Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 154: : Great Wind Song

   Dinner is still going on.

   Pu Nancheng is very edible, he not only eats all the ribs in the lotus root soup.

   put the hot out again and soaked in the rice.

   Feeling like he's been hungry for many years, Cui Chengyou smiled and said to Su Qingyue, "It's rude."

   Pu Nancheng was a little embarrassed after eating, scratching his head.

   Like a big child, communicating with Bian Yawen in Korean.

Cui Chengyou laughed, shaking his head, and said to Su Qingyue: "He is saying that this thing is worse than miso soup, and he doesn't want to make games. It's better to learn a cook and open a Chinese restaurant on the Han River when he goes back, specializing in 2000 games. The company absolutely makes money, and it is not as tired as it is now.

   "Oh? Is there much Chinese food in your place?"

"It's not too much, it's all improved." Bian Yawen interrupted at this time: "It's totally unrecognizable like fried noodles, sweet and sour fish, and hot pot. We international students don't like it." She said, smiling at Cui Chengyou. , "They don't like to eat too much oil, basically kimchi and soybean paste...Eating a barbecue will improve the food."

   "Then are you used to it now?" Amu asked curiously.

"I can't, I've never used to it." Bian Yawen laughed. "It's okay to eat for a short time, but it's really hard to eat every day. After all, I have a Chinese stomach." She said, "And I can't eat many things. , Sometimes I eat a bag of instant noodles and adjust it slightly."

   "He is telling the truth, most people think so." Cui Chengyou nodded.

   suddenly remembered that a famous director said: Is the burger delicious? good to eat! Can you eat it every day? Your stomach is the stomach of fried noodles, you have to come back after a few days. I don’t deny the goodness of others, but the stomach of fried noodles is the stomach of fried noodles. This thing cannot be changed.

   Now Su Qingyue feels that Fu Sichang is right.

   Fu Sichang must have seen the real gap, and it is difficult to make up in a short time.

   To achieve a corner overtaking.

   There must be new breakthroughs and changes.

  Culture is an opportunity, just like human appetite.

   This is the case with martial arts, the case with Journey to the West, and the same with the Fengshen.

   Let’s watch "Feng Shen World" below.

   drank again with Choi Seungwoo.

   After a glass of wine, it’s been almost an hour and a half.

   The three of them also took one bottle.

   The energy to carry the dispenser was gone, too.

   Is this the power of high alcohol?

   Su Qingyue thought, his head is not too dizzy, he still has basic judgment.

   He asked curiously at this time: "In your opinion, our local game company, which one you are more optimistic about, technology or model." Then he said: "Tiancheng flourishes? Colorful?"

   "They are the forerunners, I admire them very much." Cui Chengyou said.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Bian Yawen kept translating their words to Park Nancheng.

   The latter thought for a while, said a lot in Korean, Bian Yawen nodded her head.

   Choi Seung-woo translated for her: "A company called Focus, their stand-alone products were once sold in Korea, called Terracotta Warriors. From art to planning, they are excellent and creative. I personally like it."


   Su Qingyue nodded and raised his eyebrows slightly.

   He felt that Cui Chengyou's translation could not be wrong.

   is another wine in the glass.

   Choi Seung Woo took his shoulders and said, "Brother, I like this place."

   "Here?" Su Qingyue asked.

   He said: "Yes, our place is too small and the work pressure is very high. When I came here, I felt that there are endless scenery, endless food, cigarettes, wine, beautiful women..."

  A booming open market, it is understandable for everyone to come together to pan for gold. The most important thing is that our own strength should be enriched as soon as possible.

   Be beaten if you fall behind.

   I don't know if it is the reason for the high alcohol consumption. At this moment, Su Qingyue has an unprecedented sense of mission.

   This opportunity is good, and Su Qingyue wants to learn more about overseas markets.

   then asked: "There are two thousand companies on both sides of the Guanghan River. The competition must be fierce?"

   heard Su Qingyue say so.

   Cui Chengyou's face suddenly stagnated.

   He probably remembered something.

It took a long time to say: "It should not be used as fierce, but as tragic. The market is limited, and not everyone has the resources and vision to contact or even go to overseas markets." He said: "It's hard to live. Very good is even more difficult. The strong also need to constantly adjust and change themselves."

  Listen to him.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Bian Yawen translated for Park Nancheng.

   After listening to the latter, he added a few more words.

   Choi Seung Woo looked at him, shook his head and spoke a few Korean words to him.

   is probably a debate.

  Park Nam Sung is very persistent.

After a while, Cui Chengyou translated Su Qingyue: “He said that under this kind of competition, some companies even deliberately operate games for free and then secretly sell props in order to survive.” He said, adding his own opinion: “This kind of Things that undermine the fairness of the game won’t last, and are all done by small companies.”

   He said so.

   Su Qingyue suddenly remembered his elder brother Liu Yong, and ran to Hualuo for his own equipment.

   He hired many people to help him play games.

   Can’t tell what the connection is.

   I always find this idea a bit interesting.

   He was about to continue asking, but Choi Seung-woo has changed the subject.

   Obviously, he doesn't approve or want to discuss this topic at all.

   He and Park Nam Sung have a disagreement.

   Of course, this has nothing to do with the individual.

   picked up the glass and continued with Choi Seung-woo.

   pointed to the second bottle of wine and said, "Good things are in pairs, we have to open this bottle."

   "No problem!" Choi Seung Woo followed.

   The three men have no opinion.

   Su Qingyue feels that alcohol is a universal means of communication for men all over the world.

  Three cups lead to the road, and one fight is natural.

   No worries on the days of drinking.

   They poured wine.

   Choi Seung-woo said again: "Brother, we will return to the plane the day after tomorrow, and we will start preparing." He said, "I am very touched by this scene today. I want to express my emotions, can I?"

   His voice has already stuttered a bit.

   Su Qingyue also drank happily.

   applaud him.

"Xingzi faced Feipeng, the golden whip pointed at Iron Cong. His fame was thousands of miles away, and his thoughts were in a cup. The trapped Yanzhibei, Qincheng Taibaidong. Li the soul is not melancholy, look at Baodaoxiong." His voice was muffled and frustrated, to the entire ancient poem. Su Qingyue was shocked by UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

   Su Qingyue knew that this poem was written to send his friends away from the army.

   expresses a strong passion for fighting in a foreign land, and an optimistic and heroic spirit.

   He thought of "The Great Wind Song" by Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty.

   "The strong wind is rising, the clouds are flying. The Wiga and the sea are returning to their hometown. And the warriors are guarding everywhere!"

   He chanted excitedly.

   Choi Seung Woo exclaimed and kept applauding.

   Several people stood up.

   Then they drank again, until the bottle was finished.

   When he left the hotel, Su Qingyue felt a little nauseous.

   Choi Seung-woo insisted on giving the souvenirs he brought-cosmetics and Korean ginseng to Ah Mo.

   The hospitality is difficult, plus I drink too much.

   Su Qingyue accepted and wish them a safe journey.

   Going home at night, the alcohol is on the way.

   As soon as he got home, he lay down on the sofa.

   and Amou said in a daze, "This is really drunk by the Overlord, I have to pour it when the Overlord comes..."

   then fell asleep.

   Su Qingyue had no impression of what Amo did or said.

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