"Wind fairy, can you still hold on?"

Qin Ze asked the wind fairy who looked uncomfortable.

Wind fairy:"If you have the guts, get hit by such a big ice cube, I'll see if you can hold on!"

Qin Ze:"Very good, you have the energy to scold me, which means you can hold on! Keep fighting."

Wind fairy:"Unscrupulous shit shoveler!"

"Then, it was over. It was killed in two moves. Your Wind Fairy is too weak. You should have released the Windy Dog."

The beautiful wrestler said with a disappointed look on her face.

"Don't say that, maybe you will be the loser later."

Qin Ze said with a sneer.

"Humph, you are still stubborn. Ma, use your metal claws to get rid of the wind fairy!"

The beautiful wrestler gave the order with a bored look on her face.

She originally wanted to have a good fight with Qin Ze, but she didn't expect to win so easily. This feeling made her very unhappy.

Forget it, this is the price Qin Ze pays for looking down on others!


Ma-la shouted excitedly.

His claws immediately took on a layer of silvery metallic luster, and they looked even sharper.

"Paralysis powder."

Qin Ze quickly ordered

"It's too late!"

However, the beautiful wrestler shouted disdainfully.

At this time, Ma'la was already rushing towards the wind fairy at full speed!

The metal claws with steel attributes can restrain the wind fairy with fairy attributes!

Just touch the wind fairy once, and the wind fairy will be killed instantly and enter a dying state!

The wind fairy seemed to be stunned, just standing there motionless watching Ma'la approaching herself.

Qin Ze did not specifically order the wind fairy to dodge, just watching calmly

""Tsk, am I too obsessed with him?"

The beautiful wrestler immediately showed displeasure when she saw the stupid reactions of Qin Ze and the Wind Fairy.

When she thought about how interested she was in Qin Ze just now, she felt like a fool.

All the audience watched nervously as Ma Xiula's claws were about to touch the Wind Fairy.

The faces of those who bet on Qin Ze to win were as ugly as they could be. They had invested a lot of money, and it was all gone!

They were all crying and shouting.

On the other hand, those who bet on the beautiful wrestler were more excited than each other. They were going to win a lot of money this time!

It was all thanks to Qin Ze's stupidity!

Just when everyone thought that the Wind Fairy was bound to lose.

A strange scene appeared!

Ma Xiula's claws suddenly stopped when they were about to touch the Wind Fairy.

Not only the claws, but Ma Xiula's whole body stopped, and it did not continue to attack at all.

""Ma'la! What are you doing? Why don't you get rid of the wind fairy!"

The beautiful wrestler saw that her own Ma'la had stopped attacking on her own initiative, and she immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

However, no matter how the beautiful wrestler shouted, Ma'la just didn't move.

All she could see was that Ma'la's whole body was trembling slightly, and it seemed that she couldn't make any big moves.

"How could this happen? Could it be! It's paralysis!"

The beautiful wrestler immediately realized what was going on. Her Majula was paralyzed! As a result, she could not continue to attack!

"How is it possible! My Mamaura attacked before your Wind Fairy, how could your Wind Fairy have time to use the paralysis powder!"

The beautiful wrestler couldn't accept this fact and shouted in shock.

"Theoretically, this is true, but my wind fairy's characteristic is mischievousness. Now you know what's going on."

Qin Ze smiled and explained.

"Mischief? What! It's actually a mischief!"

The beautiful wrestler was stunned at first, and then she remembered what a mischief was, and her face suddenly changed to an extremely ugly state.

"The elves with a mischievous heart will use transformation-related moves first, even if the opponent is faster than them or uses a preemptive attack."

Qin Ze explained with a smile.

""No, the mischievous heart is useless to evil spirits. My Ma-la has evil attributes!"

The beautiful wrestler felt that there was still a problem and shouted anxiously. Her chest was bouncing up and down with excitement.

It attracted the attention of many people.

"That's true, but when did I let the wind fairy use paralysis powder on your Ma-la?"

Qin Ze said with a sly smile.

