The detector looks like a radar, with a secret map in the background, and it keeps sending out radio waves to detect.

Then it reports that there is a treasure at 45 degrees to the right and 100 meters away. The light spot representing the treasure keeps flashing. I don't know if it means that the treasure is very precious.

""Hey, weird!"

Just then Qin Ze suddenly found something strange, then turned around and looked at the Purple Flame Fruit behind him.

Then he looked at the radar.

Why didn't the detector mark the Purple Flame Fruit behind him?

Obviously, the Purple Flame Fruit is also a treasure.

Could it be that the detector can only detect treasures that have not been discovered yet?

Maybe that's the case.

Qin Ze didn't investigate further and followed the detector away.

No one else cared about him. For them, such self-aware people were everywhere and not worth mentioning.

Qin Ze walked forward following the instructions of the detector. This detector can search for objects within a radius of one kilometer with him as the center. From the current point of view, there is only a treasure in that location.

After Qin Ze followed the instructions and walked for a while, he finally came to the flashing light spot. From the radar, Qin Ze and the treasure were very close, but he didn't see anything in front of him, just ordinary trees and grass.

"You can't be fooling me, right?"

If it weren't for the system reward, Qin Ze would have thought that the detector was broken.

With doubtful thoughts, Qin Ze continued to move forward, but he bumped into something that forced him to stop.

It was a bit hard, but it seemed that he could reach in, and it felt a bit sticky.

But there was clearly nothing in front of Qin Ze?

He stretched out his hand carefully and probed forward, and as a result, he really touched something in the air where there was nothing!

It was a bit like a wall, but he could reach in, but as soon as he reached in, he would feel very strenuous, like entering a swamp.

"What is this?"

Qin Ze pulled his hand out in shock, and there was an invisible wall blocking him. Why is this happening?

Is it man-made or is it natural?

This made Qin Ze hesitate. This strange phenomenon must be dangerous.

Logically speaking, the best choice is not to take risks.

But when he thought of the treasure behind, he had to hesitate.

"Forget it, wealth and honor are sought in danger, how can I always be afraid of trouble? I don't believe that there are a group of people who will fight with me!"

Compared to the large group of people fighting to the death behind him, Qin Ze decided to take a risk here.

Then he released the Scyther

"Scyther, perform continuous slashes in front of you!"

After receiving the order, Scyther immediately swung its two swords at a high speed, slashing the air in front of it frantically.

As a result, it really cut something, leaving a deep and long crack in the sky.

Originally, Scyther's slashing speed was very fast, and it was almost impossible to see the afterimage, but for some reason, when it hit the air in front of it, its speed suddenly slowed down a lot, making it quite strenuous just to draw its sword.

This made Scyther quite annoyed, and felt that its self-esteem was challenged, so it swung its two swords frantically faster, slashing the air in front of it, to see how long it could get in the way.

As Scyther slashed more and more times, the crack became larger and larger.

You can see something behind the crack.

Qin Ze immediately entered the crack, and Scyther followed closely behind, continuing to slash the air in front of it, lengthening the road.

Finally, after Qin Ze walked forward for a distance, Scyther stopped because it could no longer cut anything strange.

"This is it!"

After Qin Ze passed through the crack, he saw something in front of him that shocked him!

A big tree with all its leaves purple, and on it grew twenty fruits burning with purple flames.

It was the Purple Flame Fruit!

"How is it possible! The Purple Flame Fruit is clearly behind!"

Qin Ze exclaimed in surprise, why would the Purple Flame Fruit appear here, and there would be more fruits on the tree!

Could it be that there are two fruit trees that can bear Purple Flame Fruit?

No, the information he searched clearly stated that there is only one such tree, so what's going on with this one!

Could it be that fruit trees are also divided into male and female?

"Oh my, it's true. You can fool people for a while, but not forever."

At this moment

, a somewhat feminine male voice came from above. Qin Ze immediately jumped to the side and raised his head.

He saw a man in a black hooded robe, sitting on a three-in-one Magneto, falling from the sky.

His hood covered the upper half of his face, and only his mouth could be seen.

At this time, Scyther suddenly turned around alertly, and saw a Braveheart appeared behind him at some point, and immediately got into a fighting stance.

"So strong!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

The auras exuded by Magneto and Yongjila were quite powerful, not inferior to Scyther, which meant that they were both level 30 Pokémon!

"Damn, I met a tough guy!"

This forced Qin Ze to think about how to leave safely. If a fight really breaks out, Scyther will not be enough!

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, after all, we have no grudges against each other."

After the man landed, he seemed to see what Qin Ze was thinking and smiled.

Qin Ze did not respond, but looked at the other party.

"How did you find this place? In order to monopolize the Purple Flame Fruit, I made Yongjila spend a lot of energy to build a huge reflective wall to reflect the surrounding scenery, making it look like there is no difference between this place and an ordinary forest."

"Plus, I deliberately let out a fake Purple Flame Fruit location so that everyone else would scramble for it and try not to notice it. How did you find this place?"

The man was very curious about how Qin Ze found it. If he didn't go here on purpose, he wouldn't notice it.

""It's a blind cat that meets a dead mouse."

Qin Ze simply answered. Although his treasure detector was not put away, in the eyes of outsiders, it was just an ordinary iPad and they would not think too much about it.

This world is not yet capable of researching such high technology.

If it is discovered, it will probably cause an uproar and all forces will come to fight for it!

After all, the treasures in the elf world are too precious and useful!

"So that's it...Sure enough! Luck is really a mysterious thing. So what are you going to do? Do you want to ask me for hush money or some purple flame fruit?"

The man looked at Qin Ze with a sly smile.

"Some? You should give me at least 60%."

However, Qin Ze actually showed a cold smile in return, which made the other party slightly stunned.

"You have fooled many people. If they go through so much hardship, even at the cost of half their lives, and finally get a fake Purple Flame Fruit, do you think they will want to kill you? In other words, what I am asking of you is not hush money, but the value of saving your life. What qualifications do you have to bargain with me!"

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