Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 155: :Learn

  Drunk overlord is a good wine.

   On Sunday morning, Su Qingyue opened his eyes and didn't feel the slightest headache.

   or discomfort after drinking.

   The whole person is very refreshing.

   Amu is still sleeping.

  Su Qingyue found out that he was not wearing clothes. I don’t know if it was dirty or something?

   There is no impression at all, I can't think of anything.

   But with Ah Mou by his side, I wouldn't do anything ridiculous.

   But still feel very dangerous.

   Su Qingyue secretly reminded himself that next time he drinks alcohol, he should be careful.

   He got up and took a hot bath.

  Under the shower, thinking about this meal with Choi Seungwoo. He was really stimulated and realized many things.

   Especially the gap in overall strength.

   could not help but sigh, knowing that there is a lot to learn.

   faintly feel that Guan Pengpeng’s game academy direction is right, but there are some problems.

   didn't want to understand too much, he put on his clothes, peeled two oranges, and put them on the bedside of Amu.

   The fragrance of orange was in the air, and Ah Mou frowned his nose and continued to sleep.

   Su Qingyue turned on the computer.

   Windows startup is a bit slow, he got up and poured himself a glass of water.

   When I returned to the computer, I arrived at the login interface.

   The computer speed is getting slower and slower recently, and Su Qing thinks about the need to change another one later.

   finally logged in.

   began to check some interviews including Amo's "Youdao You Dao" game.

The game producers include: Yao Nianzong from Treasure Island Uchi Company. He has produced "Big Rich" and "Real Estate Agent"; the most famous is "The Legend of Sword and Heroine" and other series of games, which can be called classics and must be used by computers in the stand-alone era. Install the game.

   There is also Rob Pardo, the master planner of World Hegemony.

   RobPardo has served as the chief designer of many classic games, an ace designer, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine.

  Being a host, what was his biggest challenge in making "World for Hegemony".

   He replied: The main thing is to keep the team focused all the time and focus on the key points so as not to be overwhelmed by the huge content of the project. Because the content of the project is too rich, if you spend too much time on the panoramic view, you will be confused. The most important thing is to grasp the different tasks of each and do the best for each part...

   then continued to look down.

   I read a lot about product operations.

   tried to find some commonalities.

   Su Qingyue has always been strong in learning.

   Contact some of the information I learned on Gameyoung and my recent thoughts.

   A thought gradually became clear in Su Qingyue's mind.

   The Internet, especially the gaming industry, is different from other industries.

  In low-tech industries, everyone is fighting for market, sales and capital flow.

   However, the online game industry has a high technical content. In addition to the hard things such as capital and management, the most important thing is the product itself, that is, the strength of research and development, that is, the quality, characteristics, and competitiveness of the product itself.

   If you want to develop in the online game industry, you must achieve integrated marketing in the future.

  From project establishment to research and development, to marketing, to channels, and then to fan operation and management.

   Thinking of this, he laughed, not afraid of difficulties, but afraid of no direction.

   Strengthen the marketing aspect first, and then move forward step by step.

   After a while, Amou woke up, and she went to take a shower.

When    came back, he answered the phone.

   It seems to be the editor-in-chief He Cunxi, because they talked about several topics related to the manuscript.

   I don’t know what I said in the end. I just listened to Ah Mou’s answer: "Okay, I can't help him."

Then Ami hung up the phone, but Su Qingyue: "Is there time next week to meet with our general manager? He Cunxi told several times, I hope you pick a time and place." She grumbled angrily: "This You have a snack for something, and someone called me again. I was recruited by someone at the beginning, and they helped you several times..."

   When Amo said that, the more Su Qing remembered, he had never set a specific time with He Cunxi.

He sighed and said: "In fact, it is really unnecessary, because the framework has you, and the product director has the data. And you are the largest media in the industry, and your player retention and payment rates are very good." He explained : "Then set it for next weekend, how about it?" Su Qing Yueke, and said: "I will be there for my daily discussion and study."


   Ah Mou nodded, and started sending a message to He Cunxi.

He also said to Su Qingyue: "President Su, you understand, our general manager also hopes to stabilize the relationship. For this kind of thing, you can not ask the other party, but if the other party does not ask you, there will be questions. Party B must always have it. There is nothing wrong with this attitude."

   She lay on Su Qingyue's shoulder and acted like a baby.

Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly: "Originally, the person in charge of the advertising department was a good sister, but I had to jump over and come over to contact me." He complained, and said: "I understand what they think, and think that the biggest customer now is online games. Putting a large amount of money and returning the money in time, but sometimes too hard and doing everything, it is very dangerous..."

   "It's a routine visit, why are you so serious?" Amu moved away from his shoulder.

   glared at him angrily.

   Su Qingyue smiled helplessly and explained: "I just told you..."

   "You don't need to sing me a high profile!" Ah Mou said, pursing her mouth.

   "This is not a high-profile." Su Qingyue waved his hand to retort, explaining: "My ideal is to become a real digital hero like Tian Lei and Seven Masters. Not to mention that the company has a person in charge ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not good to go beyond authority."

   Hearing Su Qingyue's words like this, Amu's temper a little relaxed.

  'S tone became softer: "You have to say that, I can understand."

   "What do you understand?" Su Qingyue smiled.

   "I understand!" Ah Mou said, pointing to the screen: "You are learning from idols and moving towards your'great idea'?"

"Yes, I will do the market again, basically that's it. The peak may be the vice president of marketing." He said: "Because the ceiling of marketing is very low, it is impossible to realize the ideal. As you can see, the industry is surging. , There is a lot of room for imagination..." He added: "You will interview more producers in the future. I have a lot of questions. You can help me understand."

   "Hahaha, okay. And a lot of inconvenient gossip, I will secretly show it to you."

   They both laughed.

   Looking at A Mou's undried hair, it was a little wavy, still holding Pipa half-hidden.

   is like just escaping from some untimely scene.

   The next moment, he got up and said with a smirk: "Secretly show me what?" He started talking while talking.

   Amu laughed and said, "It was early morning, you hate it!"

   So... the whole weekend passed so fulfillingly.

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