Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 600: : Related goals

   They didn't drink much that night, it was over after nine o'clock.

   Yan Xipan and Jin Xuanxi took a taxi and left.

   Looking at their backs, Brother Guang said with emotion: "I know so many people, only Xipan is an international talent."

   "Envy?" Knowing what Brother Guang was referring to, Su Qing smiled and asked.

"I'm past that age." Brother Guang said with a smile: "However, Xi Pan is different from ordinary people. I think there is another him hidden under his appearance. He can hide this from others, but he can't deceive others. Me." He said, and finally added: "He must be a man with a story."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue was startled, and without much thought, he walked back with Brother Guang. At night, Wudaokou is feasting and feasting, and pedestrians on the road are of all kinds, and people who speak various languages ​​can often be heard. Pass through the small gate of the University of Geosciences, pass the bridge on the Fourth Ring Road, and enter the Universiade Village.

   They talked about their goals and ideals in life.

Brother Guang dangled his cigarette and said, "I am different from you now. I really don't have any ideals anymore." He smiled and said, "The only thing I think about now is Xiaoxuan and Baobao. As long as they are good, I will work harder. It's nothing." He said, and then: "Now that we are on this platform, I think so too, that is, to improve their lives for their wives."

   "This is also very good." Su Qingyue said: "The sense of responsibility can also inspire people to move forward."

"What about you?" Brother Guang said with a smile: "You are at this level. I think you are still working so hard. It is really amazing." He smiled and said: "We old people can't compare with you. Now." He was talking, and recently he was joking, always saying that he is an elderly person.

Su Qing smiled and said, "Actually, my goal is also very simple. It is what I wanted to do at the beginning, but what I still want to do now. Adjustment is strategic and tactical." He said, "But in my goal It is also superimposed to let the family live a good life, let the brothers live well, let the shareholders make money, and bring benefits to the society."

   "Sometimes I will obey you, and take on so many responsibilities, so I don't feel tired." Guang Ge said with a smile.

   "People, in fact, are tired and painful if they don't have a goal." Su Qing said with a smile.

   They chatted and sighed.

  Su Qingyue realized that sake had great stamina, and gradually his legs became heavier. Passing through the area of ​​barbecue, smelling the smell of barbecue, it seems to be back when I first came. There are still a lot of people there, and some people just take a bottle of wine and stand there to eat.

   chatted with Brother Guang for a while barbecue. Brother Guang told him about those strange transactions. But after a long time, they didn't care too much. When returning home, Amou was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, working with a laptop while looking at "Happy Camp".

Seeing him back, she raised her head, laughed and asked, "How about the discussion? What a surprise there will be, quick! Quick! Quickly talk." She talked and laughed, put the notebook down, and turned down the TV volume. Then lay down on Su Qingyue's lap.

   "Xi Pan disagrees with the wedding, he proposes another idea." Su Qing smiled.

   "It's not a wedding, what is that? Is there still room for the wedding in the future?"

   "Propose." Su Qingyue said with a smile, and then explained Yan Xipan's reason.

Ami listened and laughed involuntarily: "Yan Xipan is indeed Yan Xipan, and his shots are really different." She said, followed by emotion: "It's no wonder that Yan Xipan always has no shortage of girls, just like him. People who are romantic and willing to be romantic, have good professional skills, girls will definitely like them."

   They chatted and talked about Huang Guangyi's leaving.

   "They didn't fall out, did they?" Amou asked.

   "Falling out? It should be no." Su Qingyue said.

   "I think Exipan's ability, no matter who leaves, he can do things well." Amu said.

"Being able to do a good job well is two different things from being able to do a good job in the company." Su Qingyue said: "Although Xipan is great, Huang Guangyi is his backbone and the framework for his development. I can see it today, Xipan It was very sad for Huang Guangyi to leave, he was a little panicked."

   "Pain?" Ah Mou asked in surprise.

"Xi Pan is an artist, not a manager, and he doesn't want to be a manager. The company used to have Huang Guangyi daily, of course it doesn't matter. Now Huang Guangyi is gone and management is given to him, he must panic.” Su Qingyue said. He said: "Because he is a smart man, he understands his strengths and weaknesses in his heart."

   After saying something else, I admire Yan Xipan very much.

   Because the latter knows his boundaries very clearly, where he can and where he can’t. This seems to be an easy task, but it is actually difficult.

   Because people often overestimate themselves.

   Yan Xipan is different.

   He thought, and then chatted with Amou about his ideals and goals.

"What ideals and goals can I have?" Ah Mou laughed and said, "The only thing I want to do is to be with you. Hello, our family is good, and then we have a baby, which is my goal. "

   She said, Su Qingyue suddenly smirked, looked at her, and said, "I want to have a baby, but I have to work hard."

   The next moment, none of them spoke, and Happy Camp is still playing on TV.

   The squally wind outside the window is still whistling, whistling non-stop.

   When Su Qingyue woke up the next day, he found that it was already seven forty-five.

   I was really tired last night, so he quickly got up and took a brief wash.

When    went out, he couldn't help but shudder and got into Dongshan's car.

   His very important job today is to talk to Dongfang Jun about the engine, and also to ensure that there is no problem in communication and cooperation between the two parties from technical to legal affairs. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   In addition, to ensure the completion of "Little Magic Fairy", one more gear must be advanced.

   He thought, the car stopped and went on the road, and he didn't get to the unit until almost nine o'clock.

   talked to Zhou Ziyou about going to Korea, and informed He Lili to go with him. Chen Ting helped them book tickets early.

   Work very smoothly in the morning.

   As soon as he returned to his work unit from the hotel at noon, he was attracted by a news that popped up at the bottom of the screen: Equity Capital announced the official withdrawal of Zhengshang Network and sued Zhengshang Network and its CEO Jiang Zhengshang himself. Its spokesperson said that the person in charge of Zhengshang Network concealed key issues during the financing process.

   Seeing this, Su Qing raised his eyebrows, he knew it was a fatal blow.

   After reading the comments briefly, there were some gossip accounts and wrote in the forum: The head of Equity Capital had chatted and laughed with Jiang Zhengshang the day before, and announced this the next day. The superficial work was really superb, which made Jiang Zhengshang completely relax his vigilance, and immediately turned his face to prosecute after collecting the evidence.

   Looking at these, Su Qing feels that this is the inherent cruelty of capital.

   closed the news page and continued to work.

   Three days later, some businesses outside the window had already set up Christmas trees. Su Qingyue looked at the calendar and realized that it was time to set off.


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