Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 598: : Next 1 stick

   "In fact, the essence of this matter is a dispute over the layout of the two capital groups."

   Hearing what Chen Feng said, Su Qing raised his eyebrows. This was a level he had never thought of. But after thinking about it carefully, there are indeed some abnormalities. He also thought about some problems at the beginning, but now listening to Chen Feng, he immediately sat upright, took a sip of coffee, and listened to Chen Feng to continue.

"Behind this incident is actually a fight between Zhou Yang and Zhong Tankai's two big groups. They didn't have so many intersecting places before. Everything was after Zhong Tankai's acquisition of DADA, DADA rejuvenated and began to be all around. After attacking and returning to the first echelon of the Internet industry, their multiple business lines are competing." Chen Feng said.

   Su Qingyue nodded. He admitted that DADA is indeed becoming stronger and stronger, and it has already entered the top three in the industry. This is not over yet. They are still completing the company's complete ecological chain layout through mergers and acquisitions. Su Qingyue admires Zhong Tankai's vision very much.

He thought, and Chen Feng continued: "Their battle this time is actually a key business, the conversion of the user group, not the protection of intellectual property rights that we see. In their eyes, the reason why this battle is important It’s about the layout of the entire company, just like playing Go, paying attention to the eye of the game."

   He said so and took a sip of coffee.

   Su Qingyue listened, immediately startled.

   finally understood this matter. He had never understood before that Zhong Tankai was unprofitable and couldn't afford it early. The whole thing had not found Zhong's motive. Zhengshang Network's profit structure is impossible to explain Zhong Tankai. And there is another question, why did people like Zhou Yang willingly agree to their suggestions without any resistance.

   Listening to Chen Feng now, Su Qingyue suddenly realized.

   He understood thoroughly.

At this time, Chen Feng sighed: "Qingyue, don't you think that we have succeeded now, in fact, we are still far from the real top-level capital." He said, and then: "So don't miss this little climax. I thought I was full of confidence after defeating Jiang Zhengshang, but what about defeating him?"

"I have an idea with you on this point." Su Qingyue said: "I don't think there is any excitement about this. This is just the completion of my phased goal. I will continue my strategic adjustments below." He said : "Jiang Zhengshang is just a hurried passer-by."

   "Strategic adjustment?" Chen Feng was startled.

   Su Qingyue nodded, on a whim. He felt that he could talk to Chen Feng about the company's adjustments and listen to the boss's opinions, which was also a report. After thinking for a moment, he responded: "Yes, boss. Actually, as soon as I came back from Tokyo, I worked out the strategic adjustments of our entire company. Although I don't know the fundamental reason behind Zhou Yang and Zhong Tankai, I Realize that the reason for this is due to lack of strength. From another perspective, even if I knew their causes and consequences before, it is useless. I must stand at the top of the industry to see many things clearly and get the most fundamental of others. Respect... and the top of this industry is our goal for the future, the goal of going all out."

   "Oh? Tell me more specifically?" Chen Feng was also a little curious.

"The first is to adjust the target and accelerate the growth rate. It is acceptable to reduce profits in the short term, but must lead the market and rush into the first echelon; secondly, establish a three-dimensional matrix layout to avoid falling into a single project dependency. Both R&D and operation must be emphasized. , Paying equal attention to agency and self-research, both domestic and overseas, this is the secret of the cross-cycle development of international companies...this is also my reflection in Tokyo."

   He said so, regarding the layout, he talked about the Sunshine Dream Project.

   I retelled all the adjustments and thoughts I said at the meeting.

   Chen Feng listened and couldn't help but yelled: "Okay!"

Followed by Su Qingyue: "In fact, in Tokyo, I think the biggest inspiration for me is that we are still far behind. This gap is not only in product layout, but also in technical strength, but also in terms of capital strategy. And now we are still It’s meaningless to chase the false names of Four Little King Kong and Five Golden Flowers."

   He said, Chen Feng kept nodding his head, and finally had an excited smile on his tired face.

Su Qingyue said again: "Those real international companies, they will not chase this." He said: "So what I want is to grow quickly and deploy quickly. As for Jiang Zhengshang..." He paused for a while and said again. "Actually, I am not simply targeting him, but I found that if you don’t do this, you can’t build your prestige. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to create a clean environment. What I need is to solve this problem once and for all."

   "Hey..." Chen Feng sighed at this moment and sighed with emotion: "Some people's personalities determine their fate, and Zhengshang does have his problems."

   As they were talking, Su Qingyue picked up the cup again and took a sip.

At this time, Chen Feng said again: "Although we brothers from Hualuo have their own styles, what I admire most is you, Qingyue." He said, "In addition to character, your advantage is your business There is sensitivity, judgment on things, and a big picture. Not everyone has this."

   "In fact, it's the boss you have been leading me." Su Qingyue said.

"Okay, let's not be so polite between us." Chen Feng said and laughed: "Although I am very happy for you to say that, but I understand in my heart that I can't teach you for a long time. Since you started your business, actually I I already understand that you have grown faster than me. In fact, I also know very well that after this postponement event, the market has not left much space and time for Fengli..."

   He said so, Su Qingyue was unable to speak for a while.

At this time, Chen Feng said: "Qingyue, what you need now is to keep moving forward." He said, and then: "The future is actually not me leading, but you. Many brothers look at you and hope to learn from you. To something. And what you shoulder is no longer a simple joy, not your own dream, but a group of people."

   Finally, he concluded: "You are our hope, just like a relay race. You have to complete this stick."

   Su Qingyue listened and understood what Chen Feng meant, and finally said seriously: "Boss, I will definitely work hard, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I will not let you down, let me live up to the expectations of my brothers, don't worry."

   After another word, I talked with Chen Feng about the engine cooperation, including how the technical departments of the two sides will connect, and plan to make this an industry model. After a while, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time was almost up. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to keep him for a drink, but because Su Qingyue had an appointment with Yan Xipan, the two left separately.

As soon as    went out, he was shivered by the cold wind again.

   Su Qingyue got into Dongshan's car, and the latter asked him where he was going.

   Su Qingyue casually said: "Wudaokou secret transmission."

   He said, Dongshan started the car.

   At this time, the sky has already dimmed. The car lights came on, and the moon hung high in the sky.

   Although Boss Chen said that he would do this by himself, he was still a little reluctant. After all, Boss Chen is his eldest brother, and he has followed him since he came to Hualuo.

   is that he gave himself the initial direction.

   It was he who told himself that starting a business is a hard way.

   The next moment, Su Qing understood that the future must be firmly grasped by himself.

   Thinking of this, the car continued to move forward.

   Wudaokou arrived soon.


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