""Is the wind speed dog okay?"

Qin Ze shouted to the bottom of the cave.

Wind speed dog:"Master, I'm fine, it's so empty down there!"

After hearing the voice of the wind speed dog, Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then wondered why it was so empty down there.

Then he looked down again and saw the figure of the wind speed dog running back and forth.

"Is there a huge underground space underneath?"

After Qin Ze thought of this, he took out a very strong rope and a steel nail from the space, fixed the rope, and then slowly went down.

When Qin Ze went down to the position of the wind speed dog, he confirmed that his guess was correct.

There really is a huge underground space underneath, but it is just like a subway that spreads back and forth.

"There is such a large space here, where is the treasure?"

Qin Ze was most concerned about the treasure.

He looked around and found a gray ore under the rock wall next to him, but from the luster it looked a bit like crystal.

"Wind Speed Dog, dig out the ore.

Qin Ze immediately ordered


After receiving the order, the wind speed dog immediately dug out the ore and brought it to Qin Ze.

"This is...Could this be it?"

Qin Ze looked at the ore in his hand and remembered something, but he needed more confirmation.

"Windy Dog, use sparks to attack this ore."

Qin Ze said, and then threw the ore to the ground, letting Windy Dog attack with sparks.

After receiving the order, Windy Dog immediately released sparks to attack the ore.

After a bombing, a large black and burnt pit had been blown out of that place, but the ore looked intact!

"It is that! Graystone crystal ore!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but shout out excitedly after recognizing this thing.

Graystone crystal ore is a treasure unique to this world. It is very hard and is the best choice for building materials and other industrial materials. However, the most important thing is that it can enhance the attribute energy of ground and rock elves, making them more powerful when using ground and rock skills.

Therefore, it is the favorite food of all ground and rock elves.

It is said that elves of other attributes can also use it to enhance their ground skills.

But that is very difficult. Elves of other attributes cannot digest the ore as smoothly as ground and rock elves.

Many elves have terrible stomachaches before they have finished digesting it.

It needs to be processed before it can be taken.

Although the effect will be weakened after processing, this is the only way for elves of other attributes to take it.

"It just so happens that Windy Dog will learn ground-based skills later, so he can find someone to process it for him to take, but there should be more here!"There is definitely no way that there is only one place that can produce ore, so Qin Ze immediately turned on the detector. Sure enough, according to the detector, there are many red light spots nearby, perhaps they are all gray crystal mines!

When Qin Ze thought of so many treasures here, the corners of his mouth slid up uncontrollably.

Even if he can't use all of them for his elves, he can also exchange them for resources suitable for his elves.

According to the market price, the price of gray crystal ore is as high as 100,000 Dragon Country coins per catty. If the quality is higher, the value will be even higher.

Although Qin Ze now has several hundred million, but basically all of them are used for elves' rations, so he needs more sources of funds.

""Okay! Let's start mining!"

After thinking it through, Qin Ze immediately followed the instructions of the detector to look for crystal ore.

In half an hour, Qin Ze had walked through most of the places marked with gray crystal ore on the detector and stored them all in the space.

After this search, Qin Ze got 50 kilograms of gray crystal ore. If all these ores were used by ground-type and rock-type elves, their strength would be greatly improved!

"I don't know if there are more, so I'll just keep going forward and see."

Qin Ze did not forget to leave marks on the road as he moved forward, so that he would not be unable to find the way back.

"Hey, there is a bigger space here."

At this time, Qin Ze walked to a fork in the road. The space on the other side of the fork was very large, and there were even stalactites. It was quite different from the tunnel just now.

""Eh? This looks a bit strange."

Qin Ze compared the rock wall in the tunnel with that in another space.

He found that the texture and grooves of the rock wall were quite different.

The rock wall in the other space was quite smooth, which was formed naturally. The rock wall in the tunnel was very rough, and there were very uneven bumps on the surface, which looked as if they were artificially made.

At that time, Qin Ze was busy collecting gray crystal ore and did not pay attention to the condition of the rock wall.

Now it seems quite wrong.

