After Dalubi jumped onto the upright coal turtle, he immediately stomped on it continuously, just like a clown in a circus stomping on a roller.

""Coal Turtle, move at high speed!"

Bai Yu immediately gave the order.

The Coal Turtle was being stepped on by Dalubi and was spinning at high speed. He also used the high-speed rotation trick to increase the speed!

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

Such a terrible speed made the coal turtle make a fierce friction sound when rubbing against the ground, and even made the ground extremely hot. White smoke kept coming out, and it rushed towards Caterpie and Kapok Ball like a train!

However, Dalubi was not affected by the speed of the coal turtle at all. Even though it was moving at high speed, it was still running on it with ease, and even made the coal turtle's speed faster and faster.

""Get out of the way!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

Kapok and Caterpie quickly jumped to the sides, just avoiding the Coal Turtle that rushed over.


""Woo woo!"

At this time, both Caterpie and Kapok Ball made painful sounds at the same time.

Their fur seemed to be scratched. Even being scratched by the wind would cause some damage. You can imagine how powerful the coal turtle's rotation is!

If they were hit head-on, the consequences would be disastrous.


Dalu looked particularly excited, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of crushing other Pokémons, just like a mad racer.

Its limbs kept stepping on the spinning Coal Turtle, causing it to quickly change direction and chase after Growlithe!

Growlithe was the strongest, so it was the first target to be solved!

""Catti! Run with the Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze suddenly ordered.

Catti immediately used the Flame Wheel to roll to the side, just avoiding the attack of the Coal Turtle.

"Roll around!!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders.

Growlithe immediately chose a direction to roll, and then immediately changed direction! The rolling Growlithe was very fast, and could match the rotation speed of Dalubi and the Coal Turtle.

At this moment, Growlithe, whose body was on fire, wandered around the field, repeatedly brushing past the Coal Turtle that just happened to rush over.

The field was full of flames!

Now the elf battle field seemed to have turned into a racing scene!

Growlithe and the Coal Turtle were two racing cars, moving in extremely irregular routes, chasing each other, and neither of them would let go!

"Katie! Left!"

"Move right!"

"Go around to the back!"

""Hurry up and move to the right!"

Qin Ze and Bai Yu kept giving orders to their elves, looking for opportunities to knock each other down.

However, both sides had good reaction abilities, and they took evasive measures immediately the moment the opponent gave the order, and no one could hit the other.

As long as one side stopped spinning, that would be their chance to win!

Now, because of the non-stop spinning of Caterpie and Coal Turtle, there was a strong wind on the field.

Even if the audience was a little far away from here, they would feel the hot wind and quickly stepped back two steps.

"Qin Ze! Your Caterpie's Flame Wheel's speed is beyond my imagination. My Dalubi and Coal Turtle can't catch up with it even with their combined abilities!"

Bai Yu praised

"But you only have one Caterpie after all, and it will get tired sooner or later, and then it will definitely lose!"

Bai Yu shouted confidently

"Oh, is that so? Do I only have one elf here?"

Qin Ze sneered after hearing this.

"Your kapok ball? , What else can it do except floating around in the air."

After hearing this, Bai Yu looked at the kapok ball with disdain.

It was because of the strong winds everywhere on the field that it was floating around in the air without any rules, and it seemed that it really couldn't do anything.

Hearing this, Qin Ze sneered. If this idiot was the owner of the kapok ball and dared to look down on it like this, he had better keep both eyes on guard at night.

Although the kapok ball seems to be floating around without any rules, it actually has its own ideas.

It has been observing Growlithe and Coal Turtle, looking for the most appropriate time to attack.


Kapok Ball's eyes lit up and he shouted

"Fairy Wind, speed up!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered after understanding what Kapok Ball said.

Kapok Ball immediately turned around and spit out Fairy Wind behind him. His body was like a rocket, and he quickly came behind the Caterpie who had just turned a corner.

At this time, Coal Turtle was in front of Caterpie and was about to run over.


Kapok Ball used all its strength to blast out the Fairy Wind, and even attacked Caterpie together!

""Hoohoo, hoohoo!!!"

This attack might cause some damage to Caterpie.

But...However, it also increased the intensity of the fire on the Caterpillar, as well as its speed!

Caterpillar was now like a car out of control, almost flying out, and crashed into the shell of the Coal Turtle just as it was about to dodge.


At this time, Dalubi was also hit by the Fairy Wind!

It itself has evil attributes and is completely restrained by the Fairy System. Being hit by the Fairy Wind, the damage it received was naturally not small, but this was not the end.


The flame that had been compressed for a long time by Growlithe burst out like gunpowder, turning into a powerful explosion!

It directly blew Coal Turtle and Daluby away!

Coal Turtle and Daluby fell heavily to the ground at the same time. Coal Turtle was still curled up in its shell and no one knew what was going on.

Anyway, Daluby looked very bad, with half of his hair burned and bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

He stared at Kapok and Growlithe with resentful eyes.

Daluby:"Assholes, I will never let you go!"

Kapok:"Talk about it when you can still stand up!"

"Kapok Ball continued to use Fairy Wind! Give Dalubi the final blow!"

Qin Ze had to get rid of Dalubi first. It was impossible to deal with the Coal Turtle so easily, so he had to deal with Dalubi first!

Then he could form a two-on-one situation that was favorable to him!

Then he looked at Growlithe.

Now Growlithe was lying on the ground with a dizzy look.

This was the first time it had used the Flame Wheel to spin around for so long, and it had hit the Coal Turtle's hard shell. The reaction force was no joke.

Growlithe's head was buzzing, and it couldn't recover for a while.

So now it could only rely on Kapok Ball to quickly get rid of Dalubi.

Kapok Ball took a deep breath and used all its strength to spray out a gorgeous pink storm to attack Dalubi.

Dalubi saw the fairy-attribute attack that he feared coming, and his face turned ugly on the spot.


At this critical moment, the coal turtle suddenly stood up and blocked Dalubi!


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