Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 56: Frozen Miles

'The copy of the consciousness body is completed and is being reshaped...'

'Name: Bermer. '

'Affiliation: 1048 Universe. '

‘Bermer, a retired sailor, returned to his hometown with his two adopted daughters. The family of three depended on growing oranges for a living. But the evil murloc pirates still came as scheduled, but the difference is that in the years when the murloc dragon came, Cocoyasi Village had a bumper harvest of oranges, so Cocoyasi Village had to pay taxes for the three of them.

However, Belmel, who was unwilling to be dominated by the pirates, secretly found a nearby naval branch for help. What the former navy did not expect was that the navy chose to cooperate with the evil dragon. Under the temptation of money, the navy not only failed to help the oppressed Cocoyasi village, but also directly ordered the arrest of Bermer, a former member of the navy.

Disappointed with the navy, Bermer took advantage of the confusion and jumped into the sea to escape from Cocoyasi Village.

And Bellmel, who appeared in front of people again, was already a female tyrannosaurus wearing dragon scales, with dragon wings on her back, hands like sharp claws, and mouth breathing flames.

Belmel, who came back for revenge, not only killed the evil murlocs who oppressed Cocoyasi Village, but also slaughtered the navy colluding with the murlocs. So far, a former navy soldier has become the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea.

And relying on their bold personality and powerful strength, as well as their incomparable familiarity with the navy's action rules, Bermer and her Orange Pirates grew rapidly, overcoming all obstacles and breaking into the second half of the great route...'

The introduction to Bellemel is not over yet, but because the characters are still being reshaped, the introduction on Bellemel is not yet comprehensive. Neither her name nor her devil fruit has been revealed yet.

However, Wanxiu can also guess from the part of Belmel's part about destroying the dragon that Belmel probably has the devil fruit ability. If it can turn into a tyrannosaur, it should be a devil fruit similar to Kaido's animal-type phantom beast.

"It's just a phantom beast devil fruit, and there is no strong teammate. How did Bermer get on the throne?" Wan Xiu read Bermer's introduction twice, but he wanted to know how Bermer got on the sea. Top.

"Forget it, we'll find out when the time comes."

Wanxiu didn't continue to explore Bermel's fruit ability. Anyway, this tyrannosaurus is about to be reshaped, and she will know all about her in a few days.

Thinking of this, Wan Xiu immediately exited the warehouse and returned to the captain's room on the pirate ship.

"Boom, boom."

Two minutes after Wan Xiu exited the warehouse of consciousness, there was a knock on the hatch.

"come in."

As soon as Wanxiu's voice fell, Shanks who knocked on the door had already pushed the door and entered.

"Captain, the sea ahead is frozen." Shanks said to Wanxiu as soon as he entered the room.

"Is it frozen?"

After Wan Xiu heard the word "Frozen", he immediately thought of the admiral Aokiji he met in Rogge Town.

If Wanxiu's guess is correct, it should be that the navy is encircling and suppressing him.

"Go, go out and have a look."

After speaking, Wanxiu took Shanks directly to the deck. When Wan Xiu rushed to the cabin, Katakuri, Doflamingo and others had already been waiting here.

"Captain, Aokiji should have done it. They only left a channel for us to go in." Katakuri pointed to the cold ice field ahead and said to Wanxiu.

At this time, the pirate ship had lowered its sails and stopped moving forward. Everyone was still very cautious about this obvious trap.

Wanxiu looked in the direction Katakuri pointed, and there was indeed a channel in the ice sheet that could pass three or four ships. "Where does this route lead to?"

"According to this direction, it should be the capital of water." After Katakuri confirmed the location on the map,

Only then answered.

"Water City?" Wan Xiu repeated the place name of Water City, which was the place he planned to go to when he left the East China Sea.

However, the navy now probably has set up the capital of water as a fortress like the headquarters of the navy. Although the strength may not be comparable to that of the headquarters of the navy, Wan Xiu thinks it is not too bad.

If Wan Xiu really plunged headlong into the channel set aside by the navy, then what was waiting for him in the capital of water must be the large naval force led by the Warring States Period.

"Heh, does the Warring States want to stage a top war in the capital of water in advance?" Wan Xiu smiled slightly, but he already roughly guessed the thoughts of the Warring States.

Wan Xiu didn't think he would be the same as Whitebeard. He didn't need to rescue anyone from the Warring States, let alone fight the navy to the end. He could leave at any time, and he could even go directly to Shampoo Land without going to the capital of water.

"Well, shall we go around?" Doflamingo didn't think it would be difficult to break through these ice blocks, and it was only a matter of time for him to break this ice sheet.

"Go, of course, but it's not now. We can wait nearby for a while." Although Wan Xiu wanted to enter the new world, he was not in a hurry. Bellmel will be able to copy and reshape it soon, and Wanxiu will be able to add another good combat power as long as he waits for a while.

But when Wanxiu answered Doflamingo, he saw a group of marine soldiers looming on the ice field in the distance.

"The people in the navy seem to be led by two generals." Katakuri, who had the best vision, saw the group of people in the navy first, and said to Wanxiu and others.

"The green pheasant and the yellow ape."

Through the colors of the clothes of the leading two navy men, Wan Xiu had already figured out the identities of these two men.

"Aokiji? The one from Rogue Town?" Shanks still had some impression of the name Aokipheasant. When he was in Rogue Town, this person had frozen the sea.

"It's him, it seems that his injury is almost healed." Wan Xiu replied to Shanks after glancing at the green pheasant and yellow ape that were retreating normally.

After answering Shanks' question, Wan Xiu said to everyone: "Go to Changhuan Island, where we will stay for a few days."

In Wanxiu's plan, if Bellemel is strong, then there is no harm in going to the capital of water. After a big battle, he can increase a lot of bounties.

But if the remodeled copy of Bermer is as young as the young Shanks, then there is no need for Wanxiu to take this risk.

At that time, Wanxiu had to break through the frozen sea, bypass the water capital from the side, and go to the shampoo coating. Although there is also the risk of being chased by the navy, it is better than going to the capital of water and being surrounded.

"It seems that the navy is under a lot of pressure, otherwise they wouldn't be so aggressive." Katakuri has been in contact with the navy for many years, and he has also figured out some of the navy's work styles. If it is not necessary, the navy will not launch so many navies to snipe them. "Is it because the power of pirates in this world greatly exceeds that of the navy?"

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