When he saw that Qin Ze's opponent was Bai Yu, he was very worried about this. It would be great if Qin Ze had a water spirit.

Not only Lin Tao and An Tongyue were discussing this, but the people around them were also talking about it.

"Who do you think will win in this game, Qin Ze or Bai Yu?"

"I think it will be Qin Ze. His Caterpie is one level higher than the other two, and the strength he showed before is much stronger."

"Haha, that's not necessarily true. This is a doubles match, and coordination is important. Bai Yu has two fire-type Pokémons, and Qin Ze has one grass-type Pokémon. How can he beat them? He can't help at all."

"That's right, I think Kapok Ball will be eliminated soon, and then it will become a two-on-one situation, and Qin Ze will definitely lose."

"Not necessarily. Don't forget that the Mk'r was defeated in the last game."

"How can the flying type be compared with the fire type? What's more, Ou Nini is not as good as Bai Yu, so they can't be mixed together."

"Why are you talking so much? Let's just wait and see the show."

Most of the people around were discussing supporting Bai Yu to win.

They really didn't think that Qin Ze had any advantages.

Bai Yu listened to the people around him saying that he was higher than Qin Ze, and immediately raised his head in a proud manner, almost pointing his nose to the sky.

Yes, this kind of evaluation that belittled Qin Ze and raised him was what he wanted.

He had lived under the glory of Qin Ze's genius for too long, and everyone only regarded him as the second. Now he can finally surpass Qin Ze!

Now Bai Yu looked at Qin Ze with great contempt, and he really wanted to know what Qin Ze's expression was now.

However, Qin Ze didn't care about those comments at all, but looked at the two elves opposite with an appreciative eye.

【Elf: Dalubi】

【Level: 19】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Early Wake-up (After falling asleep, it will wake up twice as fast as other elves)】

【Individual stats: HP (20), Attack (21), Defense (19), Special Attack (22), Special Defense (17), Speed (23)】

【Skills: Sparks (Novice), Mist (Novice), Howl (Novice), Roar (Novice), Bite (Novice)】

【Genetic Skill: Raid (Novice)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: Elite】

【Future: A talented Dalubi, he is competitive and aggressive by nature, and likes to stir up trouble and fight. He has a bad personality. With the connivance of his master Bai Yu, he often attacks passing Pokémon. After evolving into Houndoom, he became even more lawless. He only restrained himself after being warned by the alliance. However, because his qualifications were not outstanding, he was finally abandoned by Bai Yu and hidden in the breeding house.】


【Elf: Coal Turtle】

【Level: 19】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Sunshine (When the battle starts, the weather will immediately turn sunny for a period of time)】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (25), Defense (31), Special Attack (25), Special Defense (22), Speed (10)】

【Skills: Sparks (Novice), Smoke Screen (Novice), Mist (Novice), Shell (Novice), High Speed Spin (Novice), Clear Smoke (Novice)】

【Inherited Skill: Yawn (Novice)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: Quasi-king level】

【Future: The talented coal turtle, relying on acquired efforts, continues to become stronger. Even without an evolutionary path, it can confront elves with a racial value of more than 500 with its extraordinary strength. It is very powerful and becomes one of Bai Yu's fierce generals.】


"This Dalubi is really pitiful, he was actually hidden in the future."

Qin Ze looked at Dalubi with some sympathy. Dalubi now has no idea what will happen in the future. He is grinning and looks very fierce.

"Bai Yu, this guy, actually abandoned the elves casually, what a bastard."

Qin Ze was very unhappy with this behavior. Since he was accepted as a companion, he must train him well. How could he give up just because of insufficient qualifications?

Bai Yu noticed that Qin Ze looked at him with a strange look in his eyes, and thought that he was provoking him, so he raised his head proudly to show his respect in return.

"Now! The game begins!

The referee waved the flag vigorously to indicate the start of the game.

"Coal Turtle! Release the smoke screen immediately!"

Bai Yu was the first to give the order when the game started.

After receiving the order, the Coal Turtle immediately spit out thick black smoke, which spread to the surroundings.

Smoke screen is a very common skill to cover the sight, but when it is used by the Coal Turtle, it is a little more fiery, just like the smoke coming out of a volcano.

Gradually, the black smoke covered the figures of the Coal Turtle and Dalubi, and they could not be seen at all.

"Want to use this sleight of hand to launch a sneak attack? No way! Kapok Ball, use the Fairy Wind to blow away the smoke!"

After receiving the order, Kapok Ball will immediately release a strong pink storm to blow away the smoke.

""Surprise attack!"

Just then,

Bai Yu's voice rang out, and a black shadow rushed out from the smoke, hitting the Kapok Ball like lightning, forcibly interrupting the Kapok Ball's attack.

A closer look at the black shadow turned out to be Dalubi!


Qin Ze was stunned when he saw this scene, and then he immediately remembered the surprise attack.

If the opponent's elf attacks before him, he will attack the opponent faster. On the contrary, if the opponent's action is slower than his or does not attack, the surprise attack cannot be used successfully.

"So that's why. He had expected that I would let the cotton ball use the fairy wind to blow away the smoke."

After Qin Ze figured it out, he had to admire Bai Yu's carefulness. He actually thought of such a solution.

But Qin Ze was not a pushover.

""Catti! Bite!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

Catti was ready, showing its sharp fangs, and was going to bite Daluby.

However, after the attack was successful, Daluby immediately jumped away and avoided Catti's attack.

Daluby:"Hey, you two idiots can't hit me."

Kapok Ball:"You are the idiot!"

After being knocked away, Kapok Ball immediately balanced its body and immediately used Fairy Wind to attack Daluby again.

However, Daluby seemed to have expected it and ran out of the attack range of Fairy Wind in an instant.

This ability to respond is quite outstanding!

"I know that the evil attribute is restrained by the fairy type, so I have already reminded my Dalubi to immediately distance myself when Kapok Ball is about to attack. By the way, when Kapok Ball was fighting against Mook Bird, I took a picture of the spread of its fairy wind. My Dalubi is definitely capable of running away before being hit."

Bai Yu said with a proud look on his face, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"This is not the end! High-speed rotation tactics!"

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, a high-speed rotating turntable suddenly rushed out from the smoke. A closer look revealed that it was a high-speed rotating coal turtle!

When the rotating coal turtle landed, Dalubi actually jumped on it and ran on all fours, like performing acrobatics!


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