After staying in the secret realm for almost three weeks, Qin Ze finally came out.

Qin Ze now looks different from the way he looked when he entered three weeks ago.

His eyes are more determined, no longer as immature as before.

The Growlithe following at his feet also looks high-spirited.

Only the Kapok on the top of his head has a pair of dead fish eyes, which looks totally out of place.

The current level of Growlithe is still level 19, and Kapok is level 17. Even Scyther has risen to level 31.

"What a cute kapok ball. Did you catch it in the secret realm?"

"The sky is so cute! I really want to raise one!"

"Handsome guy, where did you get your Kapok Ball? Tell me the direction!"

Because of Kapok Ball's appearance, it attracts the attention of many girls, and some even touch it.

Kapok Ball:"Wow, this little girl's hands feel so good."

"Here, touch here, I just happen to be itchy"

"How about it, shit shoveler? Because of me, you are surrounded by so many girls. You must be honored, right?"

Qin Ze felt quite annoyed and a little envious when he heard what Kapok Ball said.

Finally, Qin Ze decided to take back Kapok Ball so that he could leave here quickly and have his ears quiet.

Breeding house.

Qin Ze returned Scyther, and Growlithely hugged Scyther reluctantly and said goodbye.

Scyther:"Come to me again when you have a chance. I will become stronger and help you!" Growlithe

:"See you again if we are lucky!"

"Scythe, thank you for your care during this time!"

Qin Ze was very grateful for Scythe's help during this time. Without it, he couldn't carry out strict training, and when he occasionally encountered too powerful elves, he relied on Scythe to solve the problem.

Although Scythe was not his exclusive use, they also established a deep friendship.

After saying goodbye to Scythe, Qin Ze planned to leave directly.

At this time, the staff of the breeding house came over.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I have a batch of elf eggs for sale in our breeding house today. Are you interested in buying one?"

"Elf eggs."

After hearing this, Qin Ze remembered that the breeding house had another way to make money, which was to sell elf eggs every once in a while.

If you want to buy one, it costs 100,000 yuan.

And you don't know what qualifications it will have, so it can be said that it is completely a matter of luck.

If you are lucky, you can make the 100,000 yuan worth it. If you are unlucky, you will get a common elf with 100,000 yuan, which is completely a waste of money.

Qin Ze thought about it, and when he came here, he went to the prop store and sold the gem he stole from Lin Yin.

I didn't expect that thing to be a prop that helps evil attributes, worth 100,000 yuan.

"Then I'll buy one."

Qin Ze decided to splurge, and he had the ability to identify eggs, so he was not afraid of not being able to choose a good egg.

"Then please follow me."

Seeing Qin Ze so happy, the staff immediately became more friendly and took Qin Ze into the breeding house.

Qin Ze was not the only one who was selecting the elf eggs. There were 20 or 30 other people, each carefully selecting the eggs.

Some put them to their ears and tapped them gently to listen to the sound, some used magnifying glasses to study them carefully, and some even used their noses to smell them.

"Which one are you going to choose?"

"I don't know either. I picked five eggs this time! It depends on whether I can get lucky and meet a good one!"

"I'm going to say you're so generous, aren't you afraid that all of them are of poor qualifications?"

""Go away! I checked the almanac, stop cursing me!"

This kind of conversation is not new.

Even elf eggs cannot be thrown away casually, so everyone hopes to pick good ones.

This leads to many people checking the almanac, choosing dates, and even choosing clothes before choosing elf eggs.

In this way, the income of the Feng Shui industry is also increased.

Qin Ze looked at this group of poor people with sympathy, and then looked at so many elf eggs by himself.

Caterpillar:"Wow, so many eggs, I wonder if I can eat them!" Caterpillar couldn't help drooling when looking at so many elf eggs.

This made Qin Ze couldn't help but slap his face.

"This isn't for eating!"

Qin Ze said, then he knocked on the head of the Caterpie, and then looked back at the Pokémon egg.

【Elf: Rattata】

【Qualification: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Individual value: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Skills: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Elf: Mukher】

【Qualification: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Individual value: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Skills: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Elf: Lobster Soldier】

【Qualification: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Individual value: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Skills: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】....

"Oh my god! If it's not hatched, we can't tell what its aptitude is!"

Qin Ze didn't expect that the Eye of Appreciation had such a drawback, and he couldn't help cursing the system in his heart.

This is really troublesome,

Qin Ze's face suddenly looked ugly, then he really can only rely on luck, if he is lucky, he will get an elf with unlimited potential and a powerful future. If he is unlucky, he will get a waste. It is too inhumane to hide it, but it is very troublesome to train it.

This made Qin Ze not know what to do.

"Now that I'm here, I might as well give it a try."

Qin Ze took a deep breath. Since he was lucky enough to get the system, maybe he was lucky enough to choose an excellent egg!

So Qin Ze looked at each egg carefully, and used his five senses to observe like everyone else.

An hour later, Qin Ze had already looked at fifty elf eggs, and he really didn't know how to choose the right one.

Just when he was feeling discouraged, suddenly an egg caught his eye!

【Elf: Little Saw Crocodile】

【Qualification: Gym level】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (30), Special Attack (28), Special Defense (27), Speed (28)】

【Skills: Claws, Call】

【Future: The little Crocodile that has been hatched and is about to be born showed extraordinary talent after hatching successfully. It was noticed by a senior trainer, trained hard, and finally evolved into a Crocodile, becoming the underwater overlord and assisting the trainer in creating his own gym!】

"Finally I saw one with excellent qualifications!"

After seeing this data, Qin Ze smiled. He would only accept it if it was at least gym level.

And looking at the future, the potential of this little saw crocodile is really good. From the current point of view, the little saw crocodile is the best choice.

However, there is still one egg that Qin Ze has not seen, so he decided to take a look first. However, in order to prevent the little saw crocodile from being snatched away, he took it in his hand, and then walked to a fiery red elf egg and used the eye of appreciation.

As a result, Qin Ze's breathing had to become heavy, and his pupils gradually dilated.


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