Elemental Archer

Chapter 406: Shield of Omen

Seeing this, Lin Ye explained: "This has something to do with technique and awareness. Just like you, every time a battle starts, you lose a lot of mana, and you don't have the habit of summoning beasts to protect you. In this case, the stealth profession will of course choose you as the first target."

"The power of the summoner lies in the ability to control summoned beasts, limit the player's advance, and certain auxiliary abilities. The summoner itself is very fragile."

Guozixiong nodded half-understanding.

She does have two bad habits, that is, she doesn't like mana control, and she doesn't have the habit of summoning beasts to protect her. It seems that she should pay attention to it in the future.

In the dungeon, when fighting the boss, under the guidance of Lin Ye, the fruit bear used the body of the summoned beast to get stuck in several key positions of the boss. Using the principle of mutual restraint between monsters, the effect of the boss's skills was greatly limited.

Although the fruit bear is not very good, but the role is still played out.

When the dungeon was cleared, Guozixiong was overjoyed.

"It turns out that this is the slot they were talking about." Guozixiong mused.

If you can use monsters to block monsters so that they cannot attack you when you practice alone in the future, it will be much easier.

Unfortunately, in the dungeon, she can barely do it because of Lin Ye's guidance. In the wild, no one can guide her.

This requires predicting the monster's movement and attack angle, so as to achieve the purpose of blocking the monster by manipulating the summoned beast.

Even, it is useless to control one summoned beast, two or three may be needed.

Secondly, while controlling the position of the summoned beast, the skill of controlling the summoned beast is also required. Of course, this can also be assisted by the system AI.

However, the system is definitely not as good as the human brain. After all, the system can only throw skills mechanically, and if the player controls it, he can choose to use a certain skill at a certain time, and there is a big gap in mobility.

Only then did Guozixiong understand what Lin Ye said. Summoner is the easiest profession to learn but the most difficult to master. Knowing how to play and not being able to play are completely two extremes.

But no matter what, Lin Ye's guidance still benefited her a lot.

The gatekeeper boss dropped two gem fragments, and secondly, a copper-nickel staff.

[Element Staff]: Cupronickel grade,

Intellect +260, Spirit +320, Casting Concentration +5%, Fire Enhancement +20, Frost Enhancement +20, Arcane Enhancement +20, Shadow Enhancement +20, Attack 377-402, Equipment Effect: Makes you have a chance of critical strike Increase by 3%, the level is limited to level 40, and the durability is 70/70.

"Good luck, a mage's secondary graduation weapon." Lin Ye said in surprise.

One of the best weapons dropped by Zug Palace is copper-grade, but copper-grade weapons can only be produced on the difficulty of purgatory, and they are dropped by synthesizing blueprints.

As for other difficulties, only copper-nickel weapons can be produced. Although it is not as good as copper, the effect is still very powerful, and it is the weapon of choice for second-tier players.

There are only three mages in the team, namely Qianyu, Susu and Lihuo.

Qianyu and Lihuo basically chose to give up without even looking at it. They were all copper weapons. Unless it was a weapon blueprint produced on the difficulty of Purgatory, they would definitely look down on them.

Therefore, this weapon was assigned to Susu, and what she was holding was a level 30 white copper staff.

"Thank you everyone." Su Su suddenly smiled. Although the team was temporary and even everyone was scattered, it gave her a warmer feeling than being in the guild group.

"Congratulations." Forging a sword into a plow said with a smile.

Yun Duo'er on the side looked at Susu enviously, her weapon was not very good, it would be great if she could also get such a weapon.

Just like the priest in the team named Swan Hua Charming Eye, holding a copper-grade staff of redemption, the amount of healing is horrific, and it also comes with a magic skill of resurrection in battle.

"Although we are a temporary team, this is a small dungeon with ten people after all. I don't think it will be long before everyone will be short of weapons." Youde must have a corpse said in the team.

This is the advantage of small dungeons. Compared with large team dungeons, the difficulty is relatively simple. Secondly, only a ten-member team is needed. Even if you are an individual, it is easy to recruit a few friends to form a temporary team.

Afterwards, Lin Ye opened the Purgatory Difficulty.

At this difficulty level, the error tolerance rate becomes quite low. Although the Charming Eye possesses a magic skill of resurrection in battle, the skill needs to be cooled after all. Only one person can be pulled in a battle. Once the staff is reduced one after another, it may It will cause insufficient follow-up damage, causing the BOSS to go berserk and destroy the group.

After being eliminated by the group several times in a row, the team made adjustments again, and Susu was replaced by Yuexiaying.

To be honest, Yuexiaying is not as good as Susu in terms of equipment, level, or technique, but Yuexiaying is a thief.

Slaughter thieves have high single-target output, whether it is an instant burst or continuous output, they are all very good. In addition, the rogue is a profession with high mobility, super control ability and light language ice method. Dealing with emergencies, he is the best candidate for support and turning fire, and even thieves with dodge and strong concealment are among the best in survivability.

Sometimes, you can't just look at equipment and damage when you download a dungeon, but also consider professional matching.

A reasonable team configuration is definitely much better than a chopper team that has no brains to fight damage.

After a series of personnel adjustments, and after several adjustments, the final boss was successfully killed.

Compared to before, everyone had little expectations on Purgatory difficulty, after all, this boss will drop top-level weapons.

"Wow, the drawing is out." Yun Duo'er was the first to exclaim.

Sure enough, under the BOSS corpse, apart from the material gold coins and gem fragments, there was also a shiny blueprint.

"Damn, it really came out." You De Bi You Shi shouted, and then picked up the blueprint.

Team: The player "Where there is virtue, there must be a corpse" picked up the item [Synthetic Blueprint: Shield of Omen].

[Shield of Omen]: Copper grade, strength +102, constitution +175, health value +850, defense +488, equipment effect: precise parry, immediately hold the shield to parry, and resist any upcoming damage (for targets above level 50 effect reduced), precision parry lasts for 1 second, cooldown time is 60 seconds, level is limited to level 40, and durability is 80/80.

"It turned out to be a shield, the effect is really powerful!" You De Bi You Shi posted the blueprint on the team channel, enviously.

Druids cannot be equipped with shields, so in terms of frankness alone, they may not be as good as warriors and paladins.

The precision parry or active skill attached to this shield can resist any damage, which is too fierce. As long as you grasp the timing of release, you will be almost immortal. No matter whether it is a dungeon or PK, it will be invincible. It is definitely the first choice for shields before level 50.

In the team, only one person, Forge Sword into Plow, is a shield warrior, and the blueprints were naturally distributed to him.

Forging the sword and taking the blueprints for the plow, he was stunned for a moment. He remembered that although the blueprints produced by the Zug Palace cannot be traded, the equipment produced can be freely traded, which is different from the suits produced by the ruins of Misero, that is, That said, anyone has the right to take it.

After all, the finished product is something that can be traded, and the market price is tens of thousands.

If it's a fixed regiment, he can still understand, but this is a temporary regiment, aren't they afraid that they will take their equipment and run away?

Looking at his teammates who assigned the blueprints to him without any hesitation, Zhu Jianweili recalled his previous treatment in the guild, and his mood became extremely complicated for a while.

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