Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 599: : Old Huang's ideals

   In fact, Su Qingyue hasn't seen Yan Xipan for a long time, and it's not very clear how he is now. Last time I introduced Brother Guang to him, he didn't bother much.

   This time, Brother Guang made an appointment here. Everyone met, got together, and talked about wedding ideas.

   The secret message arrived unknowingly, and he got out of the car.

   This restaurant is now the hottest Japanese restaurant on the Internet, and there are now long lines outside. He glanced casually and didn't find Ge Guang and Yan Xipan. While talking on the phone, Brother Guang sent a text message to tell him the table number.

   He just went in and went up to the second floor, where there was a card room separated by a curtain. He lifted it away and first saw Yan Xipan chatting with a pretty girl. Brother Guang greeted him to sit down, and Yan Xipan immediately laughed and yelled: "Brother, you are very busy starting a business. We haven't been together for a long time."

   "It feels like a lot of social interaction has been cut off." Su Qingyue smiled helplessly and said what was in his heart.

   Yan Xipan wore a down jacket today, which was covered with various brand logos, probably from a fashion brand he didn't know, with a pair of blue clover on his feet. As they were talking, he took off his down jacket, a white half-sleeved t-shirt was exposed, and he still carried the bracelet on his hand.

   sat down with everyone and greeted each other.

   Yan Xipan introduced the girl beside him: "Jin Xuanxi, my girlfriend." He said.

   The girl smiled and greeted everyone. As soon as he spoke, Su Qingyue realized that she was Korean. She still felt that she was very familiar, and then Yan Xipan introduced: "Xuanxi is a Korean, studying comparative literature on our side." He said that Su Qingyue immediately remembered that when he chose Showgirl, he met Qingqing and her.

   "She knew Qingqing, right?" Su Qingyue verified his judgment.

   "Yes, that's right, we ate together at the table that night." Yan Xipan laughed.

   With that said, Su Qing became more familiar with each other.

   He thought, everyone chatted and ordered the dishes.

   I don't understand why Yan Xipan is with this girl, but there are too many girls with him, so Su Qingyue didn't think much.

  When the wine came up, everyone poured the wine. Brother Guang and Su Qingyue said, "Xipan told me a plan. I think you really introduced me to the right person. This matter must come."

   "Didn't you say it was good before?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"But Xi Pan was dissatisfied, so he changed it again," Guang Ge said with a smile: "When I heard this in the afternoon, I felt that Xi Pan was so attractive. Just use these thoughts to point out, which girl can stand it. "He says.

   Jin Xuanxi laughed and looked at Yan Xipan.

   Su Qing became more curious and said, "You two talk about it?"

"In fact, it's not that mysterious..." Yan Xipan laughed at this time and said: "I just think that for a wedding, you are planning to go to the sky, and only those things. What can be used? A compensation, if it's just this, it's a little bit It's boring."

   "What do you think?"

"My idea is for Brother Guang to engage in a marriage proposal," Yan Xipan continued: "I heard Brother Guang say that because they had something before, in fact, he never proposed to marry him." He said, "But Many women feel that marriage is a hurdle. Getting married means entering a siege. The really beautiful moment is a proposal."

   "It makes sense!" Su Qingyue couldn't help laughing.

Following Yan Xipan, he continued: "This time we let Brother Guang's wife return to her youth, let her know that her husband is thinking of her. This marriage proposal is actually a process of taking an oath. Take a reassurance." He said, "As for. I thought about what day it was, but it didn't matter."

   "Are these bad on Christmas Eve?"

   "I discussed with Brother Guang and chose a day for them to be together." Yan Xipan said, "January 5th."

   "This is the first time Xiaoxuan is with me." Brother Guang said: "In this way, it is equivalent to showing her position in my heart, and I have been thinking about her and this day."

   "Okay." Su Qing smiled more, holding up the cup and saying, "I've found it, I have to talk about the waves... No one can catch up with Xipan."

   He said, everyone is drinking.

   A sip of sake and side dishes.

   The Japanese side dishes are light in taste and taste great with sake.

   Then they continued to talk about plans and drinking.

   Occasionally chatting with Qingqing, Su Qingyue learned that Guan Pengpeng and Qingqing had been very close recently, and he secretly blessed them.

  Everyone is drinking again.

   Then Su Qingyue asked casually: "Xipan, I haven't seen Huang Guangyi for a long time, how is he doing?"

   "Old Huang?" As soon as Huang Guangyi was mentioned, Yan Xipan laughed and said, "He has gone after his ideals."

   "Ideal?" Su Qingyue was startled and asked.

"Lao Huang has always disliked what we are doing now. He suffers every day." Yan Xipan smiled, lit a cigarette, and said: "None of this is what he wants, he still wants to be his own. It's a set of things, so I couldn't help it in the end, so I decided to do it."

   "What do you do?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

   Su Qingyue and Huang Guangyi didn't have much contact, but he felt that this person had his own goals and his own meticulous planning.

"Sports event management." Yan Xipan explained with a smile: "You may not know that Lao Huang is an expert in this area. There are several books published, and they are visiting professors at several universities." He said : "For Lao Huang, sports is his home."

   He said so, Su Qingyue nodded.

Yan Xipan explained: "You called me that day. Didn't I drink too much at noon? I just drank with Lao Huang." He added, "Actually, I am quite envious of Lao Huang. In terms of the target direction, UU reads books. www.uukanshu.com he is much better than me. He knows exactly what he wants, but I’m just a little clever. It’s not a problem to earn a piece of money, but to really do a big thing, the most important thing is the goal."

   admit that Yan Xipan is right. People really need goals and directions. Even for a little bit of self-interest, this is considered a goal. Sometimes the most terrifying thing is that I am making money every day, but I feel confused. The problem that Xiao Yu faces is actually the same.

   Thinking of this, Su Qing Yue took a sip with Yan Xipan.

   I feel that he and Huang Guangyi broke up peacefully. They can still sit and drink together and chat peacefully. This shows that there is no barrier between them because of their interests. They still choose to respect each other. Su Qingyue found it very difficult, and smiled and asked, "Then what are you going to do in the future?"

   "I don't know." Yan Xipan suddenly laughed: "Maybe I want to understand someday, I won't do this."

   "No matter what you do, everyone is brothers!" Brother Guang interjected at this time.

   Su Qingyue secretly sighed that he was lucky, at least he knew what he wanted.

   Su Qingyue picked up the glass and said, "Then I wish Xi Pan, find my goal and move forward!"

   After another word, the four of them drank all the wine.



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