Winning so much money in the first underground competition! It is undoubtedly something that many people cannot do!

If such a large number is spread out, it will definitely make many civilian trainers envious and jealous!

"Two hundred million, just stop after this fight."

Qin Ze thought so, this amount of money is enough to buy many top resources.

And if he continues to fight, he might get into trouble.

Now Qin Ze can be said to be the rising star of the underground battlefield. After hearing about such a powerful figure, many people immediately came here to watch and place bets, all wanting to make a fortune by relying on Qin Ze's strength.

Such a dazzling rising star naturally attracts more challenges.

Now Qin Ze's opponent is the 23rd level armored rhinoceros!

At this time, on the ring next to him, the beautiful wrestler Malanla defeated another opponent and was dancing hotly.

Normally, if she did this, she would definitely attract a lot of cheers, but this time she got fewer cheers.

"Strange? Where are the audience?"

The beautiful wrestler looked around in confusion, and found that there were a lot of audiences on Qin Ze's side.

"Are you the new little brother? It's your first time here, and you dare to be more dazzling than me. It's really unforgivable."

The beautiful wrestler's eyes flashed with a strange luster, and she stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips.

At this time, Qin Ze was concentrating on fighting with his opponent.

The opponent was a man with a mask on his head, staring at the airplane. There was a very sharp blade on each side of the horn of his armored rhinoceros. If it was touched lightly, it would cut and bleed.

And now the armored rhinoceros has taken banned drugs and is in an excited state, which can temporarily forget the pain.

"Armored Rhino! Horn Butt!"

The Armored Rhino immediately rushed towards the Wind Speed Dog at full speed. The cold horns of the rhino and the two sharp knives on both sides made people scared.

"Windy Dog! Move to the side of the armored rhino at high speed and bite him!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered!

Windy Dog immediately used high-speed movement to turn into a shadow and disappeared on the spot. The next second, it appeared on the side of the armored rhino. Then it bit the armored rhino.

"Throw it out!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

Overhand throw is a fighting technique, but this is not a game, there is no rule that you must learn this skill to use overhand throw.

As long as you master the technique of making the opponent lose their center of gravity, and then have enough strength to lift and throw them out, any Pokémon can imitate 427. By the way, many Pokémon can learn fighting techniques such as boxing and kicking to improve their combat effectiveness.

Although the wind speed dog crawls on four legs, it can still achieve a similar effect of overhand throw with its amazing bite force and its own huge strength!


The Armored Rhino was thrown to the ground by the Windy Dog, making a loud noise.

The whole ring was shaking.

The wire mesh and the floor of this ring were made of high-quality metal. If a heavy Pokémon was thrown down suddenly, it would definitely be seriously injured and difficult to stand up.

However, this Armored Rhino, who had taken medicine, was not afraid of the pain. He turned upside down and kicked the Windy Dog with his two legs to make it retreat!

Then the Armored Rhino immediately turned over and attacked the Windy Dog!


Qin Ze ordered immediately.

Before the armored rhino hit him, the wind speed dog immediately disappeared from the spot, and the next second he appeared behind the armored rhino and kicked it!

The armored rhino was kicked out directly because of its inertia and hit the wire mesh heavily!

However, this still had no effect on it.

"Rock Seal!"

The man with the airplane head immediately changed his strategy and used rock attacks, which were very useful against fire!

After receiving the order, the armored rhino immediately summoned a large number of rocks and threw them at the wind speed dog.

""Move at high speed!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately!

The wind speed dog immediately entered a high-speed movement state, dodging the falling stones back and forth.

However, if it was in an open area, the wind speed dog could run out of range and avoid being hit by the stones.

But the ring was relatively narrow. After the wind speed dog moved for a while, the ring was full of stones, which hindered its movement and hit the stones one after another.

"Right now! Horn ramming!"

The man with the airplane head immediately ordered!

The armored rhino rushed over immediately, smashing the rocks blocking the way one after another, and rammed the body of the wind speed dog!

Moreover, the sharp horns and two sharp blades successfully stabbed into the body of the wind speed dog!

Blood spurted out, and the wind speed dog had to show a painful expression!

Just like that, the armored rhino rushed towards the iron net!

"Windy Dog! Gather flames with your hind legs, stomp on the floor, and throw the Armored Rhino on your back!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

After receiving the order, Windy Dog endured the pain of his wound being torn. Gather flames under his two hind legs, and stomped on the floor fiercely.

