Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 626: Paternity Test

Hai Shaoqing had a smile on his face and said very gently: "Chairman Zhong, I have no objection."

Zhong Daqiao glared at Hai Shaoqing fiercely behind his back. The damned bastard didn't even call him daddy.

Sure enough, he was born by that woman, and he was from the Hai family. He was not of the same mind with him. Fortunately, he had Tianci.

Since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful.

So a press conference was really held in the villa.

Now that the weather is suitable, it was held in the courtyard.

Zhong Daqiao and Xu Meirou stood on the steps, and Zhong Tianci stood next to them with a smile on his face.

The reporters began to ask questions below.

The person arranged by Zhong Daqiao in advance asked Zhong Daqiao: "Chairman, I have one thing that I don't understand, that is, why didn't you choose to return the assets that originally belonged to the Hai family to Zhong Shaoqing when he was in trouble a few years ago, but chose to do it after he inherited these properties?

At that time, you gave him timely help. Now if you return it, people will think that you are afraid of Zhong Shaoqing, and then choose to hand over the assets to him, and you are icing on the cake. I want to ask what Chairman Zhong thinks?"

After asking this question, the crowd below was noisy.

Yes, why choose to give it to him now.

Zhong Daqiao raised his hand to suppress it, and his face was full of helpless expressions.

He said to the reporter: "I didn't want to answer your question, but since you asked it first, if I don't answer, you, a tabloid reporter, don't know how to write about me? So I have to tell the truth today."

Suddenly, the courtyard was very quiet, and everyone was listening to what Zhong Daqiao was going to say.

Zhong Daqiao glanced proudly at Hai Shaoqing who was standing there silently and Song Yunuan who was always gentle.

Although he felt a little uneasy, Song Yunuan didn't know what he had done because he didn't leave any evidence.

Zhong Shaoqing would return empty-handed.

He even hoped to anger Song Yunuan, and it would be best if he beat him up, or even act a little crazy.

Then Song Yunuan would be famous all over the world.

I heard that her current investment company is very famous.

It is also one of the key supported enterprises in China.

Now is not as good as a few years ago. Song Yunuan and Gu Huaian are boyfriend and girlfriend, so they must pay attention to their image.

After all, that is the Gu family in Beidu.

It's a pity that if Song Yunuan became a boyfriend and girlfriend with the rebellious son, she would empathize with him now and would definitely be more angry.

Zhong Daqiao thought regretfully in his heart, then sighed, and then said: "I originally wanted to keep this matter to myself and let it become a secret forever, but now I have to say it out loud. Why did I choose to hand over these properties to my son Zhong Shaoqing when he inherited Hai Mingzhu's property?

Just like this reporter said, why not choose to help when it is needed, but add icing on the cake?

Everyone knows that these are two different concepts.

That's because I can't help it. Maybe you won't believe it when I take over. When I took over, all the jewelry of the Hai family were fake and defective. If you don't believe it, I can take you to see it later."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Is this true or false?

How is it possible?

The Hai family is also a big family in jewelry, one of the old brands in the industry. How could the warehouse be full of fakes and defective products?

Suspicious eyes all looked at Zhong Daqiao.

Zhong Daqiao smiled bitterly: "I knew you would think, did I do something? But I have witnesses here.

When I took over, the situation was like this, but it can't be said that it was done by my father-in-law and his people.

No, it was after they got into trouble that the Hai family replaced the place with something else.

At that time, I was immersed in grief and had no time to care about it. I only found out after I took over.

But for my father-in-law to rest in peace, I chose to forbear and didn't tell anyone, but please rest assured that the goods sold to the outside are genuine. Those things are now sealed in the warehouse and will never be sold to the outside."

Then he smiled and said, "I am a businessman, but I am also a father. I can't do things that dig my own grave and I can't cause trouble for my son."

Song Yunuan smiled and started clapping first.

He also said, "I didn't expect Chairman Zhong to be so righteous."

Everyone followed Song Yunuan to applaud and looked at Zhong Ershao.

Zhong Ershao was shocked and clenched his hands into fists.

Everyone could see that he was trying to stay calm.

However, the fleeting shock could not be concealed.

There was even a hint of embarrassment and anger.

These people understood. They must have been told before, otherwise the second young master Zhong would not have had this expression.

Then someone asked about the jade mine.

This was not arranged by Zhong Daqiao. There would always be people asking, and no matter how they asked, he knew how to answer.

He told these people: "I have already solved the jade mine. It was also during the time when my father-in-law had an accident. The Hai family managed the mine and planned to take this opportunity to take it for themselves. Then they hired a group of illegal workers to work hard to mine, and for this they beat to death several disobedient illegal workers hired from the local area.

The local police department has records. Although the jade mine is equivalent to abandoned, it is a memorial anyway.

Today, I will make it clear in front of the reporters. It will also prevent my son from feeling hatred and resentment, which I don't want to see."

Zhong Daqiao looked at Hai Shaoqing. No matter what happened, whether there were loopholes in what he said, there was no way to check it now.

Because the jade mine was in another country. He had arranged it long ago.

Everyone whispered to each other.

"I didn't expect there was such an inside story. If the chairman didn't say it, I really wouldn't know it."

"Yes, this time I know how to write a report. Chairman Zhong endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens, just so that his beloved son could persist until the day of inheriting the Hai family's inheritance."

"These messy things did not affect Zhong Shaoqing. This is a father's love for his son."

"Don't you think there is something wrong with this matter?"

"Yes, maybe it's not as simple as it seems on the surface. Why don't I believe it at all? Let's wait and see."

This is a reporter who was not bribed.

There are different opinions.

Song Yu Nuan winked at Hai Shaoqing.

Hai Shaoqing walked slowly to the opposite side of Zhong Daqiao with his briefcase.

To outsiders, Hai Shaoqing seemed very uncomfortable, with disbelief in his eyes and even a slight tremor in his voice. He asked Zhong Daqiao: "Chairman Zhong...you...are all the things you just said true?"

Zhong Daqiao nodded kindly with pain in his eyes: "This is all true, I just don't want you to be sad. Of course, if you don't believe it, I have witnesses and physical evidence here. They are all relatives of your Hai family, their testimonies and recordings are all here, you can also choose to call the police."

Hai Shaoqing began to remain silent.

Zhong Daqiao looked at Hai Shaoqing with a happy look, while Xue Meirou and Zhong Tianci standing by looked at Hai Shaoqing with a secret pleasure.

After a moment of silence, Hai Shaoqing opened his briefcase, took out a document from it, and handed it to Zhong Daqiao very respectfully. His voice was clear enough for everyone present to hear: "Chairman Zhong, I have a paternity test report here, please take a look!"

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