Then Qin Ze walked into the stalactite space, looked around, and saw that there were several tunnels nearby, which was nothing.

But the key point is that even on the rock wall that is more than ten meters high, or even higher, there are one or two tunnels.

The entrance looks very irregular, and it grows in that kind of place, it doesn't look like it was formed naturally.

"Wait, there is another important question, why is there no elves here?"

Qin Ze looked around and thought of this question.

There are many ground-type elves living underground, not to mention that there is a huge gray crystal mine that helps ground-type elves. Why didn't it attract more ground-type elves?

Why didn't Qin Ze meet any elves along the way ?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and his scalp tingled.


In the next second, there was a sudden explosion from the tunnel Qin Ze had just walked through, followed by a crashing sound similar to falling rocks.

This sudden movement made Qin Ze immediately look at the tunnel nervously, with a cautious face, ready to take precautions at any time.

"What's going on? What happened there?"

Qin Ze picked up the Poké Ball carefully, and the wind speed dog next to him also took a fighting stance, revealing a fierce expression.

Now the wind speed dog's hair stood up all over his body. This is not just as simple as entering a fighting state, but as if facing a great enemy! There is nothing in front of it, but it makes it do this.

It can be imagined that the nature of the wind speed dog makes it feel something.

""Ding ding ding!"

Just then, the detector suddenly issued an alarm.

It was not the sound of detecting a treasure!

Qin Ze immediately picked up the detector, and saw a large red light spot approaching him at a high speed.

The red light spot represented a treasure, so why would it actively approach him?


Just when Qin Ze was in doubt, a big hole suddenly appeared in the rock wall in front of him, and then a black shadow that looked like a python came out of the hole. It was difficult to see its appearance clearly in the flying sand and rocks.

"Wind fairy! Fairy wind!"

Qin Ze quickly released the wind fairy and fairy wind to blow away the pile of sand and gravel, so that he could see clearly what the elf that suddenly appeared was.

It was actually a giant onix!

This giant onix looked more than fifteen meters tall, and the stone structure of its body was somewhat different from that of ordinary giant onixes, and the surface exuded a gray luster.

Giant onix:"Are you the one who stole my treasure? Your crime is unforgivable!"

Onix roared at Qin Ze angrily.

Qin Ze finally understood what was going on. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Those seemingly irregular tunnels were made by Onix when it moved underground!

Judging from the fact that Onix's skin is close to the gray crystal ore, it must be the result of long-term use of gray crystal ore.

If you look more closely, you will find that there are a lot of gray crystal ore stuck in the cracks of Onix's body. No wonder the detector reacted.

Obviously, this is actually the granary of this Onix, eating gray crystal ore everywhere to improve its strength. Unexpectedly, an uninvited guest like Qin Ze came today.

Qin Ze immediately opened the Eye of Appreciation to observe Onix, and the result he got shocked him.[]

【Elf: Onix ()】

【Level: 38】

【Attribute: Rock】

【Features: Hard Head (Even if you use a move that will be damaged by the reaction force, it will not be reduced)】

【Individual stats: HP (26), Attack (30), Defense (30), Special Attack (18), Special Defense (18), Speed (17)】

【Skills: Rockfall (novice), Impact (experienced), Harden (novice), Bind (novice), Rock Grinding (novice), Dragon's Breath (experienced), Curse (novice), Rock Slide (experienced), Screech (novice). Quicksand Abyss (experienced), Invisible Rock (experienced), Smash (novice)】

【Inherited Skills: None】

【Carrying items: Grey crystal ore】

【Potential: Gym Level】

【Future: Onix, who has good talent, accidentally found a large amount of gray crystal ore in an underground space, so he occupied it alone, ate it every day, strengthened his own strength and continuously improved his level. Finally, he became the strongest elf in the current secret realm, escaped from the secret realm and entered the human city! 】

After seeing Onix's information, Qin Ze couldn't keep calm this time.

It's actually level 38! It's the top of the pyramid in the C-level secret realm!

No wonder there are no wild elves here, they must have all been scared away by Onix!

