Elemental Archer

Chapter 407 Scorpion Elite

"Are you really not afraid that I will take things and run away?" Casting Swords into Plows smiled.

Lin Ye threw the gem fragments he had just picked up into his backpack, and said, "To be honest, even if you take things and leave the group now, I will at most lament that I saw the wrong person. I don't have the time and mood to go to the forum or Regional channels swear at people."

"It's different for me. I may not brush you, but if I meet you in the game in the future, I will definitely be the first to fuck you." Li Huo said.

"Actually, as an unattended player, although I pursue equipment, I don't force it." Said that there must be a corpse if there is virtue.

Including Lin Ye and the others, the same is true. Just like before, when Lin Ye hadn't developed a strategy for killing the boss solo, he never pursued the suit produced on the difficulty of Purgatory in the Ruins of Misero, because he knew that this It is not something that a casual player can have.

Only when Lin Ye had the strength to kill the boss solo and had a way to obtain it, did he start pursuing it.

Otherwise, if they demand too much equipment, they will not choose to become casual players. With the strength of members of the group, they can go to any guild, not to mention core players, at least they can be a main player, and the speed of equipment acquisition is not faster than that of a single player. much?

Forging a sword into a plow was obviously touched by the words of several people.

"That being said, I feel a little sorry if I took it for nothing. Besides, my friend Susu also took a weapon. How about this? I'll give you all the gem fragments and gold coins I have on my body." Zhu Jian Say for the plow.

In the end, Casting Sword took a total of twelve gem fragments and more than 2,000 gold coins for Li, and distributed them to other members of the regiment.

The value of these items may not be worth two pieces of equipment, but they are also the whole body of the sword into the plow.

Copy outside.

"As for the weapons produced in the dungeon, please rest assured. Lao De and I will form a team once a week. As long as you have time, you can come. On the difficulty of purgatory, the explosion rate of blueprints should be quite high. It is only a matter of time to get the equipment. " Lin Ye said.

Back then, when Lin Ye got the weapon blueprints, he didn't spend a penny. Therefore, Lin Ye also intended to let all the players in the team get the equipment, not because he just ran away after graduation and ignored them.

Lin Ye's actions made the people in the team very heart-warming. The reason why they are willing to make friends with Lin Ye is not because of his strength, but because of the character and character of the other party. As a person, let them feel that this is a person they can make friends with.

in the game,

It was still early, and there were still two or three hours before it was completely dark.

Just when Lin Ye was about to disband the team, there was a sudden commotion among the players around him.

"Look, the Xingxuan Guild broke the record again, surpassing the Killing Alliance." Someone exclaimed.

"My God, the customs clearance record is 1 hour and 12 minutes? This is the difficulty of purgatory!"

"Xingxuan Guild is awesome!"

"I'm afraid these two guilds are on the shoulders, and they have been breaking records."

The exclamation of the players over there was naturally heard by Lin Ye and the others.

"It's a bit strong, it only took about 70 minutes." Youde must have a corpse with a dignified expression.

Because just now, it took them 1 hour and 49 minutes to finish the Purgatory-level Zug Palace.

Although this is because there is no deliberate rush to record, but if there is virtue, there must be a corpse to dare to say that even if it is deliberate, it is almost impossible to reach this clearance speed.

Lin Ye pulled out the Purgatory Clearance Ranking of Zug Palace. There are a total of 100 customs clearance teams recorded here.

In the team that ranked first in customs clearance, Lin Ye saw the ID that he was very familiar with: Jianying Liuyun.

"Why are we the only one in the top 100?" Lin Ye was very surprised.

Moreover, this record was set just now, ranking sixty-three.

"Isn't this normal? After the wasteland reclamation period, the guild's fixed group is playing records. As for the casual players, there are not many who can pass purgatory, let alone grab records with the guild group. Our group is a strange thing." Debi Youshi explained.

"That's how casual players are. To be honest, if you don't talk about this, I don't even know that we can still make it to the top 100 rankings." Casting Swords into Plows said with a smile.

Lin Ye was noncommittal, this is not a large team, even if it is an individual player, there is actually a chance to get the record.

After the team disbanded, Lin Ye went back to the city to tidy up his backpack, and replenished some potions and engineering products by the way.

At night, Lin Ye rushed to the Misty Cave.

Forging Swords into Plows and others arrived one step earlier than Lin Ye, but before Lin Ye joined the group, they didn't dare to kill in groups, they could only kill in twos or threes.

[58 fo] It was not until Lin Ye arrived that he began to kill lions and scorpions on a large scale.

Today, Lin Ye's level is 43, which is only five levels different from these lions and scorpions. The suppression power has not been reflected, and the speed of pulling monsters is faster.

The main output such as Lihuo and Susu, they are also level 43, and their skill damage is very high.

Even though the mountains and rivers were blood-stained, he still dared to rely on the card position, occasionally stepped forward and threw a whirlwind, and then quickly retreated.

Before he knew it, Lin Ye had been staying in the Misty Cavern for nearly a week. Of course, during this week, Lin Ye spent most of his time killing monsters at night. As for the daytime, he either went offline to rest or was busy with other things.

And in this week, Lin Ye's level has been infinitely close to level 44, and he can upgrade within half a day at most.

On the day of the mist, there is one more person in the team than before, and that is the fruit bear.

A level 41 summoner not only won't hold back, but has a huge effect.

Like a summoned beast, it can replace the player to block the gap in the terrain, so that the lion and scorpion cannot enter.

"Sister Qianyu, why can't I control my mana at all? How did you manage to cause damage while maintaining a certain amount of mana?" Guo Zixiong asked.

What surprised Lin Ye was that Qian Yu, who had always been relatively taciturn, explained a lot. This was the first time Lin Ye heard Qian Yu say so many words in one breath.

These days, the relationship between Qianyu and Guozixiong seems to be very good.

the next day.

Unsurprisingly, Lin Ye's level reached level 44, and not long after, Naixin was also upgraded with a flash of gold.

A level 44 golden elite pet is no longer weak against these lions and scorpions. At least one-on-one, Naixin has no fear at all.

And just this afternoon, after killing a team of lions and scorpions, a lion and scorpion elite was spawned in the Misty Cave.

"Golden elite-level lion and scorpion!" Exclaimed Forge a Sword into a Plow.

He remembered that the last time he saw this lion and scorpion elite was more than half a month ago.

And just as the sword was turned into a plow and a shield was about to stop him, Lin Ye walked over first.

Looking at the lion and scorpion elites walking in the cave, Lin Ye's eyes flickered with a hint of madness.

Or rather, it's not crazy.

And looking at Lin Ye's appearance, there are virtues and corpses waiting for several old teammates, and they naturally understand what he wants to do.

"This is a level 48 golden elite, don't lose your wife and lose your army." You De Biao You Shi warned.

"It's only four levels, it's worth a try." Lin Ye said in a deep voice, and immediately after, his eyes locked on the position of the lion and scorpion.

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