The floor set off a strong explosion!

The explosion set off a powerful upward explosive force, which was directly fed back to Windy Dog!

After Windy Dog felt the power of the explosion rushing up, he immediately used his own strength to lift the Armored Rhino up in an instant.

This method of borrowing the power of the explosion to assist his own strength was what he learned after defeating the little fire horse in the Red Flame Gym!

The Armored Rhino was hit hard on the wire mesh, and Windy Dog took the opportunity to pull out the horn and knife of the Armored Rhino, and immediately jumped to the other side to create distance.

"Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze wanted to make a quick decision!

Wind Speed Dog immediately burst into a fierce flame, hugged itself and spun, rushing towards the armored rhino like a Mercedes!


The terrifying explosion sound filled the entire underground battlefield!

The scorching heat wave accompanied by a large number of sparks spread around, scaring many spectators to disperse quickly.

But they were still affected and burned.

Now no one cares about this little thing, they just want to know who won. As long as they win money, burns are nothing!

Wind Speed Dog jumped out from the center of the explosion and stared at the opposite side.

I saw the armored rhino slowly walked out. It was now on fire all over its body, and it looked like it was in a state of burns.

But the strange thing was that even in this way, it did not show any pain, and its eyes were still full of crazy fighting spirit.

"Hahaha! I spent a lot of money to get this medicine. The Armored Rhino is now not afraid of any pain! This is another fire-attribute move of yours, how can it possibly work! Armored Rhino, kill it!"

The man with the airplane head shouted excitedly, feeling that victory was just around the corner.

After receiving the order, the Armored Rhino approached the Windy Dog, but each of its steps was very slow. After walking an unknown number of steps, its face finally changed, and it couldn't help but howl in pain.



This made its owner look confused.

But then the armored rhinoceros fell heavily to the ground and entered a state of near death.

"How is it possible! How could my armored rhino lose!"

The man with the airplane haircut shouted in shock.

"Not being afraid of pain does not mean that you are not injured. Pain is the body's alarm telling you that your life is in danger. If you don't even feel the pain, you won't know what happened."

Qin Ze said coldly.

Then he checked the injuries of the wind speed dog.

It was hit by stones several times, and there were three small holes in its stomach and it was still bleeding.

In addition, the continuous battles made the wind speed dog very tired. It was not in a very good condition now and could not continue to fight.

"Thanks to the high quality of the Fire Stone, your physique and flames have been improved."

Qin Ze said slowly.

The high-quality Fire Stone awarded by the system not only allows Caterpie to evolve into Arcanine.

The huge energy has greatly improved Arcanine's physique and further strengthened the power of the flames.

This makes Arcanines of the same level absolutely inferior to Qin Ze's Arcanine!

It also allows Qin Ze's Arcanine to fight above its level and even fight against ground-attributed Pokémons.

"Congratulations to Windy Dog for winning and getting 340 experience points"

"After doubling, it is 680 experience points"

"Congratulations to Arcanine for reaching level 22 and learning Flame Fang." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing this news, Qin Ze smiled.

I got more than 4,000 experience points today, and finally there is a result!

""Ramon, can I stop the game now?"

Qin Ze asked.

In the previous game, he bet 200 million yuan, 1 to 1, which means he earned half of his original money, which means Qin Ze has won 300 million yuan now, so he can stop!

It just so happens that no one dares to come up and compete with him now, so he can take this opportunity to leave.

"Of course, no problem."

After Ramon finished speaking, he looked at some people in the corner. Those people's expressions were not very good.

They were the organizers. When doing business, they naturally hoped to get the biggest share. However, Qin Ze won several hundred million in one night, which was undoubtedly a big loss. That's why they kept arranging people to compete with Qin Ze to win back.

In the end, they all lost.

Qin Ze put away the wind speed dog and prepared to leave the ring.

"Wait a minute! Student A, I want to challenge you!" Just then a passionate female voice came!

���She ran onto the stage from the other side, with her left hand on her waist and her right finger pointing at Qin Ze. Even with a mask covering the upper half of her face, she couldn't hide her strong fighting spirit and provocative smile.


Qin Ze didn't expect that someone would come up at this time, and he had to feel troubled.

"Yes! A beautiful wrestler! She's on stage too!"

"Now it's interesting. She has defeated the armored rhino before, so maybe she can defeat Student A!"

