Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 113 One dares to drive and the other dares to sit

Chu Zizhou thought that Song Yunuan would leave without a trace.

I was regretting it in my heart.

If I had known she could really drive, if I had known she was so stupid, I wouldn't have given her the car keys.

If something happened, what would Huai'an do to him?

He didn't dare to think about it.

He chased out without any hope. Unexpectedly, the jeep stopped at the gate of the brigade headquarters.

Song Yunuan smiled brightly: "Brother Chu, I will not take risks with my brother. I will be back soon."

Chu Zizhou's face flushed in anxiety, and he hurried over to stop the car. Song Yunuan didn't force herself. She leaned on the open window, looked at Chu Zizhou, and said with a smile: "Brother Chu , I have a sense of discretion, if you really don’t agree, then forget it.”

Even though he said this, the person didn't move at all.

Chu Zizhou was not a peaceful person by nature. If Gu Huai'an and his grandfather hadn't suppressed him, he might have done something.

Moreover, he had his own intuition. If Song Yunuan was an ordinary little girl, it would be impossible for Gu Huaian to be interested in her.

From the time she returned to the Song family, if you look at the changes that have taken place in the Song family, it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

So, Chu Zizhou said, "I'll sit in the back and not get out of the car. Is that okay?"

Song Yunuan nodded happily.

So, Chu Zizhou got in the car, and Song Yunuan asked Asheng to crawl to the back and sit with Chu Zizhou.

Song Yunuan glanced at Chu Zizhou particularly.

Chu Zizhou frowned: "What do you want me to do?"

Song Yunuan smiled and said, "You dare to sit down."

Chu Zizhou wished he could roll his eyes and look at her: "You dare to open your eyes, why don't I dare to sit down? Your favorite little brother is also sitting down."

He reached out and pinched Asheng's cheek. Asheng was very happy: "Sister is the best."

Song Yunuan smiled slightly, started the car, and drove out of the Erdaohe Brigade steadily.

Chu Zizhou was nervous at first.

He felt that he was also crazy.

It’s true that one dares to drive and the other dares to sit.

But unexpectedly, Song Yunuan's car drove really well.

I felt a little unfamiliar at first, but I quickly became familiar with it.

Asheng didn't understand and took it for granted that his sister could drive.

He thought that his sister might be able to grow two wings and fly into the sky in the future.

But Chu Zizhou knew that this girl felt a bit like an experienced driver.

Thinking like this, I saw Yao Hai and Mazi riding bicycles in the distance.

They don't ride fast.

Just on the roadside.

Mazi also said to Yao Hai: "Let's... go to the hospital first, I feel..."

I feel uncomfortable everywhere and don't want to talk.

Yao Hai's face was gloomy.

I'm also reviewing what happened today.

Before the stone flew, all the men of the Song family were in front of him. On the one hand, the stone was too accurate, but on the other hand, both the Song family father and son were shocked.

In other words, they didn't know that the stone would hit them.

Then this person is hiding in the dark.

The technique is so accurate and the speed is so fast. Who could it be?

What he vomited out later was blood and stone fragments. Thinking that the stone was not seen at the scene, so after beating them, the stone was broken?

This is too evil.

So there is indeed something wrong with Song Mingsheng, otherwise he wouldn't be able to always have troubles.

But what to do now?

I feel a little unwilling to just leave like this.

In fact, he wanted to tell it half-truth, but he felt that something had changed in Chu Zizhou today.

There seems to be a bit of the proud man of heaven.

Once, when he was accompanying someone in the inner city of the northern capital, he saw a handsome young man who was like a star.

His friend told him that he was the newly appointed commander of Longhang.

He is a true proud man of heaven.

And beside him was Chu Zizhou, laughing and joking.

After being glanced at by Gu Huaian, he stood up straight.

They are on the outside and cannot get inside.

But being able to walk around the outside and look at those rich or noble people from a distance is a blessing.

Don't talk about jealousy, don't talk about equality.

There will always be hierarchies in this world at all times.

Chu Zizhou used to be a playboy. He held dance parties, went to movies, rode motorcycles, picked up girls, formed gangs, and fought in groups. He was able to do it all.

It was also because of these that he was able to get to know him.

Who would have thought that he would be a captain in this remote country!

The sun really comes out from the west.

Naturally, he did not dare to hide it, so he told Chu Zizhou about the Plum Blossom Official Furnace, one of the twelve official furnaces.

He said that Song Mingsheng might have a special intuition about cultural relics and antiques. Otherwise, how could he have chosen this one among the many incense burners?

So he wanted to cooperate with the Song family and go to Beidu to seek wealth.

Unsurprisingly, Chu Zizhou scolded him, saying that he was talking nonsense. If he dared to talk nonsense again, he would turn his back on him.

Thinking of this, a flash of anger flashed in Yao Hai's eyes.

Isn't it just because you are on the same team as the Gu family that you are so arrogant?

When the Gu family is finished one day, you bastard will be close to death too.

There was no mention of being beaten.

He and Mazi could only admit that they were unlucky.

At this time, Chu Zizhou in the jeep did not speak anymore because Song Yunuan accelerated.

As a result, the jeep passed the two bicycles. In the dust that was thrown up all over the sky, Song Yunuan drove the jeep sideways and then suddenly turned around and hit Yao Hai and Mazi who were riding bicycles.

Chu Zizhou was behind, dumbfounded.

Of course, that was an illusion. They did not hit each other and stopped a few meters away.

Ah Sheng's eyes are bright. My sister drives well.

He wanted to clap his little hands to his sister, but instead he sat smartly and obediently in his seat.

The windows at the back can be seen from the inside out, but cannot be seen clearly from the outside in.

Supposedly this is new glass.

Song Yunuan got out of the car. Before getting out of the car, she told Chu Zizhou not to get out of the car and sat in the car with Asheng until she really couldn't figure it out before getting out.

But then, Chu Zizhou felt the trunk being opened.

Chu Zizhou was stunned for a moment, but before he could do anything, Song Yunuan pulled out a wooden handle from it.

Chu Zizhou felt like his breathing was unsteady.

Song Yunuan, you damn girl, how did you know there was something stolen in my trunk?

It was early in the morning and the sun hadn't risen yet.

And here is exactly the corner of the hillside.

Cars and people can be blocked.

But at this time, everything was quiet.

Song Yunuan stood next to the jeep with her gun in hand, aiming at the horrified Yao Hai and Mazi who were three meters away.

The little girl wore a khaki windbreaker with a belt, her legs were straight, and she wore a pair of black flat leather shoes.

Standing next to the jeep, it feels like you are in another world.

There was a slight smile on her lips, but her brows were filled with murderous intent. She put her hand on the trigger and said, "Everyone, stop!"

Yao Hai's mind seemed to explode.

This seems to be the wrongly carried daughter of the Song family. I don’t know her name, but...but!

There is something wrong with this world today.

Mazi was so frightened that he raised his hands and was trembling, unable to say a word.

Yao Hai didn't dare to move and stiffened.

Song Yunuan narrowed her eyes, laughed again, and made a simulated banging sound from her mouth.

Mazi fell to the ground with a thud...

More updates, if I have to say the reason, it’s because I love you~

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