There were quite a few people gathered in the forest now, more than fifty at a rough count.

Each of them released their spirits and looked at each other warily.

They all had only one goal, which was the rumored treasure tree fruit.

"Have you heard that soon, there will be fruit that will be of great benefit to fire-attribute elves below level 20 that will mature!"

"Yes, this is good news. My lava worm has been stuck at level 14. I finally have a chance to become stronger!"

"Just think about it! Didn't you see the Pokémon released by the trainer there? They are definitely above level 20. How can we compete with them?"

"It all depends on luck. By the way, what is the name of that fruit?"

"It seems to be called Purple Flame Fruit"...

Qin Ze stood at the back of the crowd, browsing the Internet about this secret realm.

Finally, he found an article with detailed records about the treasures here.

There is indeed a tree fruit called Purple Flame Fruit.

As long as the elves below level 20 eat it, they can improve their strength and level, and even the power of the flame will be further enhanced.

It is a rare treasure.

And this tree fruit only blooms once every ten years, which is quite difficult to find.

There is another important thing, that is, when the Purple Flame Fruit is picked, it must be eaten immediately, otherwise it will lose its effect after one minute and become a dry tree fruit, and no technology can preserve it.

This is why the Purple Flame Fruit cannot be purchased in the outside world.

The quantity is small, the time interval is long, and it cannot be taken away.

As a result, the Purple Flame Fruit is not very attractive to the outside world.

There is no need to let all kinds of prominent figures come here.

There are many treasures that can replace this thing.

However, for ordinary people, they are all very precious.

After Qin Ze learned about the situation of the Purple Flame Fruit, he picked up the telescope and looked at a big tree more than 20 meters away.

This tree is quite different from other trees. The leaves of normal trees are either green, yellowish or red.

But this tree is the only one where all the leaves are purple.

The most noticeable thing is that the fruit produced by this tree is also purple, and even emits a faint luster.

This is the Purple Flame Fruit, and there are fifteen of them.

It is said that when the surface of the Purple Flame Fruit burns with purple flames, it is ripe.

A fierce battle will then break out.

The atmosphere was particularly quiet at this moment. Even the companions who were acting together did not dare to speak, and they were afraid of being seen typing.

They were alert to the people around them, waiting for the moment when the purple flame appeared.

One minute later, five minutes later, ten minutes later, fifteen minutes later...

Time passed by minute by minute, and every minute felt as anxious as a day, making people wait anxiously.

Qin Ze observed the people around him, each of them was extremely nervous and breathing heavily.

In addition, there were so many people here that the air was particularly hot.

Wait, there are so many people? At this time, he suddenly realized something, that is, why did so many people come?

According to his investigation, the Purple Flame Fruit is not so outstanding among the overwhelming treasures. It is only suitable for novices and is an ultra-niche treasure.

Except for some people who have studied it and pinpointed the time point of the ten-year cycle, almost no one knows that there will be Purple Flame Fruit at this time. It's like Qin Ze only knew it from hearing others, but the problem is, how did such a niche treasure become known to so many people?

The more Qin Ze thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong


At this moment, there was a sound of flames suddenly bursting out.

This was like a signal, causing everyone to look at the Purple Flame Fruit. At this time, the Purple Flame Fruit was actually burning with purple flames!

This seemed to be completely contrary to biological experiments. Sure enough, in the world of elves, logic was not universal!

""Roar loudly!"

I don't know who attacked first.

Then I don't know who attacked first, and then I heard two extremely fierce roars.

This terrible sound wave forced everyone and the elves to cover their ears.

But they still couldn't resist such a strong sound wave. Some elves couldn't help but tremble and instantly lost their fighting consciousness.

Then I saw a man riding a Dudu, with two Dalubi behind him, using the people around him as pedals and jumping into the air

""Haha! The Purple Flame Fruit is mine!"

The man shouted excitedly, and seemed to be about to get close to the Purple Flame Fruit.

But at this moment, a strike ghost jumped beside him and did a roundhouse kick in the air, kicking Dudu and the man away.

"Don't even think about it!"

A strong man in a martial arts uniform pushed the others aside and ran towards the Purple Flame Fruit.

With these two people as the first mover, the others took action one after another.

In this narrow environment, people pushed and squeezed each other, trying to throw all the people who were in the way behind them, and even caused a stampede, not caring about whether there would be casualties.

What's worse is that they even started a fierce elf melee in this large crowd!

"Pikachu! 100,000 volts!"

"Butterfree! Toxic fan!"

"Squirtle! Water gun!"

"Night thief fire lizard, turbid fog!"

""Coal Turtle! Jet flames!"

The fierce melee was like fireworks everywhere.

Water, lightning, flames, vines, strong winds, and other elements were endless, and it looked extremely fierce.

They didn't care whether the trainer would be hurt or what kind of casualties would be caused.

This was the real Pokémon battle. Unlike the animation, the trainer would not die.

As long as he was not careful, the trainer would die.

Qin Ze did not immediately join in, but stayed at the back, watching such a chaotic scene.

He had no intention of taking action, even if there was a level 30 Scyther, he would not intervene.

"Forget it. If I get involved, I will die before I succeed.

Qin Ze immediately made a decision.���

He is still very weak now. If he rashly joins this chaos, he will not get much benefit.

What's more, there are still masters who haven't moved.

Qin Ze looked at the group of people who also didn't move.

They all had sneers and disdain. Obviously, they were all very confident and powerful trainers. They were all waiting for the people who got in the way to hinder each other and exhaust each other.

In the end, they would take action and reap the benefits.

The only people who could really make them wary were those who also didn't take action.

"These guys must have level 30 elves. I don't need to fight them."

Qin Ze said coldly, and then he looked at the fierce melee. He wanted to learn from it.

But it looked like a mess, just like a fight between children. He lost interest after watching it for a while.

So he just left.

"Oh, let's try this thing."

Qin Ze remembered the treasure detector that the system rewarded him last night. He took advantage of the opportunity when all the trainers gathered there and would not compete with him to see if there were any treasures nearby.

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