Unexpectedly, he would encounter a terrifying existence that is more than ten levels higher than Wind Speed Dog on this treasure hunt, and some of his skills are actually veterans!

This is the first time Qin Ze has seen the word veteran, which means that Onix is particularly good at using some skills, not only increasing the power, but also saving physical strength and time.

This is a threshold that only elves above level 30 can enter!

Whether in terms of level or skill proficiency, Onix is much stronger than the three elves on his side.

There is no possibility of fighting at all!

Onix:"Is that you? How dare you steal my ore? Go to hell!" Onix looked at Qin Ze with contempt, but when he thought of him stealing his grey crystal ore, he almost spit out fire.

Then Onix opened his mouth and released a fierce breath!

This move is Dragon Breath!

This move is so fast that there is almost no time to breathe and react.


The dragon's breath hit Qin Ze's position fiercely, causing a very strong explosion!

Onix:"Humph, stupid human, this is the price of stealing my things."

Onix sneered disdainfully. At this time, when the smoke from the explosion dissipated and it could see clearly, it did not see Qin Ze's body. Then it immediately raised its head and looked carefully.

It found that Qin Ze and the others were more than 100 meters away from the explosion.

It was just that the wind speed dog had caught Qin Ze and the wind fairy in one bite, and was a little out of breath.

Just now, when the dragon's breath was about to hit Qin Ze and the others, the wind speed dog immediately used the speed to take Qin Ze and the wind fairy back to avoid it.

This process was quite dangerous. If the wind speed dog was a step slower, they would be in trouble!


Qin Ze ordered to flee without hesitation. Facing a large Onix with a huge level gap, it was definitely impossible to defeat it head-on. Another strategy had to be adopted!

So Qin Ze immediately hugged the Wind Fairy and sat on the back of the Windy Dog.

The Windy Dog directly used high-speed movement to run towards the nearest tunnel.

""Big Rock!!!"

Onix let out an extremely angry roar, and then straightened its body.

Then, rocks kept falling from above. This move was called rockfall! The overwhelming rocks smashed towards the road ahead, regardless of whether they could all hit Qin Ze, and they were just released continuously!

Although Windy Dog was very fast, the falling rocks were too dense and there were too many of them.

Windy Dog had no way to dodge, and it ran with its head held high. It was hit by more than a dozen rocks in succession and suffered considerable damage.

It slowed down abruptly and was about to stop!

At this moment, Onix's (Li Zhao) whole body was shining as if it had been wiped clean by someone, and then it came to Qin Ze and the others in an instant as if it had exerted an amazing speed.

"Rock grinding!"

Qin Ze recognized at a glance that this was a move used to increase speed in the rock system.

After catching up with Qin Ze, the big rock snake immediately formed a circle with its body, leaving the wind speed dog with no way to retreat!

""Onix, Onix, Onix!"

The next second Onix opened its mouth and roared fiercely.

This sound wave had a strong stimulating sound, just like the exaggerated version of the screen-breaking sound that we often hear!

In short, it is very uncomfortable to hear it.

""Ear-piercing sound!" Qin Ze recognized this move immediately. Through sharp and frightening sound waves, the opponent's defense was weakened!

When the rock snake finished howling, it immediately turned its body forward and raised its huge tail to gather powerful energy. It was preparing to use a slap to kill Qin Ze and the others in one move!

"Wind Fairy, paralysis powder!"

Qin Ze quickly ordered.

The rock snake, which had raised its tail and was ready to attack, suddenly became motionless. No matter how hard he tried, he could not recover immediately.

"Candlelight Spirit! Misfortunes never come alone!"

Qin Ze immediately released Candlelight Spirit and let it attack.

Candlelight Spirit already knew that things were not going well, and without hesitation, it burst out all its strength to attack Onix.

Misfortunes never come alone. The attack with double the power did not cause much damage to Onix, but only a burst of pain.

Seeing that Onix was successfully stopped, Qin Ze immediately ordered Windy Dog to take everyone away from here.

When Windy Dog had just run not far away, Onix had already released its paralysis state.

This is the level difference, not only the strength is different, but also the resistance to stacking negative buffs is different!


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