come alive. Long Sheng, you go back and rectify the troops now. Gather your troops, and when Yu Yue really comes to find you, you must have a capable army."

A smile flashed across Luo Longsheng's face: "I will always be ready, don't worry!"

Three days later, Jiangling City, Post House.

Yu Yue was wearing a satin robe and casual clothes. He was walking back and forth in a pavilion with his hands behind his back. In the market outside, the cheerful sound of gongs, drums and laughter surrounded the entire pavilion. It was from Jiangling. The soldiers and civilians, after finally defeating Tianshi Dao's army, felt the joy of victory for the rest of their lives. However, this joy of victory did not seem to make Yu Yue have much empathy. Sometimes he stopped and sighed, sometimes he walked to the window and watched the people coming and going outside, but he looked solemn and said nothing.

There was a rush of footsteps. Yu Yue's head didn't even move. He was still looking at the scenery outside the window. A man who looked like a manager hurried in. This was a white-faced man in his forties, about the same age as Yu Yue. The middle-aged man with a slight beard and a slightly plump figure said in a low voice: "Master, we have heard about the situation in the Governor's Mansion. Liu Daogui is still in a coma and has not woken up yet. The military affairs of the mansion are now handled by Tan Daoji. Wang Zhenzhi will preside over the meeting, and political affairs will be handled by Wang Zhenzhi. Wang Zhenzhi has lifted the ban on you. We can return to Jiankang at any time. Oh, there is one more thing, and that is the two thousand Xianbei tiger-spot cavalry led by Suo Miao. , has arrived in Jingzhou from Tongbai Mountain, the connection between Jingzhou and Jiankang has been opened, and the channel for us to go back has also been opened."

Yu Yue frowned: "Tiger-spotted cavalry? Are they the Ju armored cavalry from Nanyan? Those Xianbei people who surrendered to Liu Yu after the Battle of Guanggu?"

The steward nodded: "Yes, the current Dajiang River is still controlled by Tianshi Dao, so Liu Yu sent these Xianbei cavalry directly from Yuzhou through Tongbai Mountain, and they also joined Zhu Chao Shi and Lu Gui's troops captured Jiangxia City and Xiakou Ferry. Therefore, there is now a land route to Yuzhou, and intelligence from Jiankang has also been passed on. Lu Xun and Xu Daofu two months ago After the defeat in the Battle of Jiankang, Xu Daofu’s last attack on Jingzhou was an attempt to recover his losses after the defeat in the Battle of Jiankang.”

Yu Yue gritted her teeth and looked at the steward: "Wen Bai, you said last time that Liu Tingyun's cooperation with us was problematic. What role did this woman play in this Jiankang battle?"

The face of the housekeeper named Wen Bai changed, and he looked around cautiously. Yu Yue walked towards the center of the room, sat cross-legged on a couch in the middle, closed his eyes and meditated, while Wen Bai He picked up an incense burner and walked to his side. He stood respectfully next to Yu Yue. He seemed to be assisting the protector, but he whispered in a low voice: "Master, as expected, this Liu Tingyun is She was a spy of the Tiandao Alliance, and she directly assassinated Meng Chang, and then Meng Chang counterattacked before he died, and they both died together!"

Yu Yue was so shocked that he no longer dared to pretend, and almost jumped up from the ground. Finally, he held back and continued to sit down. His hand holding the whisk was trembling slightly, and blood began to appear on his forehead. Cold sweat came: "How could this happen? What does this woman want? Is she crazy? Want to assassinate Meng Chang?"

Wen Bai sighed softly: "At that time, Meng Chang was sitting at the Shangshu desk in the palace and in charge of political affairs. Liu Tingyun probably wanted to kidnap Meng Chang, and then ordered the emperor to leave the palace with Meng Chang's official seal. As long as he brought With the emperor's kidnapping in hand, Liu Tingyun could take the opportunity to order officials from all over the country. Because Liu Yu suddenly came back from the north at that time, Liu Tingyun's original plan failed. In order to help Tianshi Dao seize Jiankang, she took the risk like this~www.wuxiaspot.com ~And I also found out a huge secret that has not been proven yet, that is, Doupeng’s identity has also been exposed!”

Yu Yue opened his eyes immediately, and the whisk in his hand fell to the ground: "What? The cloak is also exposed? Who is he?"

Wen Bai gritted his teeth: "This cloak is actually Xie Xuan. He has been pretending to be dead, but he is actually alive, and he went underground and became the **** of the Tiandao Alliance!"

Yu Yue's mind went blank, and he sat on the ground as if petrified. After a while, he swallowed: "This, these news are so scary. Where did you learn about it?"

Wen Bai whispered: "He is a person who surprised you very much. He experienced these things personally, and then took this opportunity to quietly come to our Jingzhou, got in touch with me, and wanted to ask to see the lord. I don't know if the lord is Accept this person’s meeting?”

Yu Yue quickly said: "Who is this person? How can I see him?"

Wen Bai curled up his lips: "He is a powerful person in Jingzhou, and he has always been on the side of the high-ranking family. This person's identity has been kept strictly confidential from the old family head. If you don't want to see him, head of the family, just There is no need to know who he is, this is the order of the previous head of the family."

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "That is to say, like Liu Tingyun before, is this a secret move set up by our ancestors of the Yu family? It's just that this Liu Tingyun is actually a spy of the Tiandao Alliance. I'm going to trick her to death. Will this person you found now try to trick me again!?"

Wen Bai said calmly: "Crisis and opportunity coexist. It depends on whether you are willing to take the risk, my lord. If you don't want to see this person, then we can go back to Wu directly and pretend that nothing happened. Liu Tingyun and our Outsiders also know nothing about relationships." (End of chapter)


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