After seeing the beautiful wrestler come on stage, the audience below shouted excitedly.

Seeing so many people cheering for her, the beautiful wrestler smiled very proudly.

"Student A, are you willing to accept my challenge? If you dare to run away without a fight in front of so many people, you are a coward!"

The beautiful wrestler deliberately stirred up the emotions.

The people in the audience shouted the word coward!

"Learn to be a man and don’t reject a woman’s provocation!"

"Fight again! Defeat her!"

"I haven't won enough yet!"

The audience was urging Qin Ze to continue the competition.

He didn't expect that there would be such a situation, which opened Qin Ze's eyes.

"What do you think? Little boy, are you going to admit that you are a coward?!"

When the beautiful wrestler said this, she emphasized the word coward!

""Coward! Coward! Coward!"

All the audience shouted the word"coward" with all their might, forcing Qin Ze to continue the game.

This situation made Qin Ze's face darken, and he looked at the beautiful wrestler unhappily. This woman was a bit too much.

The beautiful wrestler saw that Qin Ze's face was not right, and immediately smiled evilly.

"Don't stare at me like that. After all, I really want to fight with you. Who knows when I can see you again after this farewell?"

The beautiful wrestler immediately put on a delicate posture, winked at Qin Ze, and flirted with him.

This two-level reversal made Qin Ze not know what expression to show.

"How about this, as compensation, if I win, I can let you taste the flavor of my steamed buns."

After the beautiful wrestler finished speaking, she raised her breasts that were about to burst out with her hands.

These words made all the men's blood boil!

"On the contrary, if you lose, how about giving me your Windy Dog?"

The beautiful wrestler said as she took out the Poké Ball.

"You're crazy! Why would I agree to you? If you want to fight, hurry up. Ramon still bets all on me!"

Qin Ze immediately took out the Poké Ball after he finished speaking

"Come out!"

The beautiful wrestler immediately threw out the Poké Ball and released Magna

"Prepare to fight! Wind Fairy!"

Qin Ze immediately released the Wind Fairy. He remembered that the Wind Speed Dog was in a bad state and could not continue to fight.

"Eh? Wind Fairy!"

The beautiful wrestler was stunned when she saw that it was not Windy Dog, but Wind Fairy.

Not only her, but others also had the same expression.

"The wind speed dog is already very tired, so of course I have to change the elf."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he looked at Majura with an appreciative eye.

It was actually level 23, and the wind fairy was only level 19 now. The difference of 4 was quite troublesome, but Qin Ze still had his own support.

After listening to Qin Ze���After that, the audience looked at each other in dismay.

It seemed that they were full of enthusiasm, but in the end, they were poured a bucket of cold water, and they were in a very unhappy mood.

"Now enter the one-minute betting time!"

The host didn't care about that and continued to arrange the betting.

Because Qin Ze changed to the wind fairy, his odds suddenly became 1 to 2.

If Qin Ze wins, he can win 600 million!

Many people are hesitating about who to buy.

If Qin Ze still uses the wind speed dog, many people will definitely buy him.

But the grass attribute of the wind fairy will be restrained by the ice attribute of Ma-la.

But Ma-la has evil attributes and will be restrained by the fairy attribute of the wind fairy.

It is a state of mutual restraint.

No one knows who will win, and no one can make up their minds.

With fifteen seconds left, they can only take a gamble and place bets one after another.

"The game begins!"

After one minute of betting time, the host immediately shouted

"Mamura! Ice boulders!"

"Wind Fairy! Fairy Wind!"

The beautiful wrestler and Qin Ze immediately issued the order at the same time!


After Ma Xianla received the order, two irregular pieces of ice immediately appeared in his hands, like iron spikes, and then quickly threw them towards the wind fairy! The ice pebbles are a preemptive attack, just like a flash of lightning. Unless the opponent uses a preemptive defense move that can see through it, the opponent will quickly attack first!

At this time, the wind fairy just spit out the fairy wind and collided with the ice pebbles flying in front of it.

Although the fairy wind slowed down the impact of the flying ice pebbles, it still caused considerable power to it after hitting the wind fairy.

"Wind Fairy!!!"

The wind fairy rolled back in pain. Fortunately, it used the Fairy Wind to mitigate the impact of the ice boulder. Otherwise, it would be more seriously injured if it was hit.

This is the trouble of the level gap!


Don't worry: ⚡︎ m1

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