Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 112 She can actually drive?

There was a sudden silence in the brigade headquarters.

Song Yunuan stared at Chu Zizhou with unkind eyes: "Captain Chu, you know this man, please give me an explanation."

Chu Zizhou stared, why should he explain?

"What should I explain?"

"Explain why he ran to my house and knelt down early in the morning. Also, what's the matter with the blood in his mouth? It seems like a tooth has fallen out. Who did it? Could it be because of my family? I really want to. We are not afraid. In the end, we will report the case and file a lawsuit.”

Mrs. Song's face was gloomy: "Zizhou, I, Mrs. Song, haven't offended you, have I?"

Over there, Song Liang was about to explain to Chu Zizhou that it was obvious that Chu Zizhou had been wronged.

Old Songtou pushed him over there, and Song Liang shut up immediately.

Silly son, didn’t you see how respectful that man was to Chu Zizhou?

Chu Zizhou said hurriedly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, come on, Aunt Song, please calm down, Brother Song, come and tell me what's going on?"

Of course, Mazi over there didn't know Chu Zizhou, but it was the first time he saw Haiye treating people with respect.

My heart skipped a beat.

Only then did he suddenly remember that just now the old lady of the Song family and that old woman were going to make trouble at their own house.

This is not possible.

He didn't just pop out of a pile of rocks. He has a father, a mother, a wife and three children.

His eldest son is in the third grade of junior high school and his academic performance is very good. He had no problem at all in the first grade of high school.

These old ladies are going to run to their doorsteps and cry and make a fuss, and that's the end of it.

Before Song Liang could say anything, Mazi ignored the pain coming from his knees and the teeth that had just been swallowed into his stomach. He hurriedly said to Chu Zizhou: "Captain, misunderstanding... misunderstanding, we made a mistake."

He also apologized to Mrs. Song: "We didn't mean anything else, it was all a misunderstanding. You see, they all say that men have gold under their knees. Why are we kneeling down at your house for no reason? It's just... it's just that my legs are sore from riding a bicycle." No, I didn’t stop..."

It's not clear what the leaky mouth says, but that's what it means.

Yao Hai looked at Chu Zizhou, who was smiling but a little cold, and his head was buzzing. Why is the son of the Chu family serving as the captain here?

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials. If they had known it, even if he came, they would not dare to cause trouble on his territory.

Why would he come to visit with gifts? You know, he is proud to have gotten to know the Chu family.

Therefore, Yao Hai, who was worried, made the same statement as Mazi, saying that he actually had something to do, that is, the incense burner was short of payment, and he actually wanted to make up for it, but he didn't know how much.

I dare not hide this matter.

If Brother Chu finds out, he will be in trouble.

Old Songtou glared: "No need to make up for it, I still made seventeen yuan inside and outside. Forget it, don't make trouble against my family. I can't bear it. What if I regret it one day?" If you come here to ask for money, my old arms and legs can’t stand it.”

Chu Zizhou looked at the Song family.

Mrs. Song said: "As long as my family doesn't have to pay for medical expenses, I will listen to the captain."

Chu Zizhou asked again, and Yao Hai was extremely honest. Even if he had a deep hatred for the Song family, as long as Chu Zizhou was the captain here, he would not dare to have any evil intentions.

Besides, something is wrong today.

The stone was so powerful that it broke his teeth and knocked him to his knees. As far as he knew, there were only a handful of people who had this ability.

However, that person is not in Erdaohe either.

Today is so weird.

I just remembered what the other old man said. Is there something happening in this village?

Yao Hai apologized profusely and covered his mouth to speak as quietly as possible. Finally, Old Man Song waved his hand and left with the Song family.

Song Yunuan walked last.

As they walked, they said to Mrs. Song: "Grandma, let my grandpa deliver wild vegetables later, and I will also bring two straw hats to Sister Zhao."

Now that the straw hat weaving is coming to an end, Chu Zizhou is just preparing to check out and ship away in the past few days.

Mrs. Song thinks that's fine too.

But Song Yunuan didn't go home, but said: "You guys go home first, I'll go talk to Captain Chu about something, and I'll call Grandpa Ji later."

Old Mrs. Song believed it and knew that there was no danger. After all, it was obvious that the Beidu man was afraid of Chu Zizhou.

And Chu Zizhou was a little afraid of Gu Huaian.

Rounding things off, does that mean that Yao Hai is also more afraid of Gu Huaian?

Mrs. Song shook her head regretfully. Oh, it would be great if Xiao Nuan was really the daughter of the Qin family. At least there would be a glimmer of hope.

She hopes that her granddaughter will marry a good family and be protected.

But now, there is no hope.

Song Yunuan didn't know what her grandma was thinking. Seeing that her younger brother insisted on following, she thought about it and agreed.

Holding his brother's hand, he stood in the yard of the brigade headquarters.

After the Song family left, Chu Zizhou sneered: "Yao Hai, what are you doing here?"

He didn't believe that this was all a misunderstanding.

Running to the Song family early in the morning, it was obvious that something was going on, and it was not a trivial matter.

Yao Hai raised his hand: "I swear, I don't mean any harm, I just want to make some money with you. I won't hide it from you, I will tell you everything."

So, he told Chu Zizhou about his thoughts and guesses. After that, he was scolded by Chu Zizhou. Yao Hai didn't dare to do what he thought at this time and nodded obediently.

Mazi was speechless.

Rights are indeed four good things.

Song Yunuan didn't leave, so she stood in the corner. She saw the two gray-faced people limping out of the team headquarters with their mouths covered and their waists hunched over. She saw them going to get their bicycles, and saw them nodding and bowing to apologize to their grandparents. .

Song Yunuan curled her lips.

When they staggered away on bicycles, Chu Zizhou at the door looked at Song Yunuan with a headache: "Why don't you go home to study?"

Song Yunuan looked at Chu Zizhou and said seriously: "Uncle Chu, lend me your jeep."

Chu Zizhou staggered and almost fell down. He looked around and then lowered his voice: "Didn't I say that everyone has his own business? Just call me Brother Chu, or Second Brother. Just don't call me Uncle Chu."

Song Yunuan changed her words: "Brother Chu, lend me your jeep."

Chu Zizhou looked at her warily: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to do something. I'll be right back."

"You...can you drive?"

Song Yunuan thought for a while: "Show me your car key. I may or may not be able to use this kind of Jeep. If not, I won't use it."

Unexpectedly, Chu Zizhou gave the key to Song Yunuan, so she went to the shed where the jeep was parked and skillfully opened the door. Little Asheng jumped up and down anxiously.

Song Yunuan opened the door for him, and the little guy climbed up like a monkey.

Song Yunuan closed the door and started the car. She reversed and turned expertly in one go. When Chu Zizhou realized what he was doing and started chasing after her, Song Yunuan had already driven the jeep to the gate of the brigade headquarters.

Chu Zizhou's eyes widened and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Song Yunuan, she can actually drive?

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