"The condition for Mischief to be ineffective against evil attributes is to specify a certain evil attribute Pokémon to use a transformation-type move, but I didn't let the Wind Fairy use the paralysis powder specifically on Mara-la, I just let it use the paralysis powder on the air in front and wait for Mara-la to crash into it. It's just a very simple word game."

Qin Ze explained with a smug smile.

He had thought about the problem that Mischief would not work on evil attributes before, but after reading the settings more, he noticed this text loophole, so he specifically found a few evil attribute Pokémon to test it.

Sure enough, it can really exploit the loophole and work successfully on evil attribute Pokémon.

Of course, this little trick can only be limited to moves like paralysis powder, which can set traps in advance. Moves like shouting that must specify the target can't be used.

"Now, your Ma'la is paralyzed, and you have to let my wind fairy slaughter you."

Qin Ze said with a sneer.

As soon as Qin Ze finished speaking, the wind fairy also showed a very friendly smile.

This made Ma'la, who was close at hand, look very unhappy.

"Wind fairy! Fairy wind!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order, using the fairy wind that is very useful against evil attributes!

"Wind demon!!"

The wind demon immediately spit out a pink storm with all its strength, which contained its strong resentment.

It was hurt by the ice just now, and now it must take revenge!


After being blown away by the fairy wind, Ma-la felt great pain.

It had evil attributes, and once it was hit by a fairy attack, the damage it received was extremely large. It screamed continuously as it flew away.

"It’s not over yet, Flying Leaf Knife!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders, letting the wind fairy use the Flying Leaf Knife to sweep Ma Xiula.

Then he immediately used the fairy wind to strengthen the power of the Flying Leaf Knife and continued to torture Ma Xiula.

Poor Ma Xiula was now like a sandbag, he could only be beaten and had no room to fight back.

""Ma-la! Get rid of the paralysis quickly!" the beautiful wrestler shouted anxiously.

However, it is not so easy to get rid of the paralysis by yourself.

Unless the resistance is high, it is impossible to get rid of it.

In other words, Ma-la now has no other way except to be a sandbag.

After being attacked countless times, Ma-la finally lost her ability to fight and entered a dying state.

"Ma-la lost! The Wind Fairy won!"

The host was shocked by the result, and his words were full of shock.

The audience who heard the result showed two expressions.

One was ecstatic, as if they had survived a disaster, because they all bet on Qin Ze. At first, they saw Qin Ze being beaten, and they thought he was doomed to lose, but they didn't expect that he would win after such a sudden turn of events.

That way they could win money!

The other was naturally melancholy, grief and sorrow, because they all bet on the beautiful wrestler.

They thought they could make a lot of money from this, but they didn't expect to lose so badly!

Although they didn't lose everything, it was almost the same! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Qin Ze! You have won 600 million this time! Even if you deduct the 20% handling fee here, it is still 480 million! Hahaha! You are a super rich man now!"

Ramon below shouted excitedly to Qin Ze.

In the underground battlefield, there are occasionally people who win over 100 million, but people like Qin Ze who have won 600 million in just 12 games are absolutely unprecedented!

This will become the biggest legend of this battlefield!

Of course, the main reason is that Qin Ze's odds were too high at the beginning, allowing him to win enough capital in the first few rounds to earn so much. In any case, it is Qin Ze's ability.

"Congratulations to the Wind Fairy for winning and getting 320 experience points"

"After doubling, it is 640 experience points"

"The level of the wind fairy is increased to level 20"

"Congratulations to the Wind Fairy for learning how to grow"

"Thank you for your hard work, Wind Fairy"[]

Qin Ze smiled and stroked the soft head of the wind fairy.

Wind Fairy:"Humph, you didn't let me sleep late at night and called me out to fight, you must compensate me!"

Qin Ze:"Okay, I'll give you an extra meal at noon tomorrow."

Wind Fairy:"That's good enough."

"Oh my, I actually lost, I underestimated you, little brother."

Just then the beautiful wrestler came over, her eyes conveying praise

"Take a closer look at your wind fairy, she is very cute, wow! So soft!"

The beautiful wrestler talked to herself while hugging the wind fairy, with most of her body pressed against her.

