Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 627: Public

Paternity test certificate?

Everyone was stunned.

what does this mean?

Logically speaking, shouldn't Second Young Master Zhong question whether what Zhong Daqiao said is true or false?

For example, Haijia's jewelry company is a long-established jewelry store that has been around for more than a hundred years.

It is the hard work of three generations of the Hai family.

Naturally, they have warehouses, but the warehouses cannot be compared with ordinary warehouses.

So, who is so capable that he would replace the jewelry and even the original stones with fake ones?

After something happened to the old man of the Hai family, they were really leaderless at that time, maybe it was possible.

But shouldn’t you, Zhong Shaoqing, question it?

For example, the jade mine obtained the mining rights after Zhong Shaoqing was born.

Some experts say it can be mined for at least 80 years, but it is only over 20 years ago.

So who did this?

Is it a relative of the Hai family or Zhong Daqiao? Shouldn't you, Zhong Shaoqing, question it?

Why do you need a paternity test certificate?

Want to say that you are not Zhong Daqiao's biological son?

These people were whispering to each other and speculating in their minds.

But because of Hai Shaoqing's action, the courtyard became quiet.

Zhong Daqiao took the appraisal certificate. Looking at the cover, he knew that it was an appraisal certificate provided by the most famous appraisal agency in the world.

It is naturally impossible for Zhong Daqiao to be so ignorant that he does not even know this.

He did not open it, but looked suspiciously at this evil boy who disgusted him.

Is this kid getting sick again?

Where did he get this thing?

At this time, Xue Meirou froze.

There was cold sweat on her back and forehead, and she looked at the paternity test report in Zhong Daqiao's hand in disbelief.

How could she dare to forget what Song Yunuan said to her in a low voice that day?

Until now, she still doesn't know how Song Yunuan knew.

Could it be that the Ai family and Liu Ye helped her investigate?

From that day on, she never dared to do anything again.

Until Zhong Daqiao transferred all his assets to her, her son Tianci and—him!

After all these things were in hand, she was completely relieved.

As long as Zhong Daqiao didn't let her down, she decided to treat him well.

After all, he gave almost all his assets to himself and his son.

She won't do anything ungrateful.

But once the secret that Tianci is not Zhong Daqiao's biological son is revealed in public, will Zhong Daqiao still treat her like before?

When she thought of this, Xue Meirou's hands trembled a little.

But her hands were faster than her brain, so she snatched the paternity test certificate back with her hands and held it tightly in her hand.

At this time, Song Yunuan also walked over slowly, looked at Xue Meirou curiously, and asked: "Mrs. Zhong, this is for Chairman Zhong to see, not for you. Why are you rushing over in such a hurry?"

Xue Meili's lips moved. Although she didn't speak, she held the paternity test certificate in her hand tighter.

Zhong Daqiao didn't know the inside story, so he didn't go to see Xue Meirou, but frowned at Song Yunuan and Hai Shaoqing.

Today is definitely an uneasy day, and the bridge has long expected this.

Anyway, he only has one purpose, which is not to give a dime of the money in his hand to Nie Zi.

He stood in front of Xue Meirou. You asked Han Shaoqing in a bad tone: "What do you want to do with this thing?"

Xue Meirou held the paternity test certificate in her hand tighter. If there were no reporters here, she would have burned it.

Anyway, just get through today.

She regretted very much why she didn't hold the press conference in front of Zhong Daqiao.

But she also knew that there was no way to stop this.

Xue Meirou turned her head and looked around, thinking about how to destroy the paternity certificate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as a figure flashed in front of him, Zhong Daqiao was pushed away by Song Yunuan, and then he pulled her out.

Song Yunuan said funny to Hai Shaoqing who was standing next to her: "Look at how funny Mrs. Zhong is. She is holding the paternity test certificate of you and your father in her hand. Why doesn't she let go? What's the point?"

Xue Meirou's eyes widened immediately, and then she opened the paternity test report, quickly browsed it, and found that it was indeed Zhong Daqiao and Zhong Shaoqing's.

Are they sure they are biological father and son?

This... what is he going to do?

Song Yunuan easily took the paternity test from Xue Meirou and handed it to Zhong Daqiao.

Politely: "Chairman Zhong, don't worry about the jewelry company and the jade mine. You need to take a look at the paternity test first. In this wealthy family, who is whose biological father and who is whose biological son? You have to find out who is whose biological father, or else this will happen." The Wanguan family property is simply cheaper than others.

Unless you are particularly caring and great, I won’t mention this, but if you find it difficult to make money, then you should be cautious. It is only right to have all these appraised before dividing or inheriting property. Take a look, this is a paternity test issued by the most authoritative testing agency. "

Zhong Daqiao took the paternity test certificate suspiciously.

I don’t understand why these two people did this?

But he still saw the identification results.

This traitor is indeed his son.

That's it...actually, he had never doubted it.

After all, he didn't have any feelings for Zhong Shaoqing. It didn't matter if it was his fault or not.

It's not like he doesn't have a proud biological son.

Zhong Shaoqing has the blood of the Hai family. No matter what is given to him, he will not be reconciled.

Xue Meirou's heart was hanging in her throat, and she always felt something was wrong.

Zhong Tianci, who was standing aside, always kept a proper smile, because it was not easy for him to get involved in today's matter.

As long as he didn't say anything, he wouldn't be attacked by others.

After all, there were many tabloid reporters who loved to make groundless accusations today.

At this time, this polite and proper smile was still maintained, but at the same time, a trace of contempt hung on the corner of his mouth.

This must have been prepared long ago, after all, this kind of appraisal needs to be prepared three months in advance.

He said with a fake smile: "Some people said you don't look like your father before, but I never told you that. After all, your mother is Miss Hai. If you question it like that, it would be an insult to Miss Hai.

No matter whether it's true or not, it's easy to say. At that time, I was stupid and didn't think of this method.

Now it's good. We can make this appraisal public, and then let everyone know that you and I are brothers, so that people won't talk about it."

Hearing this, Xue Meirou wanted to cover Zhong Tianci's mouth, but she didn't dare to move.

Hands clenched tightly together, uneasiness and panic gradually surged.

Hai Shaoqing's mouth curled up slowly.

When he was young, he always felt that Zhong Tianci was a mountain that he couldn't cross.

After he was locked up, Zhong Tianci did all kinds of humiliating things to him.

At first he wanted to die, thinking that it was better to die than to live like this.

But later he felt that he couldn't die.

He had to work hard to live.

Because there is hope in life, and you can take revenge in life.

He couldn't let his mother in the afterlife feel restless, and he couldn't let his mother feel that he was not as good as Zhong Tianci, the illegitimate son.

At that time, he was determined to be better than Zhong Tianci.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as he wished, he was locked up, and Zhong Tianci became the eldest son of the Zhong family.

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