
Scyther looked at Qin Ze in bewilderment and blinked.

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

Qin Ze thought that Scyther didn't understand, so he asked again.

After listening, Scyther looked Qin Ze up and down, then nodded with a dry smile.

However, Qin Ze understood what it muttered.

"What the hell is this person doing? He suddenly asks such a question. Forget it, I don’t understand human aesthetics, so I’ll just deal with it casually."

"Do you have to be so perfunctory to me?"

After understanding what Scyther said, Qin Ze almost wanted to curse in his heart, but he still maintained his demeanor and nodded with a forced smile.

The only thing worth being happy about is that this translation ear is really useful!

Tonight, Qin Ze poured out a few more bags of Pokémon rations to feed Scyther, Caterpie and Kapok.

It happened that everyone was exhausted today, so they ate a lot.

"Everyone is full, right? Then, Caterpie, Scyther, let's welcome Kapok to join us!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Although Scyther was rented, after such a long time of getting along, he also regarded it as half of his own.


" Wooo...

"Kapok Ball, are you still not full? Say something. This is your first time becoming a trainer's Pokémon. What do you think?"

Qin Ze thought Kapok Ball was shy, so he encouraged it to say something.

However, after listening, Kapok Ball raised its head, squinted its small eyes and looked at Qin Ze, then muttered helplessly.

Kapok Ball:"Is this guy a fool? He makes me happy, but why should I be happy! He was captured inexplicably, and I wanted to go out and play! He was captured all of a sudden! Family members, who understands this feeling?!"

"Kapok Bombax ceiba..."

Kapok Ball talked more and more, and finally showed a helpless and sad expression, and then sighed heavily.

Qin Ze, Caterpie and Scyther fell silent after seeing Kapok Ball's look, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Qin Ze took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down as much as possible, and looked at Kapok Ball with a kind smile.

"Kapok Ball, let me ask you, do you want to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks every day?"

Kapok Ball:"Every day I eat delicious tree fruits, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy flavors, and drink sweet spring water. Unlike you humans, I heard that you eat malnutrition every day."

"Do you want to live a good life?"

Kapok Ball:"I live a good life, without worries, without having to rush around for a living like you humans do."

"Damn! That's too much!"

Kapok Ball's words definitely pierced the heart of every office worker.

Qin Ze took a deep breath, calmed himself down and continued.

"Kapok Ball, don't you want to become stronger?"

Kapok Ball:"No, isn't it good to lie down without any worries? Unlike you humans who run around from morning till night and are exhausted."

"Don’t you want to stand at the top and become an elf admired and loved by everyone?"

"I have a lot of people who like me. Every girl wants to hug me when she sees me. You can't envy me."

""Pfft! The last sentence is even more excessive!"

Qin Ze was so angry that he was choking. Every word of Kapok Ball was enough to make anyone envious. It sounded beautiful, but it pierced everyone's heart like a knife!

If any low-level person came to compare Kapok Ball's life, he would definitely be hit hard!

No wonder you are called Black Heart Cotton, not because of your black heart in tactics! Your black belly and ability to confront people are also very powerful!

Qin Ze took a deep breath as much as he could to restrain his expression changes, so as not to lose control. He really wanted to beat Kapok Ball up now!

If it weren't for your potential to be a quasi-king, I would have kicked you away long ago!

"Kapok Ball, I know you were conquered by me all of a sudden, and it must be hard for you to balance your mentality, but it doesn't matter, you will get used to it after a while, and I will do my best to train you and make you the most outstanding elf!"

Qin Ze seemed to have given up, and opened his heart to Kapok Ball, encouraging it to change its identity and accept himself.

However, in the face of Qin Ze's inspiring words, Kapok Ball still kept a squinting expression and said a few words casually.

Kapok Ball:"Forget it, forget it, seeing that you are working so hard to coax me, I will reluctantly treat you as my shit shoveler, don't let me down"


At this moment, Qin Ze's arm almost raised up. If his left hand hadn't pressed his right hand in time, he really wanted to slap it.

Sometimes it's not a good thing to understand what the Pokémon says.

The Scyther and Growlithe next to him had already entered the state of eating, pretending to know nothing, so as not to get into trouble.

In any case, Qin Ze succeeded today and gained an extra handheld Pokémon, and the team became larger! The matter of the Purple Flame Fruit was soon over, and it was not even a topic of conversation after dinner. Every trainer continued to do what he should do.

Qin Ze also worked hard to take Growlithe and Kapok to do various rigorous exercises every day. Special training for the Kapok Ball, and then go find Pokémon to fight.

And let them fight each other to get familiar with each other, and at the same time compete to improve their strength.

Although the fire attribute restrains the Kapok Ball, the Kapok Ball can dodge the flames with light movements to make up for the defect.

Moreover, Qin Ze tried to let the Kapok Ball withstand the burning of the flames of the Caterpillar to challenge the Kapok Ball's tolerance limit for flames.

According to Qin Ze's idea, start with a small fire, and when the Kapok Ball's tolerance limit increases, increase the fire, hoping that one day in the future the Kapok Ball will be able to fully withstand the powerful fire attack.

However, after he did this, the Kapok Ball would secretly scold Qin Ze every day.

"Damn the shit shoveler, to abuse me like this! Too much! Why doesn't the Caterpie have to bear its own weaknesses? I think it's a deliberate revenge on me!"

"Who among the family members understands?...This scumbag shit scooper! I wish him to be single for life!"

Kapok Ball's cursing, Qin Ze heard it clearly.

To this, Qin Ze just wanted to say, yes, I really have some intentional thoughts.

However, this also made Qin Ze think that he had to let Caterpillar overcome its weaknesses. Even if it was not immune to water attributes, it had to be able to resist it, so Caterpillar began to learn to swim.

Kapok Ball felt very happy when he saw Caterpillar being choked by water every day, and the number of times he scolded Qin Ze became less and less.......

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