In this way, her plump parts were tightly pressed against the body of the wind fairy.

This made the wind fairy show a very happy expression.

Qin Ze watched from the side with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

Qin Ze:"Aren't you a female? Why do you have such a perverted expression."

Wind fairy:"Who doesn't like soft and comfortable things? Don't think I don't know that human women can also be perverted, ah~~ so comfortable."

Qin Ze felt embarrassed when he saw this.

After seeing the wind fairy so happy, the audience below showed envious expressions and wanted to bear such a great sin on behalf of the wind fairy.

They have never had a moment when they wanted to be Momonosuke so much....Ah! Cute elf!

"Oh, are you jealous?"

At this moment, the beautiful wrestler smiled evilly at Qin Ze.

"Ah? I didn't!"

Qin Ze immediately shook his head vigorously to deny this.

"Don't be nervous, I can see it at a glance, don't worry, I just said it, you have a share too."

After the beautiful wrestler finished smiling, she hugged Qin Ze's head without waiting for Qin Ze to react, and then


(Not suitable for children...River crab passing by...Afraid of being blocked...)


After seeing this scene, the audience around them howled with excitement.

Everyone had an expression of envy and jealousy.

Although the face of the beautiful wrestler could not be seen, her figure was amazing! How many people wanted to have a kiss with her.

Many people who challenged her asked her to do something excessive if they won.

But no one succeeded!

Only Qin Ze actually did it!

How could this not make others envious!

After hugging for a while, the beautiful wrestler let go of Qin Ze.

""Ha! Ha! Ha!"

After Qin Ze got rid of the suffocating smell, he took a deep breath of fresh air.

It was strange that he felt suffocated just now, but after getting rid of it, he was very reluctant to let go.

"Little brother, let's meet next time. I will definitely beat you then. If I beat you, you must give me the Wind Speed Dog and the Wind Fairy."

When the beautiful wrestler said this, she did not forget to wink at Qin Ze.

Then she turned and left.

It was just in time to see her twisting buttocks, like a cat scratching its claws, which was particularly tempting.

"Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, calm down, calm down."

Qin Ze took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Wind Fairy:"Shit shoveler, are you feeling comfortable?"

At this time, the wind fairy next to him was looking at Qin Ze with a sly smile on his face.

Qin Ze could only cough twice helplessly, then quickly put the wind fairy back into the Poké Ball, and immediately left the stage.

""Brother! Congratulations, you are now a billionaire, how do you plan to spend so much money?!"

Ramon said, patting Qin Ze on the shoulder with a smile.

He was the one who bet on Qin Ze to win, although the principal was not as much as Qin Ze's, but he also made tens of millions, enough to live a carefree life for the rest of his life!

""Buy props for elves."

Qin Ze replied.

With this money, he can buy the best combat props, training props, elf rations, effort value enhancement potions, etc., to improve the strength of the elves in all aspects.

Each of these things is very expensive, not to mention that they are the best, costing hundreds of thousands to millions.

If it were before, Qin Ze could only look at it, but now that he has money, he will spend it.

"You already have so much money, but you still want to invest in Pokémon? If it were me, I would have stopped being a trainer and enjoyed life."

Ramon shrugged in confusion.

He was not a trainer, so he naturally did not understand Qin Ze's approach.

Qin Ze just smiled after hearing this. Everyone has different ideals.

Most people want to live a good life and then become trainers. Since they have more money than they can spend in the rest of their lives, there are many people who give up the path of being a trainer.

But Qin Ze is different. He wants to go further.

"Wait a minute, boy A"

At this moment, several tattooed strong men blocked Qin Ze's way.

"Ramon, you have nothing to do next.

A man with a scorpion tattoo glared at Ramon and said

"Yes, yes. You guarantee that they are all bodyguards of the underground battle field."

When Ramon saw these people, his legs were shaking with fear. After reminding Qin Ze, he ran as fast as he could!

Qin Ze squinted his eyes and scanned the group of people in front of him and said,"Why, you guys in the underground battle field can't afford to lose? Are you jealous of me for winning so much money?!"

And... Bất Hủ

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