Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 57: The Queen of the Sea - Bermer

Although Katakuri is the king of the new world in his own world, the strength of the pirates in the new world can only be equal to that of the navy.

In this state of balance, the Whitebeard Pirates, which are hostile to Katakuri, are still counted. Otherwise, the Charlotte family alone would not be able to contend with the entire world government and navy alone. Because of this, Katakuri had never seen the Navy go to war like this.

"Who knows about the navy." Doflamingo also complained about the navy at the right time when the pirate ship raised its sails again and headed towards the frozen waterway.

Everyone on board is a leader in pirates, and they don't have a good impression of the navy.

Especially Garp, who is now at the helm, has been fighting the World Government and the Navy since Windmill Village was destroyed by the Tianlong people.

The navy and the world government have always been his enemies, and Garp also wants to invade the holy land of Mariejoa.

When entering the first half of the great route, Garp suggested to Wanxiu to attack Mary Gioia later. For Garp's suggestion, Wanxiu at the time did not refuse.

And now that he has decided to be an enemy of the world government, Wanxiu of course knows that he will confront the Navy Headquarters head-on.

Of course, the current combat power of Wan Xiu's men can't compare with the high-end combat power of the navy, but if it's just a few encounters, Wan Xiu is still not afraid.

After a day of sailing, Wanxiu and others broke through part of the frozen sea of ​​Qingzhi and came to Changhuan Island, which is very close to the water capital.

On the second day Wanxiu and others stayed in Changhuan Island, Huang Yuan, who was in charge of monitoring Wanxiu and his party, immediately reported to Deka Puhui, the capital of water: "The other party stopped at Changhuan Island."

"Stopped?" Zhan Guo was obviously dissatisfied after hearing the news, "What does this mean? They don't go around, and they don't open the city of water. Are they waiting for someone?"

He didn't know that Wanxiu could reshape the personnel of the Warring States Period. In his opinion, it was meaningless to stay on Changhuan Island.

There are basically no people living in Changhuan Island, and supply is a difficult problem. The longer they stayed, the less supplies they would carry. When they ran out of supplies, they might have to come to the water capital.

After talking about his doubts about Wanxiu and others, Warring States continued to He and others: "Marie Joya has urged us to end this siege earlier, and the newest emperor Shanks of the New World has arrived In the first half of the great route, it is stationed in Chambord."

"Shanks? Is this guy really coming to the first half?" Crane had also received information from Shanks' red-haired pirates before, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly drive to the first half of the great route. "His territory in the New World is still unstable, so leaving like this is not a good decision for him."

Regarding Shanks' actions, Sengoku also has a different view: "Because of instability, it's okay to leave. When he returns to the new world, he can just go and seize those places."

Crane is also a little worried about the arrival of Shanks. After all, this person is also very powerful. "He should also come for this battle, but it's hard to say whether he will refer to it or not."

Warring States waved his hand and said, "Marie Gioia said that he won't participate."

Although Crane was very curious about the relationship between Marie Gioia and Shanks, she didn't ask too much. This kind of thing is beyond her ability to ask.


The first half of the great route, the long roundabout.

After waiting for a while, it was finally time for Bermer in the warehouse to be awakened.

'The copy of the consciousness body is completed and is being reshaped...'

‘Name: Bermer (Queen of the Sea) (34 years old). '

Strength: S+ (Dragon Dragon Fruit-Phantom Beast-Fire Tyrannosaurus)

'Affiliation: 1048 Universe. '

Wanxiu, who had already entered the warehouse, glanced at Bermel's title,

Then I directly set my sights on the content that I hadn't seen before.

‘After Bermel entered the great route, he also brought some new-generation pirates under his command.

Among them are Jack, the mammoth-like elephant fruit, Cavendish, the noble son of the pirate, Fire Fist Ace, the pirate who was also born in the East China Sea, and Enel, the thunderous fruit that descended from the sky island...

With such a luxurious lineup, Bermer resolutely entered the new world after six years in the first half of the great voyage.

After entering the new world, Bermel's team showed the world its tyrannical strength. Whether it was Shichibukai or the emperors of the new world, they were all shocked by this strength.

The title of "Queen of the Sea" also began to be sung on the sea from this time. '

"Queen of the Sea, sounds pretty good. But is this girl full of charisma? Can Jack, Ace, Enel, etc. join her pirate group?" Wanxiu finished reading all of Bermer After the introduction, he seemed a little puzzled.

It is understandable that Bermer, the pirate group, can subdue Cavendish, but the joining of people like Jack and Ace is a bit mysterious. However, the ages of these people are more in line with the time when Bermer went to sea as a pirate. After all, Jack was only 26 years old when he was at the top of the war.

"A fiery tyrannosaurus of the phantom beast species, I really want to see what this charming Belmel looks like."

Thinking of this, Wanxiu also directly exited the warehouse, pulling his consciousness back into the main world.

When Wanxiu browsed through the introductions of Belmer, the queen of the sea had been reshaped into the main world.

When Wan Xiu's consciousness returned, Bermer was already standing in front of Wan Xiu and observing the surroundings. When she saw Wan Xiu looking over, the female pirate in an orange shirt and a white coat also looked over.

"Captain Wanxiu." Bellmel greeted Wanxiu first after the two looked at each other.

Unlike Bermel from the main world, she did not shave off her hair on both sides, but tied all her hair into a ponytail.

"Welcome, Bermel." Wanxiu greeted Bermel first, and then continued, "How does it feel to be here for the first time?"

"Not bad, but this isn't the new world, is it?"

The place where Wanxiu reshaped Belmer is on a high platform on Changhuan Island, so Bermer can also see the entire Changhuan Island from here.

"If I remember correctly, this should be Changhuan Island?"

She has been in the first half of the great route for six years, and her headquarters is still set up on Gaya Island. She still has some impressions of Changhuan Island.

"Yes, this is Changhuan Island, and we will go to the water capital next step."

After Wan Xiu nodded and answered, he added, "However, a large navy force is waiting for us in the capital of water."

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