Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 153: :outside world

   The first hot dish is fried bacon with red cabbage moss.

   Purple-red vegetable moss, accompanied by golden yellow garlic sprouts, a few red peppers swaying in it.

   Su Qingyue thought of Qi Xiaopang enrolling students from the departmental school, and liked this very much. I also recommend it to everyone: this thing was very famous in the Tang Dynasty. It was a local speciality offered to the emperor, and it was named Jindian jade dish.

   Su Qingyue is now learning and selling now, introducing him to Cui Chengyou.

Bian Yawen next to    translates for Park Nancheng.

   Park Nancheng listened, nodded frequently, and took a bite.

   spoke in Korean again, and said something excitedly.

   This time Su Qingyue didn't need Cui Chengyou and Bian Yawen to translate, and he also understood that he was complimenting the dish.

   Su Qingyue also ate it.

  The outstanding feeling should be served with local wine and local food.

   Bawang has a high degree of drunkenness, eat a bite of bacon with vegetable moss.

   But there is fluid in the mouth.

   The smell of wine returned again.

He picked up the cup at this time, "Let's take the second cup." He said, introducing: "We have three friendly glasses for drinking here. These three cups are exquisite, and they are called literati drinking three cups into three games. Lianzhong Sanyuan. It’s a pleasure to have friends coming from afar... come, drink..."

   After another word, Choi Seung-woo yelled okay, followed by serving the cup.

  Park Nancheng followed, but he frowned visibly, and then drank it.

   Then Bian Yawen began to translate for him.

   I don’t know if she didn’t translate correctly, but Pu Nancheng obviously didn’t understand it very well, with doubts on her face.

   Choi Seung-woo interrupted her with a smile at this time, and translated it to Park Nan-sung himself.

   Only then did the latter understand, he also laughed and said a few words.

   Bian Yawen translated to Su Qingyue, which means that the dishes are not only delicious, but also have history.

  Cui Chengyou complimented Ah Mou: "Mr. Su not only works well, but also enjoys life. Miss Yan is really blessed."

   "He never said this to me." Ah Mou smiled back.

   Everyone laughed together.

At this time, Amu picked up a drink and said, "I use a drink instead of wine. One is to welcome guests from afar; the other is to welcome Ms. Bian Yawen home; the third reason is that it is a fate for everyone to become friends." After she spoke, she motioned for everyone to join.

   Su Qingyue discovered that Ah Mou has changed a lot since Pingjing.

   Before she went out with herself, she didn't speak much.

   is also generous now.

   gives myself a long face.

   couldn't help but laugh, listening to Bian Yawen's words of thanks.

   Choi Seung-woo and Park Nam-sung also had a full glass of wine.

   Su Qingyue has gradually adapted now. Although it is a 70-degree wine, it is not as burned as before.

   The second hot dish followed: braised wild duck.

  Introduction of the waiter: This is a local traditional famous dish. The main ingredient is Honghu Qingtou Duck.

   did not wait for Su Qingyue to speak this time.

   Cui Chengyou said: "I know this dish. Cao Cao said,'If anyone comes to Wulin first, try the braised wild duck.'"

   Everyone laughed.

   Su Qing yelled hello, and had a drink with him alone.

   The whole duck was cut into 36 pieces.

   is placed on a wooden boat, stand up with chopsticks, and can be drawn slightly.

   Su Qingyue puts the import.

   is fresh and refreshing, sweet and salty.

   is very different from the duck in Nandu, but it is also delicious.

   Then one dish after another came up, they pushed the cup and changed one.

   Choi Seung Woo asked casually: "Mr. Su, how is your company's current "Feng Shen World" progress?"

   "In preparation." Su Qingyue said, not surprising that he knew.

  Because now not only the media, but also the industry and investment circles are all staring at ChinaNet, wanting to see the performance of "Fengshen World".

   "Then we wish "The World of Conferred God" success!" He picked up the wine glass and said to Park Nam Sung in Korean.

   The latter also hurriedly picked up the cup.

   "Then I also wish my brothers new market expansion and victory." He said.

   Three people clink glasses.

   After drinking all the wine, Cui Chengyou took a chopsticks Wuchang fish and put it in his mouth.

After eating, he said: "We are envious of you, there are so many historical stories. Even if it is a dish, many allusions can be extended, and there are many poems. These are the precious treasures left to you by the predecessors." He said At this point, I paused for a while, as if thinking.

   Su Qingyue thinks he still has something to say.

   So I kept silent and waited for him.

Sure enough, he went on to say: "But we also have our advantages. Two thousand game companies have gathered on both sides of the Han River. There are the best art, planning and technology in the Asian online game industry." The conversation turned: "If we combine , Not only do magic, but also try to do some Eastern cultural games. I firmly believe that the future can be expected."

   may be because of drinking.

   Speaking of these, Choi Seung-woo was a little excited.

   Su Qingyue admitted that they are very advanced.

   And he does not admit it alone, but the whole industry admits it.

   is also learning from them.

   I remembered that Li Jun once said to himself: Many people think that the reason why their online games can be successful depends on official support. This is actually a wrong view. Because it ignores the accumulation of many years of technology, art and planning behind its games.

   Ten minutes on stage and ten years of work off stage, no one can succeed casually.

   Su Qingyue was a little curious, and asked: "So, among these companies, are there also in the development of our culture?"

   "Of course, the Three Kingdoms is just one of them. There are also companies that are studying the Warring States Period, Datang, Southern Song and other series." He said: "It is not just historical subjects, but also mythological subjects.

   Listening to him, Su Qing became a little nervous.

   He realized that Hualuo’s opponents are definitely not just companies like Tiancheng Shengshi, Qicai and Yiyuan.

   There is also competition from overseas.

   With their technical strength, artistic skills and planning ability, if these games are brought to the local market, and then localized packaging and design, it will inevitably cause a huge impact. At that time, the market structure will change.

   Not only that, but also the problem of talent pool.

  The reality is that, because of the secular cognition and the background of the times, most of the game practitioners in China before are players and their abilities are uneven. So when the industry needs a lot of talents, it is stretched. There is still a time lag from the change of concept to the full supply of talents.

   The main contradiction in the game industry is the current situation of vigorous development and the serious shortage of high-end employees.

   I heard from Brother Guang that Guan Pengpeng is in the direction of Game Academy.

It is different from the elite young people cultivated by cities with huge amounts of financial resources and energy and the children of Kochi or businessman families who have the capital to choose life and can handle various relationships openly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ More students have no backing and background, and no study abroad , Through the choice of competition to advance to life, you can only take the road of "reading to change your destiny". They may lose at the starting line. For most of these ordinary people, the game industry has a good counterattack space.

   I hope this game academy will not be secular utilitarian and sell dog meat.

   Out of curiosity, he asked Choi Seung-woo: "Mr. Choi, is there a game major or college in Korea now?"

"Programming, planning, and art. Our echelon training system is very good. There is also the Game Industry Promotion Institute. Our chairman is the director of the Institute." Cui Chengyou introduced and said: "Mr. Su, if you have the opportunity, you must Go around."

   "Okay, I am willing to study and study."

   he said, so he picked up the cup again.

   Everyone drink.

   Su Qingyue felt that today was not in vain, and he understood the outside world.

   can't help but worry about "Feng Shen World".

   The outside world is surging and changing drastically.

   Can "Fengshen World" really support Hualuo?

   I know the responsibility is heavy.

   had many questions in his heart, so he drank with Choi Seung-woo again.

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