
With the sound of electricity, the tall thief fell down with a painful look on his face. Qin Ze had an electric shock device in his hand.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? I must have something to protect myself in the wild."

Qin Ze said while playing with the stun gun.

There are many news reports on the Internet about trainers being robbed or killed by wild Pokémon in the wild, so as a trainer, you must have the ability to protect yourself when you don't have Pokémon with you. A stun gun like this is the best choice for many people.

Only those who are young and inexperienced would not bring anything with them.

But Qin Ze has lived two lives, how could he not be careful?

After Qin Ze confirmed that the tall man would not wake up for a while, he looked at the short robber.

The guy was already scared silly. He was the one who had a bad start. He encountered such a big trouble in his first transaction, which almost made him explode.

He was so scared that he quickly turned around and ran.

As a result, he ran into Scyther as soon as he turned around.

How could a mere level 20 wrist strength and Murkrow be the opponent of Scyther? It was a matter that could be solved in one round.

"You came to rob me and you want to run away? How can it be so easy?"

Qin Ze slowly walked towards the short man with a very kind smile.


【"Caterpie defeated Naughty Panda and Shellless Manatee and gained 200 experience points, which is doubled to 400 experience points."】

【"Congratulations to the host for winning the first battle with the trainer in the wild, and the reward is the treasure detector"】

【"There are many undiscovered treasures in the secret realm. You can find those treasures through the treasure detector."】

After the system's prompt sounded, Qin Ze found a device similar to a tablet computer at his feet.

"This looks good. If I find something good, I will be rich."

Qin Ze couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, and then looked at the two thieves who were beaten black and blue and had their clothes stripped off.

"Hero, please let us go, we know we are wrong"

"We will never do such stupid things again, please let us go."

The two thieves pretended to be as ferocious as before, but now they are in such a mess, prostrating themselves before Qin Ze and begging for mercy. Now all their assets, except the elves, were confiscated by Qin Ze as compensation. They returned to the pre-liberation era overnight. If they had known this would happen, they should not have done such evil things.

"You have hands and feet, why do you do such a stupid thing? Fortunately, you failed on your first offense, otherwise, you will be ready to go to jail."

Qin Ze said coldly

"We two brothers don't want to do it either, because training elves consumes too many resources. We are almost bankrupt just to train them to level 20."

"Our elves are not good enough, and it is too difficult to upgrade and become stronger, but we are unwilling to give up."

"So you guys took the risk and robbed and stole resources to train Pokémon, right? I think you guys should die! With trainers like you, your Pokémon will also be disgraced!"

Qin Ze found it funny after hearing this. Why do you have to steal others' things to satisfy yourself? Whose resources and money come from the wind?

Hearing this, Qin Ze wanted to kick him.

"Yes, yes! We were wrong! We were wrong, please spare our lives, if we go to jail, we will be without a master, we have always depended on each other, we can't be separated."

The two men burst into tears, tears and snot mixed together and covered their entire faces, it was disgusting to look at them.

""Okay, okay, stop playing the victim. Since this is your first offense, get out of here. If I see you again next time, I'll kill you and no one will know!"

Qin Ze roared, and Caterpie bared his teeth fiercely.

The two were so scared that they kowtowed to express their understanding and gratitude to Qin Ze.

Then they left here naked.

"These two idiots made us unable to sleep well. Caty Dog, cancel the training this morning, get more sleep.

Qin Ze shook his head helplessly and went to sleep.

The next day at noon, Qin Ze just woke up and heard a lot of noise outside.

"What's going on? Is the feng shui here bad? There are people here at night, and there are people here at this time?"

Qin Ze said with a puzzled look.

Although there are many people in the secret realm, due to the large area, so many people are scattered, and it is difficult to see anyone all day long.

How come there are people passing by from night to now in just one day?

Qin Ze walked out puzzledly and saw several people running across the open space, each of them looking very anxious.

Some were riding little fire horses and Dudu.

"Hurry up, brother! Otherwise you will miss it!"

"Wait, brother, my stomach hurts!"

"You idiot, I told you to exercise more, but now you have a stomachache after running a few steps!"

Qin Ze saw a young man next to the tent angrily scolding his chubby brother, so he walked up to him.

""Brother, what are you doing? Why are you all so anxious?"

Qin Ze asked puzzledly.

"Hmm? Don't you know that a treasure is about to appear?"

The young man was surprised that Qin Ze didn't know, so he explained directly


Qin Ze had to enlarge his eyes after hearing this.

"Yes, I heard that there is a tree outside this secret realm. Every ten years, it will produce some fruit that is very helpful for fire attribute elves to improve their strength. It is especially effective for elves below level 20! Many people want to grab it!"

The young man immediately explained the situation


Qin Ze heard this for the first time and immediately showed excitement. If Caterpie eats it, wouldn't it be able to improve its strength a lot at once?

"Wait, why are you telling me directly? Aren't you afraid that I'm also a competitor?"

Qin Ze asked puzzledly

"It's not that easy to get it. Many trainers with more than 20 or even 30 levels have gone to grab it. How can a small character be qualified to grab it? I just want to watch the fun and learn something. If I'm lucky, it's not bad to pick up a bargain."

The young man shrugged helplessly. At this time, his younger brother had caught up, so he immediately pulled his younger brother and ran towards the woods.

"There is such a good thing."

This made Qin Ze have to think about it, but when he thought about the competition among the elves of more than 20 levels, he was scared.

Although he had a Scyther, it was rented, so he didn't dare to play with it carelessly.

"Forget it, it's not bad to go and see it."

Qin Ze decided to go and see it. Regardless of whether he had a chance or not, it would be a good thing to gain some experience.

So he immediately called Caterpie, had a simple breakfast, and ran towards the woods.......

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